
Conservatives are Being Duped into Destroying the Constitution

There exists a deceptive, “conservative”-led movement to open up the U.S. constitution for changes using a method that’s never been tried—by calling an Article V constitutional convention, or Con-Con. The Con-Con is being pitched as the way to save the country, and many well-meaning patriots are being duped into believing it. However, it would do the opposite of saving the country — it would destroy the Constitution, and the United States with it. In this episode, Paul and Christian Gomez, JBS’ Research Project Manager, discuss why a Con-Con is dangerous, the people behind its push, and how to stop it.

Resources & Action Items

Learn about the Con-Con danger

Elect constitutionalists and vote out un-American reps with help from the Congressional Scorecard 

Read “Leftists can rig elections, they certainly can rig a constitutional convention” by the Federalist

See what Dr. Ron Paul has to say about a Con-Con

Join The John Birch Society in the battle to restore America

Leftist Semantic Agenda | Activate America

Semantics or the words you choose, have very specific meanings.  One example is how the Media uses “Local Police” and “Law Enforcement” interchangeably.  Even though they seem similar, they are very different. 

Another example of semantics is the Bill of Rights.  When the Founding Fathers created the Bill of Rights, they were very specific in their meaning.  Now there are those that want to change the wording of the Bill of Rights to suit their own goals.

Today, Arthur R. Thompson will illustrate how semantics in these two examples could cause dire consequences.

Action Items:

  1. Like and share this video with others.
  2. Learn more about our action project, “Support Your Local Police and Keep Them Independent”. 
  3. What’s wrong with a Constitutional Convention
  4. Apply for JBS membership and get involved.
  5. Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts or text JBS to 800-527-8721

Leftist Semantic Agenda | Activate America

Semantics or the words you choose, have very specific meanings.  One example is how the Media uses “Local Police” and “Law Enforcement” interchangeably.  Even though they seem similar, they are very different. 

Another example of semantics is the Bill of Rights.  When the Founding Fathers created the Bill of Rights, they were very specific in their meaning.  Now there are those that want to change the wording of the Bill of Rights to suit their own goals.

Today, Arthur R. Thompson will illustrate how semantics in these two examples could cause dire consequences.

Action Items:

  1. Like and share this video with others.
  2. Learn more about our action project, “Support Your Local Police and Keep Them Independent”. 
  3. What’s wrong with a Constitutional Convention
  4. Apply for JBS membership and get involved.
  5. Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts or text JBS to 800-527-8721

Stopping the Greatest Threat to Humanity—the Conspiracy

Nothing sells freedom like tyranny.  The tyranny leveled against Americans over the last two years has awakened millions who didn’t think it could happen here.  This episode of Freedom is the Cure focuses on the growing popularity of freedom and the need to ensure that Americans’ passion is channeled in a way that aims at the root of the problem, the Conspiracy, the powerful international network working to destroy America and plunge the world into tyranny. Paul talks with JBS coordinators who work on the grassroots level about how to create long-lasting changes.

Resources & Action Items to Combat the Threat

Watch Exposing The Enemies of Freedom video

Learn all about the Conspiracy with the ultimate primer: Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes

Stay atop of the most critical news and analysis with The New American magazine

Know the Constitution with the Constitution is the Solution series

Learn about the Convention of States threat

Support your local police and keep them independent

Be part of the campaign to save our children from public schools

Know who your representatives really are with the Congressional Scorecard

Join the JBS in our epic undertaking to restore liberty

Stopping the Greatest Threat to Humanity—the Conspiracy

Nothing sells freedom like tyranny.  The tyranny leveled against Americans over the last two years has awakened millions who didn’t think it could happen here.  This episode of Freedom is the Cure focuses on the growing popularity of freedom and the need to ensure that Americans’ passion is channeled in a way that aims at the root of the problem, the Conspiracy, the powerful international network working to destroy America and plunge the world into tyranny. Paul talks with JBS coordinators who work on the grassroots level about how to create long-lasting changes.

Resources & Action Items to Combat the Threat

Watch Exposing The Enemies of Freedom video

Learn all about the Conspiracy with the ultimate primer: Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes

Stay atop of the most critical news and analysis with The New American magazine

Know the Constitution with the Constitution is the Solution series

Learn about the Convention of States threat

Support your local police and keep them independent

Be part of the campaign to save our children from public schools

Know who your representatives really are with the Congressional Scorecard

Join the JBS in our epic undertaking to restore liberty

Create Semblance of Revolution: Parallel Chaos-USA & Chile | Anarchy & America

Christian Gomez interviews JBS Field Coordinator Leah Southwell, who previously lived in Santiago, Chile, to discuss the country’s on-going socialist revolution and how the agitators and socialists in Chile are demanding a new constitution. Leah correlates the desire for a new constitution in Chile to the Article V convention of states movement in the United States and how if conservatives and patriots are not vigilant, communists and socialists will likely highjack an Article V constitutional convention to enact their desired socialist changes.


1.) Know the Constitution; Watch “The Constitution is the Solution” lecture series with Robert Brown

2.) Learn more about the dangers of a Constitutional Convention

3.) Read how the radical Left Wants a Con-Con Too

Stop the Con-Con

In 2022, Focus on Defeating and Rescinding Con-Con Applications

by Peter Rykowski, Research Associate

The legislatures of most states will reconvene in January of next year. For patriots, this presents both an opportunity and a challenge: an opportunity to advance legislation that protects and restores our God-given individual freedoms, and a challenge to stop measures that do the opposite.

