
Fascist, Marxist Threats to America | Freedom is the Cure

While Americans accuse those on opposite sides of the political spectrum of ushering in Communism or Fascism, the country continues its march toward overt tyranny. In this episode, Paul discusses with special guest Christian Gomez, as well as Wayne Morrow and Peter Rykowski, the differences and similarities between Fascism and Marxism, how both ideologies are destroying America, and what Americans need to do to stop it.

Resources & Citations

Watch Preserving Medical Freedom | JBS News Analysis

Watch Overview of America

Read Sen. Cramer: Make States Mandating Vaccine Passports Mandate Voter ID

Get the Constitutional Principles Booklet Set

Get involved: The Problem with Public Education

Get involved: Stop New York Vaccine Mandate and Passport Schemes

Get involved: Stop California Vaccine Mandate and Passport Schemes

Learn more Homeschooling in Communist China on the Rise Despite Ban

Learn more New York Knicks Requiring Vaccination to Attend Second Round Playoff Games

Learn more CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated

Learn more An American asks why homeschooling is illegal in Germany

Battling the Marxist Agenda

Since its founding, The John Birch Society has been battling to defeat the Marxist conspiracy. Learn what the five biggest challenges they face. Find out how JBS is combating those within the Deep State and supporting Action Projects around issues like “Nullification”, “Stopping Mass Migration” and “Support Your Local Police”. Learn more about two of our newest Action Projects, “Save our Children from Public Schools” and “Restore Election Integrity”.

Action Items:
1) Learn more about the Deep State by reading Arthur R. Thompson’s book, “In the Shadows of the Deep State”.

2) Be a leader and see the big picture of what the Marxists are trying to accomplish and how we are winning with our Action Programs like “Save our Children from Public Schools”.

3) Be more informed by subscribing to The New American.

4) Get involved and Join The John Birch Society.

5) Donate to Support The John Birch Society.

Battling the Marxist Agenda

Since its founding, The John Birch Society has been battling to defeat the Marxist conspiracy. Learn what the five biggest challenges they face.

Find out how JBS is combatting those within the Deep State and supporting Action Projects around issues like “Nullification”, “Stopping Mass Migration” and “Support Your Local Police”. Learn more about two of our newest Action Projects, “Save our Children from Public Schools” and “Restore Election Integrity”.

America’s Schools are Being Infiltrated…

Parents are losing their 1st Amendment rights in opposition to what is happening to our schools, and in certain cases, being arrested at school board meetings. So what is being taught you may ask? Unfortunately, it’s not the real history. Instead, it’s Critical Race Theory and the globalist ideologies being pushed by the United Nations. Tune in to find out more on this episode of Activate America!

Action Items:

1.) Consider Enrollment to Freedom Project Academy. Visit their website here

2.) Distribute The New American Magazine’s “Save Our Children” Issue

America’s Schools are Being Infiltrated… | Activate America

Parents are losing their 1st Amendment rights in opposition to what is happening to our schools, and in certain cases, being arrested at school board meetings. So what is being taught you may ask? Unfortunately, it’s not the real history. Instead, it’s Critical Race Theory and the globalist ideologies being pushed by the United Nations. Tune in to find out more on this episode of Activate America!

1.) Consider enrollment to Freedom Project Academy. Visit their website here
2.) Distribute The New American Magazine’s, “Save Our Children” Issue
3.) Apply for JBS membership and get involved

Public Schools Are Destroying America | Freedom Is the Cure

Alex Newman joins Paul, Wayne and Peter to discuss how public schools are indoctrinating young minds with socialist and amoral beliefs and dumbing them down academically. Furthermore, decades of anti-American curricula have contributed to today’s rising national demoralization. The group also discuss schooling alternatives for parents who want to pull their children out of public schools but don’t know where to start.

Resources & Citations

The New American magazine’s Save Our Children and Rescuing Our Children issues

Learn more about Public School Alternatives

Learn More about Joining The John Birch Society

Check out the abysmal Nation’s Report Card

MSNBC Makes Up History to Justify CRT

In their own racist echo chamber, MSNBC last week published an article titled, “The right-wing freakout about critical race theory began in the 1960s.” Their subtitle boldly proclaimed, “The reactionary backlash against education is nothing new.”

Knowing how Critical Race Theory is being pushed back upon by concerned parents across the country, we’ll look at this article and help to explain why MSNBC decided to call out The John Birch Society in the opening sentences of the article. You’ll see their intent within the opening paragraphs.

All of this in today’s episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective and the plan to help restore American liberty and independence.

Distribute Save Our Children

Watch Overview of America

Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts or text JBS to 800-57-8721

Defund Public Schools

It is clear that public schools in the United States are beyond repair. Americanists must take action to prevent the next generations from fully succumbing to Marxist thinking that will ultimately destroy the United States.

However, if we are to be effective, we must strike at the root of the problem. Some conservatives have suggested running for school board positions or passing legislation to ban sex ed or critical race theory. But these are not sufficient answers. School board members don’t have power to make even modest reforms while state legislation merely strikes at certain aspects of public-school indoctrination while ignoring the root.

The solution to an irreparably corrupted and leftist-captured institution — in addition to the essential step of withdrawing our children from it — is ending all government support.

Public schools receive a lot of taxpayer funding, and more money is spent per student in the U.S. than in nearly every other country. The reason there is so much money in education is because government confiscates the funding for its system through property, sales, and other kinds of taxes at the local, county, state, and federal levels.

But why spend so much money if the end result is dumbed-down young people who are also indoctrinated to hate America? And why spend so much money when an increasing number of parents are already pulling their children out of the schools, resulting in a mass exodus, and instead choosing other options like homeschooling?

