

Why Education Is Essential

by William S. Hahn, Chief Executive Officer

All of us want to see success — success for ourselves, success for our families, success for our friends and neighbors, and success by preserving American freedom by making large strides in our mission.

JBS founder Mr. Robert Welch wrote about how to achieve this success in The Blue Book, the presentation given at the founding meeting of the Society on December 8-9, 1958. He wrote a postscript for the fifth printing of the book on March 15, 1961, which included the following:

All we have really done so far is demonstrate rather convincingly that we have the formula for ultimate success. And it is a very simple formula indeed, as must be the basic plan of every movement that changes the course of history. We must grow into an army of sufficient size, fighting with facts and truth as our weapons, until the enemy with all his ruthless cunning, gigantic organization, limitless resources, and entrenched power, still cannot withstand the total impact of our unified strength and dedicated labors.

He reiterated many times throughout the years that we are an educational army. In the April 1959 Bulletin, he wrote, “Let us repeat also that we are an army fighting with facts as our chief weapons. Most of our members are far better informed than is the general public concerning the Communist conspiracy. But to acquire still more and more dependable knowledge is to be still better armed.”

To be better armed, Mr. Welch asked members to read at least one book every month from our recommended reading list. Our new member packet contains a recommended personal library of books, booklets, videos, and audio CDs. Plus, as you well know, we have no shortage of content being cranked out on a daily basis. Consuming some of this to keep yourself informed is a good idea. However, don’t get too focused on consuming all our content, as there will be no time left for Birching activities.

At our National Council Dinner in Dallas last October, I had a candid conversation with a gentleman who had emailed me regarding the amount of content we published. He said he was unable to keep up with all that we were putting out. I agreed with him and told him I couldn’t either. Who can? While it’s important to stay informed, we must not allow it to occupy all our time. If we did, when would we have time to Birch?

Our strategy of pumping out as much content as we do is based on reaching a wider audience. In the digital world, content drives traffic. The more you can publish, the more traffic you generate. In an era of such blatant censorship from search engines, social media, and Big Media, our Web traffic continues to grow, given the diversification of where we publish the information and how much content we create.

More content means more traffic, which means more prospects, more subscribers, and more members — basically more pullers at the oars. Please don’t try to keep up with all the content. However, please do focus on staying up-to-date with the monthly Bulletin, the print issues of The New American, our newest educational tools for the action projects, and our legislative alerts sent via text, email, or both. The Bulletin is geared toward sharing best practices and identifying our top priorities and recommended actions.

Let’s not define success as being the smartest person in the gulag (because we didn’t have time to do the real work: Birching!). Rather, let’s ensure we all stay informed and then engage in action, doing our part to build educated electorates within our localities.

One of our newest action tools is actually a throwback to the TRIM (Tax Reform IMmediately) days. We’ve adapted data from the Freedom Index to create individual Congressional Scorecards that report specific votes and the financial impact of each vote to taxpayers/households, and have added space to customize the scorecard by adding your contact information. These scorecards are available as digital downloads at, allowing you to print out three different formats. Be sure to check out the User Guide at for details, as well as the articles throughout this Bulletin giving you more details and direction.

As we posted on the site, “The Freedom Index is an educational resource provided by The New American magazine. We do not endorse or oppose candidates. The Freedom Index is intended to inform the American people, candidates, and elected officials about the rights and freedoms protected by the Constitution of the United States.”

Share the Scorecards throughout districts within your local electorate to give voters an idea of how well their U.S. representative and senators are adhering to the Constitution. Distributing these Scorecards is a great way to help hold elected officials accountable and to help educate voters about the impact these votes in Washington, D.C., really have on American liberties, freedom, and the Constitution. Regular distribution by active chapters also provides great recruiting opportunities, as you are visible in the community, especially if this is part of the 100/10/6 program. This plan — distributing literature at least four times a year to 100 households, targeting at least 10 opinion molders, and recruiting at least six prospective activists — has the potential to reach thousands of voters, creating tremendous influence. Is your chapter currently active in the 100/10/6 program? Review the video The Power of 500: Informed Electorates That Work! at to get in-depth information on how this plan can work.

As Robert Brown discusses in the video, each Freedom Index (or Scorecard in this case) can be a mini-lesson on applying the Constitution to current issues, helping others to determine what is constitutional. Nowhere else will voters get this type of candid information. U.S. Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) said the Freedom Index is the best scorecard because it doesn’t notify congressmen ahead of time of the votes that will be used to tally the score, as do many other competing scorecards.

