
Avoiding the Coming Lockdowns

Mask mandates are now coming back in some locations across the country and the highest levels of American government are discussing not only mask mandates in schools, but also federal mandates.

This and so much more surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines and the variants is reverberating throughout the media, and its talking heads are already prepping the American public for lockdowns. Given the tyranny we’ve been through, how many are ready to return?

We’ll explore this and offer some ways you can weather the tyrannical storm in today’s episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective and the plan to help restore American liberty and independence.

Action Items:
1) Prevent lockdowns by reading and distributing these article reprints to county sheriffs, mayors, city council members, county boards, town, city, and county attorneys, owners of local businesses, as well as state legislators and governors:
Scaring Us Into Submission
read for free
buy to distribute

Nullification: What State Legislatures are Doing
read for free
buy to distribute

The Great Awakening
read for free
buy to distribute

2) Learn more about the principle of nullification as found in Article VI:
download for free

Create Semblance of Revolution | “Sustainable Development”

Christian Gomez interviews Tom DeWeese, the president of the America Policy Center and member the National Council of The John Birch Society, to explain the threat of sustainable development and the United Nations’ Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030 to fundamentally reorganize the world right down to your local community, all in the name of combating “climate change” and saving the planet.

Urge your state legislators to use nullification

Explore our Agenda 21-related materials

Turn your local community into a “Freedom Pod,” learn more at the American Policy Center

Biden: No Amendment is Absolute

Americans are conditioned, now more than ever before, that government can curtail many of their freedoms in the name of safety. In his April 8th speech discussing gun violence, President Joseph Biden stated, “But no amendment – no amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” If Americans don’t start understanding the basic principles within our founding documents and demand adherence to them, our Constitution and Republic will be scrapped completely. Join Art Thompson as he discusses the dangerous path America is on and what you can do about it.

Read and Share:

1. “State Nullification: An Idea Deeply Embedded in American History”

2. “Federalism Is the Best Step”

GOP Advocates Police Takeover

Last week, Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina delivered the GOP response to President Biden’s address to Congress, which has helped to elevate media attention to the Senator’s proposed police reform bill. Last year, Senate Democrats weren’t on-board with it because they said it didn’t go far enough. This year, Senator Scott says there is more Democrat support for it. In today’s highly partisan-charged and divided world, is that a sign of progress or of compromise? We’ll look at this issue in this episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective and the plan to help restore American liberty and independence.

Educate Yourself:

1) Read and share “Federalism Is the Best Step”

2.) Read and share “State Nullification: An Idea Deeply Embedded in American History”

Dr. Fauci, What Number Gives Us Back Our Liberty?

Last week, during a contentious House of Representatives hearing Rep. Jim Jordan repeatedly asked Dr. Fauci for the number of COVID-19 infections when Americans could stop the masking theater.

Dr. Fauci’s non-answers perfectly show why Americans don’t trust government to fulfill even its responsibilities granted to it by the Constitution, let alone meddle in areas in which it has no business.

We’ll look at this exchange and suggest ways you can help get this country back on track in this episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective and the plan to help restore American liberty and independence.

Distribute the reprint “Nullification: What State Legislatures Are Doing”

Contact your state legislators and ask them to support nullification to save the Constitution

Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts or text JBS to 88588

Apply for JBS membership and get involved

Con-Con Action Tools

Constitutional Tools at the Ready

We are dangerously close to a risky Article V convention! Are you willing to let all your Constitutional rights disappear? We sure aren’t! We value the right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and all others secured by the U.S. Constitution and are ready to fight for its survival.

It’s a huge undertaking, but we are confident we have all the tools needed to preserve our current Constitution for many years to come. Download free action tools and further your constitutional knowledge with our articles, booklets, and many other materials created for us to succeed together. Download the PDFs under “Action Packets and Historical Resources for Legislative Testimonies” below and use them to create your own Con-Con action packets for legislators and committee testimonies.

Learn More

Legislator Testimonials

Learn More About Nullification, the Real Solution to Federal Overreach: Click here to download and read, The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government: Article VI, 25 pp.

Action Packets and Historical Resources for Legislative Testimonies

Model Con-Con Rescission Resolutions

JBS and TNA Resources

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Take Action

Con-Con Legislative Alerts

Freedom Is the Cure

Do we live in America or a Communist dictatorship? When is it ok for governments to force the closure of businesses or places of worship? Or what about mandating vaccines or vaccine passports?

