
Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Pennsylvania With HB 2380

Alert Summary

HB 2380 has been introduced in the Pennsylvania General Assembly to nullify the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and World Economic Forum (WEF). It is imperative that legislators enact this bill and protect our God-given freedoms!

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Legislation has been introduced in the Pennsylvania General Assembly to nullify the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and World Economic Forum (WEF). It is imperative that legislators enact this bill and protect our God-given freedoms!

House Bill No. 2380 (HB 2380) is sponsored by Representative Russ Diamond (R-Annville Township) and 16 other representatives.

If enacted, HB 2380 would prevent any policies or mandates from the UN, WHO, or WEF from being enforced in Pennsylvania. The bill declares:

The World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within this Commonwealth. A rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations or the World Economic Forum may not be enforced or implemented by this Commonwealth or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of this Commonwealth, municipality or any other political entity.

The policies emanating from the UN, WHO, and WEF are antithetical to the American form of government. For example, the UN’s Agenda 21/2030 plan seeks total control and regimentation of the entire planet, and prominent examples of its implementation include the global war on farmers, carbon-capture pipelines, and the transition toward “green” energy. The global body’s upcoming “Summit of the Future” will also advocate more power for the UN.

Furthermore, the WHO is planning a major power grab to allow it to impose draconian restrictions, such as vaccine passports and other “health” measures, at a global level. This comes in the form of a proposed global “pandemic treaty” and in possible amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). In addition to advancing medical tyranny, these changes would empower international bureaucracy at the expense of American sovereignty.

HB 2380 is firmly grounded in the text of the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, Article VI binds state legislators — along with members of Congress and judges — to their oath to support the U.S. Constitution.

Article VI also states, “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … shall be the supreme Law of the Land.” (Emphasis added.) State legislators are required to uphold and implement only those laws that are “made in Pursuance” to the Constitution. Any laws not “made in Pursuance thereof” are therefore not the supreme Law of the Land and, as such, state legislators are under no obligation to enforce or carry out their provisions. Instead, they should interpose, or nullify, such laws within the boundaries of their state.

This stipulation applies to the treaty-making power. Treaties (including U.S. membership in the UN and WHO) must also be subject to, and bound by, the limitations of the Constitution.

In a letter dated September 7, 1803, then-President Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I say the same as to the opinion of those who consider the grant of the treaty making power as boundless. If it is, then we have no Constitution.” This was further affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States, in Reid v. Covert (1957).

Urge your state legislators to support HB 2380 and to push back against all other unconstitutional laws at every level of government.

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Contact your state legislators

Please help enact HB 2380 by contacting your state legislators. Inform them of ways the UN's, WHO's, and WEF's recommendations and edicts violate the U.S. Constitution and our God-given individual liberties. Urge them to support strong measures that uphold and enforce the Constitution.

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