Building an educated electorate is not rocket science, but it is essential and foundational to creating understanding of the issues and what concerned Americans can do. This works to keep elected officials accountable to the Constitution, offers immediate solutions to government usurpations of power and tyranny (such as nullification), and teaches the principles of limited government under the Constitution. Where else are Americans getting this? Where else are they being organized to expose the enemies of freedom and to right the Republic?

Success in 2022 begins with education. Educate yourself, educate others, and take action. Just don’t let the “educate yourself” portion consume all your time. Rather, focus on cranking up your chapter’s monthly activities. If you’re not in a chapter, host a video showing of Overview of America or a “Constitution Is the Solution” workshop to bring like-minded people together for the purpose of starting a chapter. Organized efforts will definitely produce fruit and success!

Abolish Unconstitutional Government

Nullification: A Powerful Tool to Enforce the Constitution

by Peter Rykowski, Research Associate and Bulletin Editor

In light of the many unconstitutional actions and proposals emanating from Congress and the federal executive branch, it is imperative that state legislators utilize the constitutional tool of nullification.

In its first year, the Biden administration — without any congressional authorization — proposed or implemented multiple actions that are blatantly unconstitutional or contrary to congressionally enacted statutes. Such actions include the administration’s federal “vaccine” mandates, its mask mandates for public transportation, its nationwide eviction moratorium, its many pro-illegal-migration actions, and much more.

Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress are seeking to pass legislation that tramples on the Constitution’s clear meaning. This includes gun-control legislation, the Build Back Better Act, and multiple anti-election-integrity bills.

Under Article VI of the Constitution, state legislators have a duty to nullify these unconstitutional actions. Article VI makes clear that, “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” Accordingly, laws or federal actions that violate the Constitution are not “the supreme Law of the Land.”

As an example of nullification, state legislators can “pre-nullify” the various bills — including those on gun control, elections, and environmentalism — being considered by Congress by passing legislation ensuring they cannot be enforced in their states should those bills be enacted. Furthermore, state legislators must nullify the Biden administration’s mask and vaccine mandates, if they have not already done so.

Accordingly, regularly contact your legislators, and educate both them and your fellow citizens about nullification. You can educate your legislators by visiting them at your state capitol or by attending townhall meetings where they’re present.

When meeting them, be sure to bring the following materials: “Rein In Big Government With Article VI, Not V” slim jim, “Nullification: What States Can Do” slim jim, “Nullification: What State Legislatures Are Doing” reprint, “Federalism Is the Best Step” reprint, and The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government: Article VI booklet.

Additionally, you can educate your fellow citizens by hosting educational events in your area. In addition to having at least 25 each of the above materials available at the meetings, be sure to show Robert Owens’ new webinar presentation Nullification: Military Tactics Applied to Legislative Action.

Although we live in a dangerous period of federal-government overreach, we also have a great opportunity to educate others to take appropriate and effective action on the state and local levels. Let’s take advantage of this opportunity and enforce the Constitution.


Growing Our Influence in 2022

by William S. Hahn, Chief Executive Officer

Ushering in a new year should always be exciting, brimming with plans to achieve specific goals. Birching should be no different. We begin with the end in mind: to live life freely with government protecting your rights (its intended function!). You’re free to succeed or fail on your own accord without government meddling. Freedom and prosperity can only truly flourish in a well-balanced republic with engaged citizens keeping checks on local, state, and federal usurpations of power.

As we know, goals don’t attain themselves, so we must be actively working our plan of creating and expanding an educated electorate. Individuals acting alone have little chance to make the impact that an organized effort can attain. By focusing on specific items in our agenda, we can make greater gains as an organization. These specific items are prioritized according to the greatest threats to our personal freedom and country’s independence.

What are our greatest threats? They are the action items we bring to you each month. We ask you to make these a focus in your monthly activities. To best achieve this, members should belong to an active chapter. Active chapters meet each month to plan local outreach activities. These activities can be any number of things, including neighborhood literature distribution; hosting booths at community events; participating in parades; and hosting video or educational workshops using our Overview of America video, “Constitution Is the Solution”seminar, and other resources. Additional ideas can be found on page 8 of the November 2020 JBS Bulletin (archived in the JBS Member’s Area on

These activities throughout the month should help support the monthly focus as found in the JBS Bulletin. If you’re not part of an active chapter, please place a priority on attending or creating one. Your Coordinator can help; contact him or her through under the “Act Now” tab. In certain areas of the country, home-chapter members can expect to receive a call or email from our Field Officers. This “new” position is actually a reinstatement from many decades ago when JBS HQ had dedicated staff members actively reaching out to home-chapter members to help them stay active and create chapters.

