
Anarchy & America

Anarchy & America by the John Birch Society
Anarchy & America exposes the tactics used by communists and radicals to incite civil unrest for the purpose of destroying America and ushering in global collectivism. In each episode, Host Christian Gomez discusses a specific subversive strategy with an expert guest. Christian Gomez is the research project manager at The John Birch Society. Watch it on Video

Create Semblance of Revolution: Sustainable Development | Anarchy & America

February 6, 2022 Episode

Christian Gomez interviews Tom DeWeese, the president of the America Policy Center and member the National Council of The John Birch Society, to explain the threat of sustainable development and the United Nations’ Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030 to fundamentally reorganize the world right down to your local community, all in the name of combating “climate change” and saving the planet.


1) Urge your state legislators to use nullification

2) Explore our Agenda 21-related materials

3) Turn your local community into a “Freedom Pod,” learn more at the American Policy Center