Rather than throw money at a system that is rotten to its core, state legislators must defund the public schools. Not only would such an action suffocate the system, but the savings — nearly $15,000 is spent per student in the U.S., on average — would enable state governments to greatly reduce taxes and in turn give parents more money to find higher-quality alternatives for their children.

Inform your state legislators of the dire straits of U.S. public education and tell them to stop throwing money at an irreparable system.

Crusade for Biblical Teaching

Christian faith leaders should be at the forefront in the effort to separate families from public education. Data compiled by the Nehemiah Institute shows the overwhelming majority of public-school children from Christian homes will leave the church and end up with a secular worldview.

All education is fundamentally religious in nature, despite the myth of religious “neutrality” and “secular” schooling perpetuated by the government-school establishment and its apologists. The only question is: What religion and what worldview is being taught.

The fathers of public education, Horace Mann and John Dewey, were antagonistic to Christianity. Among their reasons for wanting to implement universal education was ridding Christian values from American society. It is apparent the shedding of biblical values in American society has been incremental yet very successful. Anti-Christian government action has played a major role in decimating Christianity in America.  In 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court lawlessly banned prayer in school in the Engel v. Vitale ruling.  Then in 1963, the increasingly-bold Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, banned Bible reading in school, too. And in 1965, Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent, which opened the federal funding spigot.

Today government schools across America have become hotbeds of anti-Christian extremism. Highly controversial religious views and rituals from Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, humanism, and even human-sacrificing paganism are now ubiquitous. Christianity, meanwhile, when it is mentioned at all, is denigrated and mocked.

The long-term consequences of public schools are ravaging our nation, our culture, and our children. Only a strong religious revival, a spiritual movement with serious moral ambitions, can correct this problem. America’s faith leaders must step up. They were born for such a time as this.

Get Them Out

Get Them OUT! Rescuing Our Kids from Public Schools

There is only one answer to the mortal threat of government “education.”

Get them out.

Reforming the public school system is futile. Many have tried, but the situation only worsens. Many have believed that the problem with public schools could be solved merely by abolishing the Department of Education. However, in an interview with The New American, former Arizona Superintendent Diane Douglas said she learned over the years that while “get[ting] the Feds out of education” would be “certainly a step in the right direction, people must realize that the system is controlled top to bottom by the government. I’ve seen as much, if not more, damage done to children’s education at the state and local levels.”

Douglas also learned that neither political party truly wants to change the government system of education. Therefore, the clear solution is that parents must get their children out of the government school monopoly immediately.

We must rescue our children.

Alternatives for Parents

Homeschooling and vetted private schools are the two options recommended.

America has recently experienced the largest and fastest surge in homeschooling ever recorded. Data released on March 22, 2021 by the U.S. Census Bureau confirmed previous survey data suggesting that the number of families educating their children at home had more than doubled during the pandemic. According to the “Household Pulse Survey” results, about 5.4 percent of families with school-age children were homeschooling in the spring of 2020. By fall of 2020, that number had ballooned to over 11 percent and was climbing.

Academically, the data on homeschooling is clear: It works extremely well. Children educated at home score on average between the 80th and 90th percentile on the government’s own standardized tests. They accomplish that with about five percent of the money and far less time. And the children do better on every metric of socialization too. Colleges and universities have figured this out and are actively recruiting homeschool students.

There are also many good private schools across America that are offering high-quality, God-centered education at affordable prices. For example, a network of hundreds of “Principle Approach” schools spread out across America are producing excellent results academically and spiritually. FreedomProject Academy offers a top-notch online K-12 classical education for a fraction of what traditional private (and public) schools charge — and it even has a scholarship program for qualifying low-income families.

Dozens of viable organizations and ministries assist in assimilating millions of new children into K-12 private, Christian, and home education, such as the Home School Legal Defense Association, Foundation for American Christian Education, Renewanation, Alpha and Omega, Classical Conversations, Association of Classical and Christian Schools, Bob Jones University Press, A Beka, Apologia, National Black Home Educators, Public School Exit, and Exodus Mandate.

However, regarding private schools, parents must do their due diligence before sending their children there, because many have adopted Common Core, “woke” ideology, and even government-school textbooks. Before trusting anyone with your children, make sure to ask the right questions. There are thousands of wonderful options. But there are many that are hardly better than the government’s indoctrination centers.

Such a narrow approach may sound extreme and difficult, even unrealistic. But considering how radical and harmful public education has become, it’s reckless to leave children in public schools. Their intellectual and emotional wellbeing are at stake. Any value or convenience that public education brings is far overshadowed by the permanent damage it causes.

Are These the Only Options?

If we are to remain true to the goal—to raise responsible, moral, intelligent pro-America adults—the reality is that any option that has any government strings attached is a non-starter. That only leaves homeschooling and vetted private schools. Even the options of charter schools and school vouchers are ill-advised.

While charter schools and school vouchers have shown some positive academic results, it doesn’t meet the criteria of no-government-strings-attached. Charter schools are government schools playing under different rules. The latitude that legislatures give charter schools can just as easily be taken away as a result of one election.

Vouchers, usually financed with state tax dollars, give parents funding and allow them to use it for the school of their choice, or to buy education resources that are best for their children. Some states have scholarship accounts for qualifying students. Parents can use those funds to pay tuition to a private school, purchase education services, or pay for homeschool expenses. The downside is that school vouchers are still controlled by government, and therefore subject to government regulation. Therein lies the rub with voucher programs.

For parents who don’t know how to begin accessing non-public school options, Public School Exit is a great resource. Please take time today and visit