URGENT: President Trump has signed an executive order mandating a review of U.S. membership in all international organizations and treaties — and his administration is required to “provide recommendations as to whether the United States should withdraw from any such organizations, conventions, or treaties.” This comes as Trump already withdrew from the World Health Organization, Paris agreement, UN Human Rights Council, and other international bodies. Now’s the time for Congress to restore U.S. sovereignty by actually getting us out of the entire UN system. Urge your U.S. representative and senators to reintroduce and support legislation to restore U.S. sovereignty in the current, 119th Congress.
The United Nations is one of the greatest threats to U.S. national sovereignty and the God-given freedoms of Americans. It is imperative that Congress enact legislation to fully withdraw the United States from the UN and all its associated entities.
In the previous, 118th Congress, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) sponsored legislation (S. 3428 and H.R. 6645) to Get US Out! of the UN. When he introduced the bill in the Senate, Sen. Lee said:
At the UN’s inception in 1945, President Truman presented a choice between international chaos and the establishment of a world organization for peace. Yet, despite the UN’s existence, chaos abounds. Adversaries leverage their UN positions and the goal of peace is overshadowed by the ambition for supranational governance. The true hope for a peaceful world lies not in such global institutions but in the strength of our national sovereignty and the use of the strength of forge and continue to foster bilateral relationships around the world.
Furthermore, in a previous interview with The New American, Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) also made a strong case for terminating U.S. membership in the UN:
First of all, I don’t think we should be in the United Nations. It’s a collection of dictators, and you give them all a vote in the organization. I’m a sponsor of a bill to get us out of the United Nations, and to get the United Nations out of the United States [and] some related world associations, [such as the] World Trade Organization [and the] World Health Organization.
The World Trade Organization has been hostile to the United States. They are the ones who … “forced” Congress to take off the country of origin labeling for beef and pork. Obviously, they only forced the ones here who have weak minds … to get rid of those labels — but that came from the World Trade Organization. The World Health Organization has redefined things like the definition of “vaccine” and “herd immunity.” And then our own CDC is following suit and trying to redefine these terms.
It is Orwellian in the sense that they’re trying to control thought by controlling the language that we use. And for Joe Biden to throw in with all of that, it’s that we have a president like that.
— U.S. Representative Thomas Massie (2021)
According to a press release from the office of Senator Lee, their previously introduced bill would do the following:
- Repeals critical acts that bind the U.S. to the UN, such as the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and the United Nations Headquarters Agreement Act.
- Ceases all forms of U.S. financial support to the UN, including assessed and voluntary contributions.
- Prohibits any U.S. involvement in UN peacekeeping operations.
- Revokes diplomatic immunity for UN officials within the United States.
- Formalizes withdrawal from the World Health Organization and other UN conventions.
- Sets stringent conditions for any future engagement with the UN, requiring Senate approval with explicit withdrawal provisions.
Any newly introduced Get US Out! legislation should have the same provisions.
From the start, the UN was a project of the Deep State to achieve a one-world government. This goal is becoming increasingly apparent as the UN’s tentacles increasingly strangle the sovereignty of the United States and other countries.
The New American article “United Nations: On the Brink of Becoming a World Government” illustrates the breadth of the UN’s reach. The UN and its many agencies and associated entities, including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Global Development Learning Network, and the Office for Project Services have many offices around the world. The UN also has many thousands of “peacekeeping” soldiers stationed worldwide.
Not only is the UN already developing a world governmental bureaucracy, but its international-socialist policies are completely antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
Among other policies, the UN is pushing for extreme gun control, mass migration, totalitarian “climate change” measures, vaccine passports, indoctrinating children with leftist ideology, establishing a centralized global police force, and so much more.
The UN is also behind Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, which call for totalitarian control over the entire planet, including the U.S., the economy, our lives, and our children. The UN is also behind the Great Reset, along with its “Build Back Better” central-planning scheme that world leaders including Joe Biden have adopted.
As is evident, many reasons exist for withdrawing the United States from the United Nations. The article “Top Ten Reasons to Get US Out! of the United Nations” highlights the primary dangers of the globalist organization:
- UN grants rights that it can cancel; U.S. recognizes God-given rights that are unalienable and cannot be canceled
- UN seeks to disarm American citizens.
- UN is a lawless body that violates its own Charter’s Article 2 that forbids intervening in domestic affairs of member states.
- Each of the 10 men who have served as UN Secretary-General has been a Communist or a Socialist.
- Several portions of the UN Charter, such as Article 25, override the U.S. Constitution.
- UN “Regional Alliances,” such as NATO and SEATO, plus the UN itself rule our nation’s military.
- UN leaders oppose national sovereignty and favor a UN-led world government.
- State Department officials bow to UN instead of upholding the U.S. Constitution.
- Dozens of UN agencies headquartered around the world are building UN power over all nations.
- The UN seeks disarmament of all nations leading to it alone having a military arm.
It is imperative that Congress reintroduce and enact legislation to Get US Out! of the UN. Please contact your U.S. representative and senators, and urge them to so just that. Failure to act could mean the total loss of our Constitution and our God-given freedoms.
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