Chapters provide the structure and teamwork essential for successful Birching. The more active members are in the community, the more robust recruiting will be, as many hands make light work. As we mentioned last month, the most active and successful chapters are seeing lots of progress with the 100/10/6 program and continuous “Constitution Is the Solution” workshops. Our video The Power of 500 will help guide you.

Try not to get too caught up in the coming midterms. One of top threats to our country is state legislatures applying to Congress to call an Article V constitutional convention. Given historical precedence, when a convention is convened, it not only has the power to “suggest changes,” but can also change the ratification method itself. This happened during the 1787 Constitutional Convention, which replaced the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution. Can you imagine what would happen today if the radical Left or RINOs in Congress called a convention? Unfortunately, we’re often fighting our “friends” in this battle, but it’s important to remember that our battle isn’t Republican versus Democrat. It’s freedom versus tyranny, and we must stand up for freedom.

Please continue to focus your attention on the local and state levels, while building your educated electorate (taking responsibility for informing others about important issues through the many materials JBS produces, and working on recruiting them for membership). Our theory of the power of 500 is that, when there are 500 constitutional activists in a congressional district, they have the influence to sway all elections toward more informed candidates who will obey the Constitution. This doesn’t happen through political party affiliation.

Another threat to our country is the tyranny created by the government response to COVID-19. The “pandemic” hasn’t necessarily been one of illness. Rather, the true pandemic is a pandemic of government and its overreactions, sweeping away our liberties, freedom, and common-sense healthcare practices. Members have had some real impact on state legislation and nullification efforts that provided immediate relief in many areas. While it appears that the court system may stop most of the federal vaccine mandates (though there’s no guarantee), we need to continue educating elected officials, authorities, and the business community on the tool of nullification.

Build Back Better is another top threat emanating out of Washington, D.C. Much of the radical environmental and climate agenda ties back to the United Nations’ drive to control all people and resources through world government. Getting the United States out of the United Nations would be a huge blow to the globalist elites, as much of the UN’s support would dry up. For the first time in many years, a bill getting us out of the UN has not been introduced in the U.S House of Representatives. Let’s put on a full-court press this year to get the American Sovereignty Restoration Act introduced in both houses, with many sponsors.

Finally, election integrity must be restored to ensure confidence in an already-shaken system. States have made some inroads toward audits, but related election integrity legislation has been watered down in many instances. See Kurt Hyde’s article “Restoring Election Integrity” on page 8 of this Bulletin for further details and suggested actions, including holding coordinated Legislative Action Days at your state capitol to help educate elected officials and their staffs on the issues and tools they can use, especially nullification through Article VI. Our booklet on Article VI, The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government, along with the October 4, 2021 issue of The New American detailing how mandates can be nullified, would be of most help.

This new year can certainly be one of great success, depending on what we can do together. Watch, the Bulletin, and our weekly email newsletter to stay up-to-date on all the new tools that we’ll be rolling out this year. All of these are to help you and your Birching efforts as our organization continues to gain steam and greatly influence the trajectory of this country. Progress toward the mission of JBS has never been more important. Thank you for being part of it; let’s see what we can accomplish together in 2022.

Stop the Con-Con

Onward: Stopping the COS/Con-Con and their Lies in 2022

By Christian Gomez, Research Project Manager

In 2021, as of December 13, despite the vigorous efforts of Convention of States Action (COS Action/COS Project), not a single state passed one of their resolutions applying to Congress to call “a Convention for proposing Amendments” to the U.S. Constitution, under Article V, also known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con) or “convention of states.” This success is thanks largely to your efforts in stopping them. And stopping a Con-Con remains one of the most, if not the most, important task for us in 2022 in order to keep our Republic.