One of the most important battles in state capitols this coming year is over state applications for a constitutional convention (Con-Con), under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Pushed by organizations such as Convention of States (COS) and Wolf-PAC, a convention risks opening up the Constitution to radical revisions that would decimate our individual freedom. It is imperative that we defeat this insidious threat.

Although patriots in every state must stay on guard against Con-Con activity, there are some states we must watch particularly closely. In multiple states, Con-Con resolutions have passed either the state house or senate, and risk passing the other. These include Georgia (SR 28 and SR 29), North Carolina (H172, H233), South Carolina (H3205), Tennessee (HJR 8), West Virginia (SCR 5), and Wisconsin (AJR 9). Furthermore, Nebraska’s unicameral legislature is at risk of passing COS resolution LR 14. Other Con-Con resolutions have been introduced in most of these states. We cannot afford to be complacent or let down our guard in these states.

Other states are also at serious risk of considering or passing Con-Con resolutions next year. They include — but are not limited to — Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Wyoming. These states have seen much Con-Con activity in the past year and look poised to pass resolutions — if patriots don’t act decisively.

However, being on defense with no offense is a poor strategy that will ultimately result in defeat. In addition to stopping new Con-Con applications, we must focus on rescinding existing ones. Already, two states — Nebraska (LR 28) and North Carolina (HJR 146) — have pending rescission resolutions that patriots must urge their legislators to pass. In North Carolina, a potential selling point to the Republican-controlled legislature is the fact that in 1949, the state applied to Congress for a convention to propose amendments implementing a world federation and a world constitution. This application has not been rescinded.

Other ripe rescission opportunities include Illinois, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Washington, which have antiquated resolutions that Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) advocates are aiming to use to advance their particular Con-Con scheme. Most of these states’ legislatures are Democrat-controlled and could be convinced to support rescission. States that either recently defeated Con-Con resolutions or have seen opposition to a convention among influential opinion molders — including Alabama, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming — also present strong rescission opportunities.

If we are to save our Constitution, patriots in any of the above states must actively be in contact with their legislators and the relevant committees — not only to oppose a Con-Con, but to educate legislators about superior alternatives. Rather than pursuing a dangerous method that could lead to radical amendments or an entirely new constitution, legislators would be wise to enforce the Constitution, such as nullifying unconstitutional federal actions under the Constitution’s Article VI, which obligates such actions. For examples of how nullification has been used successfully both historically and recently, visit

In addition to enforcing the Constitution through nullification, state legislators must put their energy into ending their dependence on the federal government for funding. Further, rather than using term limits to throw out congressmen who don’t follow the Constitution, the electorate needs to be educated to stop electing such individuals. All of these solutions are significantly more effective than a Con-Con at advancing positive change.

As 2022 begins, let’s not get complacent about the Con-Con threat. Rather, in addition to actively working to stop new applications, let’s advance rescission resolutions and positive alternatives such as nullification. Through education and coordinated action, we will win the battle for our Constitution.


• Regularly get in contact with your legislators and educate them on the dangers of a Con-Con and the benefits of alternatives such as nullification.

• If you live in one of the states listed above with pending Con-Con resolutions, work to stop the measure(s) in your state. Furthermore, work on getting a resolution introduced and passed in your state to rescind all existing Con-Con applications.

• Go to our “Stop a Con-Con” action project page at to find our educational tools and legislative action alerts.

From Forced Vaccinations to Digital IDs to Agenda 2030 | Freedom is the Cure

Dennis Behreandt, researcher and publisher of The New American magazine, joins Paul to discuss an eerily prophetic article he wrote in May 2020 in which he warned that mandatory vaccines would be pushed as part of a larger effort to implement universal digital IDs. Part of the plan would include conditioning people to embrace the idea that mandatory vaccines held the keys to societal participation. Dennis names the people and organizations that have been working to bring about this massive societal change. He and Paul also talk about what regular Americans can do to derail these plans.

Resources & Citations

Read Read Forced Vaccines and Digital IDs

Read Lockdown Madness

Read The UN’s Agenda 2030: Marxist Stealth Plan for World Goverment

Read Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes

Get Involved:

Stop a Constitutional Convention

Join the JBS

Learn more:

Global Vaccine Action Plan

Agenda 2030

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Omidyar Network

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

ID2020: Digital Identity Alliance

Digital ID Wallet

Rockefeller Foundation Funds Nazi Eugenics

Neutralize the Opposition | Infiltrating America’s Churches

Christian Gomez interviews New Zealand anti-communist author, filmmaker, and researcher Trevor Loudon about how Marxists’ and communists’ long history of infiltrating religious institutions, such as churches, seminaries, and Bible colleges in order to neutralize them from opposing Marxism-Leninism.

Take Action

  1. Find Out more about the Deep State
  2. Find out the Dangers of rewriting the Constitution
  3. Hold your Elected Officials accountable

Wolf-PAC Status Map

Wolf-PAC is an organization seeking the passage of a vague constitutional amendment to ostensibly get money out of politics and end federal and state corruption.

The same concerns apply as with the other Con-Con efforts, namely, a runaway convention that will lead to more changes to the Constitution than originally intended.

In addition to problems inherent to Con-Cons, this proposal – as vague as it is – will infringe on fundamental First Amendment freedoms of speech and expression by limiting the ability of individuals to contribute to their preferred political organizations. Wolf-PAC also seeks to change the Constitution to describe the U.S. form of government as a “democracy” when, in fact, our country is a constitutional republic and the founding fathers strongly opposed a democratic system of government.

To view and take action against currently-introduced Con-Con application resolutions visit our State Action Alerts page and/or the Take Action section of this action project.

Live Wolf-PAC Application No active Wolf-PAC application