
Crusade for Biblical Teaching

Christian faith leaders should be at the forefront in the effort to separate families from public education. Data compiled by the Nehemiah Institute shows the overwhelming majority of public-school children from Christian homes will leave the church and end up with a secular worldview.

All education is fundamentally religious in nature, despite the myth of religious “neutrality” and “secular” schooling perpetuated by the government-school establishment and its apologists. The only question is: What religion and what worldview is being taught.

The fathers of public education, Horace Mann and John Dewey, were antagonistic to Christianity. Among their reasons for wanting to implement universal education was ridding Christian values from American society. It is apparent the shedding of biblical values in American society has been incremental yet very successful. Anti-Christian government action has played a major role in decimating Christianity in America.  In 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court lawlessly banned prayer in school in the Engel v. Vitale ruling.  Then in 1963, the increasingly-bold Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, banned Bible reading in school, too. And in 1965, Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent, which opened the federal funding spigot.

Today government schools across America have become hotbeds of anti-Christian extremism. Highly controversial religious views and rituals from Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, humanism, and even human-sacrificing paganism are now ubiquitous. Christianity, meanwhile, when it is mentioned at all, is denigrated and mocked.

The long-term consequences of public schools are ravaging our nation, our culture, and our children. Only a strong religious revival, a spiritual movement with serious moral ambitions, can correct this problem. America’s faith leaders must step up. They were born for such a time as this.