Undoubtedly, a modern-day convention, presumably “limited” to just one (i.e., Balanced Budget Amendment, or BBA; Wolf-PAC’s proposed campaign finance reform amendment to overturn Citizens United; congressional term limits; or a few proposed amendments purportedly intended to restrain the federal government, such as by COS Action/COS Project) would open up the Constitution to drastic revision. In 1979, the late Senator Barry Goldwater warned, “If we hold a constitutional convention, every group in the country — majority, minority, middle-of-the-road, left, right, up, down — is going to get its two bits in and we are going to wind up with a constitution that will be so far different from the one we have lived under for 200 years that I doubt that the Republic could continue.”

Today’s leading convention proponents — Mark Meckler, Mark Levin, Michael Farris, and leftist Harvard Law Professor Lawrence “Larry” Lessig — however, contend that what they seek is not a “constitutional convention” but a “convention of states,” which they claim to be entirely different from the former. This, ladies and gentleman, is a subterfuge. A subterfuge that is intended to confuse and throw off opponents and garner the support of state legislators who would otherwise immediately reject it as dangerous and reckless, especially now given the current political division and almost universal lack of knowledge about the Constitution and a proper originalist interpretation thereof.

Despite COS Action/COS Project’s intentionally deceptive claims to the contrary, the terms “convention of states” and “constitutional convention” (Con-Con) are synonymous. By constitutional convention The John Birch Society means an Article V convention, or “convention for proposing amendments,” as it is described in Article V of the U.S. Constitution. This is the very same convention which COS has been promoting and calling a “convention of states” since they launched their organizational efforts in 2015.

The John Birch Society is not wrong in calling it a constitutional convention. Black’s Law Dictionary — spanning as far back as its second edition published in 1910 and up to current editions of the dictionary — defines the term “constitutional convention” as “A duly constituted assembly of delegates or representatives of the people of a state or nation for the purpose of framing, revising, or amending its constitution.” Article V of the U.S. Constitution lays out exactly that. A constitutional convention and a convention of states are the same. Any person or organization that says the opposite is either genuinely confused or deliberately misleading others.

When talking and presenting about the dangers of a Con-Con, we must always make this point in order to clear up any confusion authored by Meckler, COS Action, and others.

It is imperative that we continue to educate members, non-members, and state legislators about the following three objectives:

  1. what is a Con-Con/COS (including the dangers thereof);
  2. the need to both stop new Con-Con/COS applications from passing and rescindpreviously transmitted or “live” Con-Con applications to Congress; and
  3. promoting Article VI (not V) of the Constitution to nullify all unconstitutional laws, executive orders, actions, regulations, rules, and mandates from the federal government.

To educate others, watch and utilize our two brand-new webinar presentations titled, “Dangers of a Con-Con” and “Nullification: Military Tactics Applied to Legislative Action.” Both of these are coming soon to “Freedom’s Voices” on, so stay tuned.

Also, organize a legislative day to make in-person visits to state legislators, followed by phone calls, especially to those legislators who serve on the key legislative committees responsible for overseeing Article V convention-related resolutions.

For the legislative day, each person should order 1 pack (of 25 qty) of the “Revise or Follow the Con-Con” slim jim, 1 pack (of 25 qty) of the “REIN IN Big Government with Article VI, Not V” slim jim, and 25 copies of the “Save the Constitution” reprint. Distribute these to legislators and their staff members. These pieces of literature succinctly explain the problem and provide real solutions, which legislators are most interested in. No legislator should want to help (including unintendedly) facilitate the loss of our Constitution. And every legislator should want to be part of the solution to stop the federal leviathan from destroying their state. Hence, recission and nullification. Rescind all previously transmitted Con-Con applications to Congress and nullify all unconstitutional laws, edicts, orders, mandates, etc. from the federal government.

If you see or discover that Mark Meckler is visiting your state legislature, be sure to schedule your legislative day at least one or two days before he arrives in order to convince legislators to oppose the COS application in advance.

Finally, emails come last in importance, but don’t neglect them as they are the easiest action that every member can and should be doing. Visit and click on “Act Now” for our state legislative action alerts.

If you live in Georgia, Senate Resolution 29, a BBA Con-Con application, passed in the Georgia Senate by a vote of 34 Yeas to 20 Nays on February 22, 2021 and is still active in the 2022 legislative session for potential final passage in the Georgia House of Representatives. If passed, SR 29 would not only add to the total number of states with live applications for a BBA Con-Con (currently 26 states; eight states short of the required 2/3rds, or 34 out of 50 states, required for Congress to call a convention). It also claims that its application should be aggregated with the BBA Con-Con applications of other states plus, sneakily included, the Con-Con applications from states that never applied for a BBA Con-Con!

