Mass Migration Tools at the Ready

“Out of Control: The Immigration Invasion” – An urgent warning ­from 1988 – 35 YEARS AGO!

Mass migration is a tool in the effort to merge the United States into a North American Union. This plan is supported by the establishment-oriented leadership of both parties, along with the Deep State and cultural Marxists. As with past civilizations, massive immigration is being used to fundamentally alter the nature of our constitutional Republic.

The Deep State and globalist elites understand that the vast majority of individuals from other countries and cultures have no knowledge or understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the philosophical principles held by the founding fathers. By importing these individuals en masse, which prevents their assimilation into American philosophy and culture, the elites are able to reshape the nation to their liking.

We do not oppose immigration per se. What we oppose is massive uncontrolled migration, both legal and illegal. Policies like higher legal immigration levels and new guest worker laws are as damaging to American sovereignty and exceptionalism as amnesty for illegals and failure to restore border security.

Contact your U.S. representative and senators and urge them to support pro-American immigration measures and to crack down on illegal migration and largescale legal immigration. Additionally, state legislators can — and must — take strong action themselves against mass migration.

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