The over-the-top response from all levels of government to Covid-19 betrayed the very foundations of our Republic. Rights have been trampled.

During the lockdown of America, schools, businesses, churches, and individuals are being bullied by government based on an unwarranted emergency. Will we get those rights back? That depends on you!

Your Rights Are Not Negotiable!

Your God-given rights cannot be revoked by government via any emergency loophole! The Declaration of Independence states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed….”

Americans Must Respond

Given the absolute hype by the media and government at every level, most Americans submitted to these draconian orders. After all, Americans are ruled by laws, so we willingly want to comply. But when the government tramples our rights, their orders must be met with swift and Constitutional pushback from the proper authorities.

The Proper Response

To understand these “proper authorities,” a lesson in American civics is warranted. America has a set of horizontal checks and balances set-up not only in the three branches of the federal government, but also a series of vertical checks within each state. For instance, We The People hold the bulk of the “consent to be governed.” Above that, governments are instituted to protect our rights.

Local governments are supposed to protect us from the next higher level of government. Municipalities protect us from county and state, the county from the state, and the state from the federal government. However, the county sheriff also has the power to protect his county from the federal government.

All of this protecting is called interpositioning (standing in the gap). These authorities essentially would nullify the unconstitutional orders that are harming the very fabric of our nation.

Additionally, many state legislatures have improperly delegated their powers to executive branch bureaucrats, who made many of the statewide Covid-19 decisions. Our elected representatives must reassert their authority over lawmaking.

With your help, we can effectively act to stop the virus and do so in a manner that respects our rights.

Terrorists couldn’t do any better to tank the U.S. economy, take away our freedoms, and cause mass hysteria among the American people. It’s time to stop the tyranny and clear the way for American healthcare to treat the virus!

Take Action

It is imperative that JBS members and supporters work together to restore medical freedom and roll back Covid tyranny. Here is what you can do right away:

  • If you haven’t already, join The John Birch Society and become part of a local chapter to learn more about the problem and coordinate effective action with other members.
  • Distribute and share the materials listed below — including the products, articles, videos, and legislative alerts — with your fellow citizens to create awareness of the importance of protecting medical freedom.
  • Urge Congress to support U.S. withdrawal from the World Health Organization and every other international organization or agreement that threatens medical freedom. These entities not only threaten our medical freedom, but our national sovereignty. You can begin by using our legislative alerts opposing the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty here.
  • Contact your state and local government officials. Urge them enact measures protecting individual liberty, preventing medical tyranny, and rolling back technocracy. This includes nullifying — under Article VI of the U.S. Constitution — unconstitutional mandates and edicts from other levels of government, a method that stopped many Covid restrictions in 2020 and 2021.

Learn More About How Local & State Authorities Can Nullify Covid/Medical Tyranny: Click here to download and read, The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government: Article VI, 25 pp.

Get Informed: Click here to read, “Malone: Covid & Mass Psychosis,” a 48-page special report on the coronavirus pandemic by The New American magazine, April 11, 2022 issue. See graphic on the right.

Learn More

Model Bills

Other TNA Articles

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Take Action

Fusion Centers and Gun Control: A Winning Pair for Tyranny

The battle to keep and bear arms is always constant. When criminal shootings occur, many lawmakers step into the ring to battle only those they can control: law-abiding citizens. If you think that it’s just the Democrats doing this, then stay tuned for a wake-up call in this episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective that you can use to help protect American liberty and independence.

Action Items:
1. Learn more about nullification through Article VI of the Constitution:
2. Read our booklet, the Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government:
Also available on Kindle:
3. Apply for membership in The John Birch Society:
4. Subscribe to our news alerts:

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#ReinInBigGovernment, #StopGunControl, #ProtectRights

National ID for Americans?

The Department of Homeland Security recently gave notice that starting October 1, 2020, every air traveler must present a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license, state-issued enhanced driver’s license, or other acceptable forms of identification, such as a valid passport or U.S. military ID, to fly within the United States. What does this mean for our privacy?

Related merchandise:
-The Solution to Big Government booklet:
-The Solution to Big Government DVD:
-The Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates:

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#Nullification #REALID #Limitedgovernment

Stop a Constitutional Convention: Video

Since 1787, America has chosen to avoid the risk of a new convention that could rewrite our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We must make sure that this doesn’t happen by understanding that a Constitutional Convention is an urgent threat to our rights.

Join us in watching these videos above to stay educated on a Constitutional Convention and help others realize the dangers on a Con-Con.