We exposed this plot back in the September 6, 2021 issue of The New American magazine, in the article titled “Aggressive New Scheme Exposes Article V Convention Lobby.” Read this article to refresh yourself with the details. Purchase 10 to 15 copies of this issue, available on You may want to put a sticky tab on page 17, where the article begins. Distribute the issues to your state representative and their staff members. Most importantly, tell them to oppose SR 29. Leave them with copies of the magazine in order to read the article for more information.

After you have handed out copies to your representative and his or her staff members, do so with the representatives (and their staff) who serve on the House Rules Committee, which is where the resolution is pending. This should be done on your scheduled legislative day.

If you live in New York, work to rescind the state’s application for a general convention from 1789. If you live in either Kentucky or Illinois, work to rescind those states’ convention applications from 1861 intended to prevent the Civil War. If you live in Oregon or Washington state, work to rescind the states’ convention applications from 1901. In a desperate dash to force Congress to call a convention soon, Con-Con advocates desire to aggregate the aforementioned non-BBA convention applications with those specifically for a BBA Con-Con. It is imperative that these states, which are unlikely to pass a BBA Con-Con application, rescind all of their previously-transmitted applications for an Article V convention regardless of the topic or intention.

If you live in one of the 26 states with outstanding applications for a BBA Con-Con (see our “BBA Con-Con Status Map” on, contact your state legislators and urge them to rescind their state’s previously passed BBA Con-Con application. To help accomplish this, click on “State Alerts,” under the “ACT NOW” tab on and click on your state. Select and fill out the legislative alert titled, “Tell Your Legislators to Rescind Applications.”

Freedom Is the Cure

Nullify the Deep State’s Vaccine Mandate Bluff!

by Larry Greenley, TNA Associate Editor

The combination of bluff and deception, not actual total strength, is still the key to most of the Communists’ gains for themselves, and to the losses inflicted on their opponents.

— Robert Welch, December 1963 JBS Bulletin

As Robert Welch pointed out nearly 60 years ago, “the combination of bluff and deception” is the key to most of the communists’ gains. That observation applies equally well to the Deep State, which has aided and abetted the communists and worked with them to build the new world order. The entire COVID-19 “plandemic” tyranny has been imposed on Americans through bluff and deception.

One of the Deep State’s main bluffs is that the thoroughly unconstitutional federal and state vaccine mandates are constitutional. And, the Deep State’s deceptions regarding COVID-19 include their endless lies about the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines.

The good news is that our members and allies have already been busy in many states influencing state legislators to introduce and pass legislation to nullify federal and state vaccine mandates. Even NPR published a report on November 22 that stated: “Conservative lawmakers in Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Tennessee, Wyoming and North Dakota have already completed special sessions and passed bills aimed at nullifying new federal [vaccine] mandates.” Since then, the Kansas legislature also concluded a special session with the passage — by very large majorities — of legislation nullifying President Biden’s vaccine mandates. Other red states have already considered, and in some cases passed, various types of vaccine mandate nullification legislation.

Pushing Back on Vaccine Mandates at the Statehouse Level

What we need in 2022 is continued pressure on state legislatures to counter federal and state vaccine mandates with nullification legislation. Don’t wait for the courts and gubernatorial executive orders to get the job done; nullification is a more reliable and lasting remedy for fending off vaccine mandates.

A good way to prepare for getting vaccine-mandate nullification bills passed in your state in 2022 is to view JBS Regional Field Director Robert Owens’ six-minute video, State Pressure Nullifies Mandates (, which is also included among the videos on the “Countering COVID-19 Overreach” action project page at Owens provides many practical tips for creating pressure on your state legislators to pass bills nullifying vaccine mandates.

Owens mentions in his video that 39 states had legislation introduced in 2021 to nullify vaccine mandates. One good way to learn what’s happening in your state is to go to our list of COVID-19 state legislative alerts at the end of our COVID-19 action project page at, or you can go directly to our state legislative alerts at and simply click on your state on the U.S. map.

