
Fighting the Great Reset Begins Locally | JBS News Analysis

We’ve all heard the phrase, Think Globally, Act Locally.  Before the big global warming hysteria began, hard left environmentalists used this phrase as part of a bigger program to inculcate citizens, students, industry, and governments around the world to undertake local activities based on the dubious concept of saving planet Earth. 

We’ll look into this background that connects Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the Great Reset and suggest ways you can help restore the Republic in today’s episode.  Please be sure to take the suggested actions, including getting a free download of our latest booklet that further explains this and how you can fight it in your local community.


Download Exposing the 2030 Agenda for free to learn more and take action.

Tell Congress to Get Out of the United Nations.

Is Your Community an ICLEI Member?

Visit the Stop Agenda 2030 action page for more resources.

Join The John Birch Society.

Create Semblance of Revolution: Sunrise Movement | Anarchy & America

Christian Gomez interviews Alex Newman, senior editor of The New American, about a little-known yet highly important group known as the Sunrise Movement, in which violent street agitating Marxists, environmentalists, powerful tax-exempt foundations, and the Kremlin all converge to create the semblance of revolution. 


1.) Obtain copies of the Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation’s Intelligence Brief 2020 Special Report by calling 1-877-325-COPS

2.) Learn more about and join our Support Your Local Police ad-hoc committees

3.) Watch Alex Newman’s Behind the Deep State episode “Deep State Using Child Soldiers in War on America”

Stupidity or Conspiracy? | Activate America

There’s a saying in politics, “Nothing happens by accident.  If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”.  President Biden’s record illustrates this.  It’s not stupidity and it’s not an accident.  Watch what he’s doing.

Look at his policies on Afghanistan, oil, immigration and trillions of dollars spent on infrastructure.  Each policy is giving up more of our sovereignty. President Biden is moving America toward a socialist then communist country under the banner of the United Nations.  Join Arthur R. Thompson as he examines Biden’s record and why he’s doing it.


  1. Like and share this video with others.
  2. Learn more about action projects like “Get Us Out of the UN”. 
  3. Understand why we need to “Stop Mass Migration”.
  4. Shop for the book,”To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments”
  5. Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts or text JBS to 800-527-8721.
  6. Apply for JBS membership and get involved.

America’s Schools are Being Infiltrated… | Activate America

Parents are losing their 1st Amendment rights in opposition to what is happening to our schools, and in certain cases, being arrested at school board meetings. So what is being taught you may ask? Unfortunately, it’s not the real history. Instead, it’s Critical Race Theory and the globalist ideologies being pushed by the United Nations. Tune in to find out more on this episode of Activate America!

1.) Consider enrollment to Freedom Project Academy. Visit their website here
2.) Distribute The New American Magazine’s, “Save Our Children” Issue
3.) Apply for JBS membership and get involved

Globalist Deliberate Attack | Activate America

Globalists have been planning an attack for years.  Back in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation issued a report illustrating a scenario where a dangerous flu epidemic struck.  It detailed government lockdowns, how businesses and supply chains would be affected and more.

Join Arthur R. Thompson as he discusses the “The Great Reset” and the UN’s Agenda 2030 plan to impose controls on every aspect of life.