
County Councilman Stewart Jones: Nullification is the Rightful Remedy!

South Carolina Laurens County Councilman Stewart Jones tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.

Constitutional Enforcement Playlist:

Add your voice to this playlist if you are a local, state, or federal elected official. In about one minute, please tell us why you support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.

– Record and post it to your YouTube channel and share the link with us
– Record and get it to us through dropbox or something similar
– Contact us and we can probably arrange for someone to record it

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Phone your state senator and representative and ask them to oppose and vote against any Article V convention application:

Also, tell your state legislators to rescind Article V convention applications

If you would like to work with members of The John Birch Society and their allies to stop a constitutional convention, contact your closest JBS field coordinator here:

#StewartJones #ConstitutionalEnforcement

Nullification: Action Tools

VI Not V Tools at the Ready

Below are the tools you can use to go on offense against out-of-control big government without resorting to the very risky and inappropriate Article V convention procedure.

Basically the Article VI solution consists of creating an informed electorate that will hold its state and federal representatives responsible for enforcing the Constitution, and in particular for living up to Article VI, Clause 2 (only laws made in pursuance of the Constitution are constitutional) and Clause 3 (all state and federal representatives should obey their oath to support the Constitution).

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Model Nullification Legislation

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Article VI Not V Legislative Alerts

Nullification: the Article VI Solution

Nullification is the Article VI solution! Watch the 3-minute video above to learn how nullification can be used to rein in our out-of-control government.

Nullification is where the states refuse to implement unconstitutional laws. Founding Father James Madison generally supported nullification throughout his life, except in cases of misuse of the nullification process, such as occurred before the Civil War when South Carolina’s leaders mistakenly thought they could nullify a federal tariff, which had resulted from a constitutional act of Congress.

Nullification vs. Con-Con

This 4-minute video, “Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention,” provides a side-by-side comparison of the Article VI solution (constitutional enforcement and nullification) and the Article V solution (changing the Constitution by convention).

With nullification the Constitution is left intact as individual states refuse to implement or enforce unconstitutional laws within their states. While with a constitutional convention delegates from all states are brought together to consider making changes in the Constitution that will apply to the entire nation. While nullification upholds, preserves, and enforces the Constitution, an Article V convention poses a high risk of extensively revising or possibly completely rewriting the Constitution.

Rein In Big Government

For far too long, Big Government has operated outside of the limitations of the Constitution. As with any rule book, the limitations are only as good as those that are enforced. The Founding Fathers knew this and brilliantly included provisions in Article VI that we can use to rein in an out-of-control federal government.

Watch this video, “Rein In Big Government With Article VI, Not V,” as constitutional scholar Robert Brown explains how the Article VI solution is much better than an Article V Convention (aka a Convention of States or a Constitutional Convention).

The Constitution is the Solution

Please consider educating yourself and your chapter with The Constitution is the Solution Lecture Series.

Click here to watch online.

Rein In Big Government With Nullification

Nullification: The Rightful Remedy

What Is Article VI

Article VI is the Founders’ solution to big government. It refers to the sixth article of the Constitution, which states that only laws made in pursuance of the Constitution shall be the supreme law of the land (Clause 2) and that all executive, legislative, and judicial officers of both the federal and state governments shall be bound by oath to support the Constitution (Clause 3).

Therefore Article VI plays a key role in The John Birch Society’s educational program to enforce the Constitution. If the federal and state governments were to adhere strictly to the Constitution’s provisions, the federal government would be reduced to 20% of its current size and cost.

Article VI Not V Is the Solution #Article6not5

Rein In Big Government

Two-thirds of Americans named big government as the biggest threat (as compared to big business and big labor) in a recent poll. About 80 percent of all federal spending is unconstitutional.

America’s Founders fought a war for independence from out-of-control big government. Then they wrote a new Constitution that created a government limited to its proper role of protecting the God-given rights of the people. However, over the past century, Americans have increasingly neglected the Constitution’s limitations, leading to the modern-day problem of big government.

Big government can be reined in by creating an informed electorate that holds its state and federal officials accountable to the Constitution for rejecting (by nullification, etc.) all unconstitutional federal laws, orders, and decisions.

Why Article VI Not V

Many people are clamoring for the calling of an Article V convention to rein in big government. However, such a convention would result in changing the Constitution. But, is our problem with big government due to a flaw in the Constitution, or a flaw in the politicians?

A little reflection leads to the answer that our problem with big government is due to a lack of enforcement of the Constitution’s limitations on government, especially those in Article I, Section 8, which grants only certain very specific powers to Congress. Therefore, we need to rein in big government by enforcing the Constitution using clauses 2 and 3 of Article VI, not changing it using Article V.

Trump Trial Treachery | JBS News Analysis

The verdict of Trump’s so-called hush money trial only cemented in the minds of Americans that the justice system is not serving justice, but the Deep State.

Trump’s verdict reminds us of what we are up against. We’ll look into this and offer ways you can help in today’s Analysis Behind the News, perspective and solutions you won’t get anywhere else.

If you’re concerned about American independence and freedom, then please watch and take the recommended actions. Also, be sure to like, subscribe, and share, so we can break through Big Tech censorship and reach many others.