Share a COVID-19 Video With Others

Another way to call the Deep State’s vaccine mandate bluff is to share one of our COVID-19 videos with at least five friends in order to expose the Deep State’s lies about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. One of our best videos is Dr. Robert Malone: “This Is the Largest Experiment Performed on Human Beings in the History of the World,which is posted under “Video” at Another excellent video is COVID Vaccine: The Bad & the Ugly (There Is No Good) by Dr. Lee Merritt, which you can purchase at

Focus for December

• Freedom Is the Cure
• Get US Out! of the UN

by William S. Hahn, Chief Executive Officer

Once again, we have a target-rich environment, and we risk diluting our efforts by taking on too much. As you work your electorates, please focus on Freedom Is the Cure (using nullification to block the OSHA mandate — you know Biden won’t stop at just companies over 100 workers) and providing information and solutions to “Build Back Better” (Biden’s attack on Americanism). Thank you!

Stop the Con-Con

In 2022, Focus on Defeating and Rescinding Con-Con Applications

by Peter Rykowski, Research Associate

The legislatures of most states will reconvene in January of next year. For patriots, this presents both an opportunity and a challenge: an opportunity to advance legislation that protects and restores our God-given individual freedoms, and a challenge to stop measures that do the opposite.

One of the most important battles in state capitols this coming year is over state applications for a constitutional convention (Con-Con), under Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Pushed by organizations such as Convention of States (COS) and Wolf-PAC, a convention risks opening up the Constitution to radical revisions that would decimate our individual freedom. It is imperative that we defeat this insidious threat.

Although patriots in every state must stay on guard against Con-Con activity, there are some states we must watch particularly closely. In multiple states, Con-Con resolutions have passed either the state house or senate, and risk passing the other. These include Georgia (SR 28 and SR 29), North Carolina (H172, H233), South Carolina (H3205), Tennessee (HJR 8), West Virginia (SCR 5), and Wisconsin (AJR 9). Furthermore, Nebraska’s unicameral legislature is at risk of passing COS resolution LR 14. Other Con-Con resolutions have been introduced in most of these states. We cannot afford to be complacent or let down our guard in these states.

Other states are also at serious risk of considering or passing Con-Con resolutions next year. They include — but are not limited to — Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Wyoming. These states have seen much Con-Con activity in the past year and look poised to pass resolutions — if patriots don’t act decisively.

However, being on defense with no offense is a poor strategy that will ultimately result in defeat. In addition to stopping new Con-Con applications, we must focus on rescinding existing ones. Already, two states — Nebraska (LR 28) and North Carolina (HJR 146) — have pending rescission resolutions that patriots must urge their legislators to pass. In North Carolina, a potential selling point to the Republican-controlled legislature is the fact that in 1949, the state applied to Congress for a convention to propose amendments implementing a world federation and a world constitution. This application has not been rescinded.

Other ripe rescission opportunities include Illinois, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Washington, which have antiquated resolutions that Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) advocates are aiming to use to advance their particular Con-Con scheme. Most of these states’ legislatures are Democrat-controlled and could be convinced to support rescission. States that either recently defeated Con-Con resolutions or have seen opposition to a convention among influential opinion molders — including Alabama, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming — also present strong rescission opportunities.

If we are to save our Constitution, patriots in any of the above states must actively be in contact with their legislators and the relevant committees — not only to oppose a Con-Con, but to educate legislators about superior alternatives. Rather than pursuing a dangerous method that could lead to radical amendments or an entirely new constitution, legislators would be wise to enforce the Constitution, such as nullifying unconstitutional federal actions under the Constitution’s Article VI, which obligates such actions. For examples of how nullification has been used successfully both historically and recently, visit

In addition to enforcing the Constitution through nullification, state legislators must put their energy into ending their dependence on the federal government for funding. Further, rather than using term limits to throw out congressmen who don’t follow the Constitution, the electorate needs to be educated to stop electing such individuals. All of these solutions are significantly more effective than a Con-Con at advancing positive change.

As 2022 begins, let’s not get complacent about the Con-Con threat. Rather, in addition to actively working to stop new applications, let’s advance rescission resolutions and positive alternatives such as nullification. Through education and coordinated action, we will win the battle for our Constitution.


• Regularly get in contact with your legislators and educate them on the dangers of a Con-Con and the benefits of alternatives such as nullification.

• If you live in one of the states listed above with pending Con-Con resolutions, work to stop the measure(s) in your state. Furthermore, work on getting a resolution introduced and passed in your state to rescind all existing Con-Con applications.

• Go to our “Stop a Con-Con” action project page at to find our educational tools and legislative action alerts.

