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Freedom is the Cure

How can patriotic Americans make their country freer and more sovereign? In this podcast, John Birch Society’s Paul Dragu and guests discuss the issues that threaten liberty and prosperity and their correlative liberty-oriented solutions.

The John Birch Society has been warning of incoming collectivist tyranny for decades. Since 1958, the JBS has published a treasure trove of material detailing who and what are working to destroy the U.S.

Even adversaries recognize the JBS as an influential heavyweight, one having dubbed the organization as the “intellectual seed bank of the right.” JBS works to reduce the size of government and inspire more personal responsibility.

Paul Dragu is the communications director for The John Birch Society, an award-winning investigative journalist, and the collaborative writer of “Defector: A True Story of Tyranny, Liberty and Purpose.” Having spent the first half of his childhood in communist Romania, Paul is passionate about warning fellow Americans about the dangers of collectivism.

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War — Who is it Good For?

At the conclusion of World War I, globalists prompted the creation of the first intergovernmental organization, the League of Nations, to supposedly prevent...

The Gruesome Truth About Abortion

The potential striking down of Roe v. Wade has triggered rabid, wild-eyed leftist activists into a fury. In this episode, Paul discusses with...

Russia-Ukraine: What’s Next? 

On February 24, Russia invaded its Eastern European neighbor, Ukraine, sparking a regional war that has the potential to explode into World War III....