Constitutionalism Is Rising. But Many Republicans Still Don’t Get It
For many decades, Republicans and Democrats drove the country in the same leftist direction. Both parties have worked to make Big Government bigger,...
How can patriotic Americans make their country freer and more sovereign? In this podcast, John Birch Society’s Paul Dragu and guests discuss the issues that threaten liberty and prosperity and their correlative liberty-oriented solutions.
The John Birch Society has been warning of incoming collectivist tyranny for decades. Since 1958, the JBS has published a treasure trove of material detailing who and what are working to destroy the U.S.
Even adversaries recognize the JBS as an influential heavyweight, one having dubbed the organization as the “intellectual seed bank of the right.” JBS works to reduce the size of government and inspire more personal responsibility.
Paul Dragu is the communications director for The John Birch Society, an award-winning investigative journalist, and the collaborative writer of “Defector: A True Story of Tyranny, Liberty and Purpose.” Having spent the first half of his childhood in communist Romania, Paul is passionate about warning fellow Americans about the dangers of collectivism.
For many decades, Republicans and Democrats drove the country in the same leftist direction. Both parties have worked to make Big Government bigger,...
In this clip taken from Freedom Is the Cure’s episode, “Is Deep State’s Media Propaganda Crumbling,” Paul and Daniel Natal discuss how the...
Paul and Daniel Natal discuss how the ruling class uses modern communication avenues and prolonged education to manipulate people into obedient serfs who...
Is society about to flip? Daniel Natal cites a CIA study that suggests enough people have been red-pilled that the ruling class is...
For decades, American intelligence agencies and other entities connected with government have used mass media to propagandize Americans. However, a recent 2022 Gallup...
What do China, North Korea, Russia, and Cuba have in common? Not only are they totalitarian states with all power concentrated in the...
The conspiratorial Insiders are an ethnically diverse group who seek to create a global government ruled by them. One of their strategies is...
Collectivist ideas like communism do not originate from one particular ethnicity or religion. These ideas have been embraced all over the world by...
Mass migration is mass victimization of Americans and those risking their lives to cross over into the U.S. The New American magazine publisher...
The Jewish conspiracy tangent is a red herring that discredits the growing movement of people who realize a conspiratorial elite are working to...
Antisemitism is the collectivization of people into a group. It is contrary to individualism on every level. It dehumanizes humans and erodes individual...
Covid-19 tyranny convinced many people that a conspiracy for authoritarian one-world government was in the works. The alarming degree of global collaboration to...
There are two paths ahead. The first one is to continue down the monetary road we’re on, surely leading to complete collapse. The other path...
Record inflation is hurting millions of American families. But despite these recent symptoms, inflation is the result of an longstanding and immoral money...
The national debt keeps climbing, corrupt politicians continue to have a job, and the Republic’s general decline persists. Some believe now is the...
There exists a conspiracy to submerge all the countries in the world under a one-world totalitarian government ruled by a group of megalomaniacs....
What does freedom look like? For starters, there would be no national Health and Human Services Department and no CDC. In this clip...
America’s national government is far larger and more powerful than the U.S. Constitution allows. But many Americans don’t know this. In this clip...
America has always been the number one destination for those seeking freedom and prosperity. Although not perfect, no other nation in the world...
The globalists would love nothing more than total control of money, and thereby total control of you. In this clip, Executive Senior Editor...
What does a moral and fair money system that benefits everyone look like? In this clip, taken from an hourlong interview about inflation,...
It may be difficult to see inflation as a crime, but it is, says Executive Senior Editor of The New American Steve Bonta....
Today’s financial system is complex and often misunderstood by the average American. If more Americans knew how it works, there would likely be...
Today’s financial system is complex and often misunderstood by the average American. If more Americans knew how it works, there would likely be...
At the conclusion of World War I, globalists prompted the creation of the first intergovernmental organization, the League of Nations, to supposedly prevent...
Are the millions of people who refused the jab over concerns that it was harmful proving paranoid or correct? We are approaching the...
With the election of Giorgia Meloni as Italy’s new prime minister, Italians joined the Poles, Hungarians, the “far-right” Swedish Democrats, pro-Brexit Britons, Jair...
The Agenda 2030 carbon-capture pipeline scheme is threatening to destroy the property and livelihoods of hundreds of Iowa landowners. In this episode, Paul...
Many people believe that voting Republican will fix our problems. But what did Republicans fix when they were in charge? In this episode, Paul and Art...
America is awake and the threat of one-world totalitarian government is no longer just a “conspiracy” — it is out in the open...
While mainstream media obsesses over fake insurrections, fake sexes, fake “abortion rights,” and fake white supremacy, the very real threat posed by artificial...
Is population control cooky, paranoid nuttery — or a real plan being pursued by the international oligarch class? In this first of two...
Rational Americans know that our country’s governing class is out of control and tyrannical. But how tyrannical is it? In this captivating episode,...
As horrific mass shootings continue to ravage our nation, lawmakers on the Left continue to insist the problem is firearms and the answer...
The potential striking down of Roe v. Wade has triggered rabid, wild-eyed leftist activists into a fury. In this episode, Paul discusses with...
The potential overruling of Roe v. Wade has triggered rabid, wild-eyed leftist activists into a fury. In this episode, Paul discusses with Rebecca...
Despite what you hear — or don’t hear — from mainstream media, Americans still aren’t convinced that Joe Biden really won. The dust from the 2020 presidential...
In this episode, renowned veteran investigative journalist William Jasper discusses the possibility that Ukrainian neo-Nazis massacred their own people. He also dispels any...
Seventeen months after the story broke, the Washington Post and New York Times finally acknowledged the legitimacy of the Hunter Biden abandoned-laptop story,...
In this episode, filmmaker and researcher Trevor Loudon discusses the Marxist infiltration of the American evangelical Church and how that threatens liberty. Loudon’s...
Inflation was already at a 40-year high when gas prices skyrocketed to historic records. In this episode, Paul interviews Tom DeWeese, an expert...
For nearly two agonizing years, Dr. Anthony Fauci was the loudmouth of the American government medical machine. He was a media fixture, and...
On February 24, Russia invaded its Eastern European neighbor, Ukraine, sparking a regional war that has the potential to explode into World War III....
In this spellbinding interview, Paul discusses with leading Agenda 2030 expert Tom DeWeese how this nefarious global master plan is being implemented, the lie...
There exists a deceptive, “conservative”-led movement to open up the U.S. constitution for changes using a method that’s never been tried—by calling an...
In this episode, investigative journalist and speaker Alex Newman joins Paul to discuss transhumanism, a diabolical plot to merge man and machine, supported...
A little over a week ago, the world watched as thousands of semi-trucks and cars, many with the word “Freedom” inscribed on them,...
On January 6, 2021, chaos erupted in Washington, D.C. But nearly all important details of that hours-long melee have been disputed, suppressed, or...
While many conservatives celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion blocking Biden’s mandate that forced private employers to require their employees to be vaccinated, the justices’ reason for their...
Nothing sells freedom like tyranny. The tyranny leveled against Americans over the last two years has awakened millions who didn’t think it could happen...