Pending Legislation

Legislative Action Alerts on

by Peter Rykowski, Research Associate

Go to to find our full lists of “Federal Legislative Action Alerts” and “State Legislative Action Alerts.” You can also click on “Contact Elected Officials,” which is listed on the same “Legislative Alerts” page, to find contact information for your representative and senators in Congress and your state legislators. Additionally, you can subscribe to federal legislative alert text updates by texting “JBS” to 1-800-527-8721.

Support Get US Out! of the United Nations (contact your congressmen)

Go to to contact your U.S. representative and senators, and urge them to reintroduce and support the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act,” which would withdraw U.S. membership in the UN.

Support H.R. 3860 to End Tyrannical Military Vaccine Mandate (contact your congressmen)

Go to to contact your U.S. representative and senators in support of H.R. 3860, which would end the U.S. Armed Forces’ tyrannical and senseless vaccine mandate for service members. Urge them to oppose the establishment of a biomedical security state and to instead follow the Constitution and respect our individual, God-given freedoms.

Oppose “Vaccine Passports” and Forced COVID-19 Vaccinations (contact your congressmen, state legislators, and governor)

Contact your federal and state officials and urge them to repeal every existing vaccine mandate and passport requirement and to oppose any new ones. Furthermore, tell them to preserve current religious, philosophical, and medical exemptions for vaccinations and, wherever possible, to add to or expand those exemptions. Especially for state legislators and governors, urge them to nullify unconstitutional federal mandates through nullification under Article VI of the Constitution. For more details, go to

Conduct Full Forensic Election Audits (contact your state legislators)

It is imperative that states conduct full forensic audits of the 2020 election and establish robust processes to audit future elections. Please go to to contact your state legislators. Inform them of the areas in state law that make elections vulnerable to fraud, and how a forensic audit would help resolve these vulnerabilities. Furthermore, urge them against conducting a “fake” or watered-down audit that does not adequately determine the extent of election fraud.

Support Election Integrity in Congress (contact your congressmen)

Please contact your U.S. representative and senators in support of restoring election integrity. Urge them to block legislation, including the unconstitutional “For the People Act” (H.R. 1, S. 1, and S. 2093), “John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act” (H.R. 4), and “Freedom to Vote Act” (S. 2747) that enable fraud. Furthermore, tell them to repeal existing laws that undermine election integrity and — working within constitutional boundaries — to enact substantive safeguards. For more information, go to

Support Defund Public Schools (contact your state legislators and governor)

Public schools in the United States are beyond repair. Accordingly, state legislatures and governors should take action to end all support for any government school — and any other institution — that indoctrinates children against Americanist and Judeo-Christian principles. For more details, go to

Support Stop Article V Convention Applications (contact your state legislators)

Go to to urge your state legislators to oppose all Article V Convention applications. Additionally, if your state already has an active Article V Convention application, urge your legislators to rescind it.

Support Nullification to Enforce the Constitution (contact your state legislators)

Nullification, rooted in Article VI of the Constitution, is the Founders’ solution to an out-of-control federal government. Urge your state legislators to pursue strong bills that uphold the U.S. Constitution and nullify unconstitutional federal laws and edicts. Many realistic methods exist for legislators to pursue. For more information, go to

Battling the Marxist Agenda

Since its founding, The John Birch Society has been battling to defeat the Marxist conspiracy. Learn what the five biggest challenges they face. Find out how JBS is combating those within the Deep State and supporting Action Projects around issues like “Nullification”, “Stopping Mass Migration” and “Support Your Local Police”. Learn more about two of our newest Action Projects, “Save our Children from Public Schools” and “Restore Election Integrity”.

Action Items:
1) Learn more about the Deep State by reading Arthur R. Thompson’s book, “In the Shadows of the Deep State”.

2) Be a leader and see the big picture of what the Marxists are trying to accomplish and how we are winning with our Action Programs like “Save our Children from Public Schools”.

3) Be more informed by subscribing to The New American.

4) Get involved and Join The John Birch Society.

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Battling the Marxist Agenda

Since its founding, The John Birch Society has been battling to defeat the Marxist conspiracy. Learn what the five biggest challenges they face.

Find out how JBS is combatting those within the Deep State and supporting Action Projects around issues like “Nullification”, “Stopping Mass Migration” and “Support Your Local Police”. Learn more about two of our newest Action Projects, “Save our Children from Public Schools” and “Restore Election Integrity”.