Sign Up Email Alerts
When proposed legislation infringes on our personal rights, security, or prosperity or on our constitutional republic’s independence or security, be among the first to find out and act on it. Our Legislative Email Alerts mostly cover congressional legislation, but do include state legislation on certain critical topics.
Text Message Alerts
JBS offers legislative text message alerts for an easy and quick way to take action.
Text “JBS” to 1-800-527-8721 to receive legislative action alerts via text message. You may unsubscribe any time by texting “STOP” to the same number.
Federal Legislative Action Alerts
Our federal legislative action alerts include a pre-written, editable messages you can email to your U.S. representative and/or U.S. senators and/or the president. Congressmen have told us that phone calls are the most effective, so we supply the phone numbers for both House and Senate. We highly recommend that you call and then follow-up with an email. You can use the pre-written messages as a source of talking points when calling.
Please be sure sign up to receive our Legislative Email Alerts above then share them with others in order to create greater pressure on Congress.
State Legislative Action Alerts
Click the map below to view the Action Alerts for your state. Each alert includes a pre-written, editable message that you can email to your state representative and/or your state senator and/or your governor. Since personal visits or phone calls are the most effective way to influence state legislators, please visit or call them, then follow-up with an email.
You can use the pre-written messages as a source of talking points when visiting or calling. Then share them with others in order to create greater pressure on your state legislature.
Contact Elected Officials
Access contact information for your state and federal elected officials. This directory also includes an easy-to-use email service for sending messages to these officials on any topic. For a greater impact, we recommend calling first, and then following up with an email.
You can also use our pre-written, but editable, emails as a phone script to help get across talking points. See those in the State and Federal alerts.