
Healthcare from a Doctor’s Perspective

May 25, 2016

Larry Greenley interviewed Dr. Glassheim about the pending health care reform bills in Congress on August 21, 2009.

Dr. Glassheim is an allergist and immunologist at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Neenah, Wisconsin, who treats both children and adults. He is also an assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.

The interview ranged over such topics as what should our nation’s medical care system be, what is your reaction to the widespread opposition to a government takeover of our health care system at congressional town halls, what is the impact of medicare and medicaid patients on doctors’ practices at present, what would the impact be on our health care system if additional tens of millions of patients receive coverage at Medicare rates of reimbursement, what is your opinion of the so-called bipartisan compromise with “health care cooperatives” in place of the “public option,” and what do you recommend that voters tell their representatives and senators?