Learn About Nullification & Article VI of the Constitution by reading our free booklet download.

Order physical copies of the booklet for distribution.

Join The John Birch Society.

Trump Trial Treachery | JBS News Analysis

The verdict of Trump’s so-called hush money trial only cemented in the minds of Americans that the justice system is not serving justice, but the Deep State.

Trump’s verdict reminds us of what we are up against. We’ll look into this and offer ways you can help in today’s Analysis Behind the News, perspective and solutions you won’t get anywhere else.

If you’re concerned about American independence and freedom, then please watch and take the recommended actions. Also, be sure to like, subscribe, and share, so we can break through Big Tech censorship and reach many others.


Learn About Nullification & Article VI of the Constitution by reading our free booklet download.

Order physical copies of the booklet for distribution.

Join The John Birch Society.

Pastor Matthew Trewhella

Matt Trewhella serves as Pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church, located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He graduated with honors from Valley Forge Christian College in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Theology. He married Clara Tolnai in 1981, and they have 11 children and 35 grandchildren, including one great-grandchild. He has lectured at hundreds of Christian and political gatherings, and has been a guest on hundreds of radio and television shows. He has also been invited to speak to eleven state legislatures and multiple sheriffs, attorneys general, lieutenant governors, and governors.

He is the author of The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government. This is the first book written on the lesser magistrate doctrine in over 300 years. It has sold over 140,000 copies as of January 2024.

He published the first-ever English translation of the Magdeburg Confession (1550), which first formalized the doctrine of the lesser magistrates.

Pastor Trewhella founded Missionaries to the Preborn, the first Christian mission in America to target the preborn child as its people group. Since its foundation in 1990, six of the eight abortion clinics in Milwaukee have closed, and abortion in Wisconsin has dropped by over 60 percent.

He created the Tell the Truth Tours and Campus Town Tours, where large photographs of preborn babies — both developing in the womb and murdered by abortionists — are displayed.

He is the architect of the Tollway Oasis Rescue in which pro-lifers chained themselves to abortionist Aleksander Jakubowski’s Mercedes Benz when he stopped at the highway oasis on his way to Milwaukee on Interstate 94. Pastor Trewhella has spent 15 months in American jails for non-violently interposing at abortion clinics on behalf of preborn babies.

Promotional/Related Material

2:12 – Resources To Use In Action 

The John Birch Society has many tools to offer in this battle. Let’s begin with going to and clicking on our “Stop a Constitutional Convention” action project. There you will find the tools needed for talking with your state legislator, testifying at a Con-Con hearing, or simply educating yourself and others.

If you’re planning to meet with a legislator or preparing to testify at a Con-Con hearing, we recommend some of the tools from our “Learn More” section, where you can download several items.

When preparing to speak with a state legislator, download our PDF titled Talking Points About an Article V Convention. You might even find asking some questions from our Cross Examination Questions to be helpful. This will help show legislators that a Con-Con is a false solution.

If and when you plan to testify at a Con-Con hearing, there are several tools to help you. For example, there is a document titled Various Legal Expert Opinions, which lists statements from constitutional attorneys, judges, and other legal experts affirming the extreme risk that a runaway convention could happen.

There are even more documents, including several giving historical evidence proving that the Federal Convention of 1787 exceeded the authority of the commissions of all 12 states. It includes the resolution from the Confederation Congress recommending the convening of the convention, and the letter from the state of Rhode Island, which did not attend the 1787 Convention.

Besides testifying at Con-Con hearings and meeting with legislators, we also want to rescind existing applications. We provide a list of model Con-Con rescission resolutions. Find out if your state has any live Con-Con applications. If it does, it’s time to educate your legislators and urge them to introduce and pass a similar resolution. offers an easy tool for contacting your state legislators. Click on “take action”, then on “legislative alerts.” JBS sends out Email alerts whenever a new Con-Con development happens in a particular state; if you haven’t signed up to receive alerts, please do so NOW! Not only are the alerts great for contacting legislators, but you can share them with others — multiplying your efforts.

Also on our website is a list of legislator testimonials warning against a Con-Con and exposing deceptive tactics by Convention of States that you can share with others. Use this tool to convince others of the dangers of a Con-Con.

Let’s top things off by showing you the many pamphlets, article reprints, videos, and other resources to help you inform others with the truth. All of these can be found within our action projects or through our online store at

A must-have tool is The New American magazine’s Special Report titled “Article V Convention: Will It Work?” It discusses the many flaws and dangers of a convention — and just as importantly, it outlines multiple actual solutions to countering out-of-control government.

This Special Report also includes a handy list of short Con-Con talking points that you can use to build your confidence when discussing this topic with your legislators or other influencers, or when testifying before a committee.

A great item for handing out to others is the “Article V Convention: America’s Answer?” pamphlet. It quickly explains the dangers of a convention. And our “Nullification: The Founders’ Solution to Federal Overreach” pamphlet explains one of the most effective real solutions to federal overreach. Both pamphlets are perfect for mass distribution to legislators, influencers, and others in your community and state.

Our website is filled with information that explains why a convention would be dangerous in the present political and educational climate. Equipped with these tools — and with the truth — we will win the battle to safeguard the Constitution and preserve liberty.

Learn more about Article V and the amendment process by visiting