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UN Day of Shame |JBS News Analysis
Today is a somber day for American sovereignty and independence. If the Founding Fathers were still here, they would be in the town...
JBS Analysis is a John Birch Society podcast that presents the scoop behind the news. Host Bill Hahn, the CEO of JBS, uses his extensive knowledge of the anti-American agenda to help listeners understand what the news really means and how they can become involved in restoring the country they love.
Bill Hahn is the CEO of The John Birch Society, the patriotic organization that has been warning of incoming socialist tyranny for 60+ years. Under Hahn, the JBS has experienced exponential growth, as Americans are joining the effort to thwart the globalists’ plans to destroy America.
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Today is a somber day for American sovereignty and independence. If the Founding Fathers were still here, they would be in the town...
While hurricane clean up continues in the Southeast, stories from boots-on-the-ground citizen journalists are helping to demonstrate the proper role of government and...
As President Biden mentioned in his campaign-quit speech, he wasted no time calling for Supreme Court reform after the court repeatedly stepped in...
After a would-be assassin failed in his attempt to snuff out President Trump, some in the media are calling him out for his...
The U.S. Supreme Court certainly has given us a mixed bag of rulings since the overturning of Roe versus Wade. Some are winners...
A rising chorus of voices are telling the world what The John Birch Society has proclaimed since 1958: to get the United States...
A rising chorus of voices are telling the world what The John Birch Society has proclaimed since 1958: to get the United States...
The verdict of Trump’s so-called hush money trial only cemented in the minds of Americans that the justice system is not serving justice,...
The World Health Organization just announced it has made “ground-breaking progress” on health regulations that it says “have served the world well for...
You can certainly tell it’s election season. A time for candidates to make many promises they can’t or won’t deliver, and a time...
The European Union just announced plans for a central bank digital currency to be implemented at the end of next year. A member...
Still riding high on the wave of conservatism from last week’s CPAC, conservatives across this nation and some around the world, are congratulating...
Another week, and another United Nations shocking revelation. Supposedly, the United Nations was founded to facilitate peace between nations; however, it will be...
The blow-up between Texas and the federal government offers valuable lessons on sovereignty. However, these lessons are even bigger than Texas and stretch...
At a time when property rights and standards of living are under fire due to environmentalist extremism, freedom-lovers all around the world are...
So we’re told that a monumental deal was struck at the latest Climate Change conference that will phase out fossil fuels. But is...
Looking back on 2023, our Analysis Behind the News program highlighted about two dozen news items this year. We exposed Big Government’s advance...
President Joe Biden and China’s supreme ruler Xi Jinping recently met in San Francisco, along with leaders of about 21 countries caught in...
Last week, Navigator CO2 announced they were pulling their request from the Iowa Utilities Board that sought a permit to install a 1,300...
Over the weekend, all eyes were turned toward Israel after it was brutally attacked by the terrorist group Hamas. We’ll look behind the...
Last month we told you about how nullification was being utilized to save the Second Amendment in Illinois. Now, it’s New Mexico’s turn....
In less than a week’s time, South Dakota denied two carbon capture pipeline companies a permit to construct many miles of pipeline through...
If Americans don’t stand up for their rights, they will be steamrolled time and time again by government tyranny. We’ll look at a...
When a state’s supreme court rules against the Second Amendment, depriving citizens of their God-given right to self-defense and self-preservation in the face...
We’ve all heard the quip that we know a politician is lying when his lips are moving. Well, that begs the question, how...
President Biden recently attended a meeting hosted by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Lithuania. Everyone was focused on whether or not Ukraine...
California Governor Gavin Newsom recently made headlines with his latest attack on the Second Amendment. He’s proposed to add a 28th Amendment to...
Last week the U.S. Department of Justice issued a scathing report about the Minneapolis Police Department three years after George Floyd died in...
A few weeks ago, we called attention to the latest European Union efforts to get 3,000 farms shutdown in the Netherlands in order...
As the world big wigs return home from the secretive Bilderberg Group meeting in Portugal last week, Congress and Biden are locked into...
One week you’re a farmer, the next week the government calls you a polluter and wants you shut down. Sound crazy? Not if...
Last week, a Chinese ambassador got in trouble for telling the truth. Given his track record of aggressively asserting China’s diplomacy, Lu Shaye,...
Well, it’s happened again. There must be something in the air during the month of March that forces those advocating for a New...
Dutch farmers are facing up to a third of their industry going out of business. All due to battling so-called man-made climate change.Since...
Highly government-regulated banks that fail expose the attack on what was once sound American money. But more government-induced crises mean more regulation and...
We must stop the WHO power grab.Take Action:Inform Your County Sheriff, Local Gov’t., & InfluencersJoin The John Birch Society to protect American freedom...
Are you fascinated by the Hollywood movies of alien invasion? Many watching such movies as Will Smith’s Independence Day from many years ago...
Anyone watching the disturbing videos of the arrest of Mr. Tyre Nichols has lots of unanswered questions. We won’t attempt to speculate about...
Last week, President Biden wrapped up talks with his Canadian and Mexican counterparts at the North American Leaders Summit. What they discussed and...
Government is a force that can either aid in the protection of God-given rights or be liberty’s main enemy. The tipping point comes...
Say what you want about Elon Musk, but his exposure of Twitter’s internal policies to collude with the federal government to strip you...
With former President Donald Trump now officially in the 2024 presidential race, the American electorate will once again be targeted by the disinformation...
With the Christmas Holiday season fast approaching many of you may have already started or will hopefully soon begin buying gifts for your...
Once again, America may have to wait another month to learn of the balance of political power in Congress. Were election predictions off...
We’ve all heard the phrase, Think Globally, Act Locally. Before the big global warming hysteria began, hard left environmentalists used this phrase as...
If illegal immigrants show up outside your door, what are you to do? The answer may be different depending on which state you’re...
Former Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev died this last week. While he is largely credited with helping the so-called Iron Curtain come down,...
Hello all you semi-fascists! Apparently, if you believe in limited government and protection of the Americanist system of government as devised by the...
The raid on Trump’s resort shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. As was pointed out by the once-anonymous editorial in the New...
The Radical Left would love to get its hands onto crafting the Constitution. It may get its chance if a call for a...