
Anti-Semitic Agenda Exposed | Activate America

While the war in the Middle East rages, Anti-Semitism has shown up across the globe.  But who is supporting this racial hatred?  You may be surprised when you find out who and why.  Learn more in this episode of Activate America.

Take Action:

1.) Purchase the recommended reading at Shop JBS.

2.) Find out the Communist role in the LGBTQ movement.

3.)  Watch Anarchy USA.

Stopping the Greatest Threat to Humanity—the Conspiracy

Nothing sells freedom like tyranny.  The tyranny leveled against Americans over the last two years has awakened millions who didn’t think it could happen here.  This episode of Freedom is the Cure focuses on the growing popularity of freedom and the need to ensure that Americans’ passion is channeled in a way that aims at the root of the problem, the Conspiracy, the powerful international network working to destroy America and plunge the world into tyranny. Paul talks with JBS coordinators who work on the grassroots level about how to create long-lasting changes.

Resources & Action Items to Combat the Threat

Watch Exposing The Enemies of Freedom video

Learn all about the Conspiracy with the ultimate primer: Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes

Stay atop of the most critical news and analysis with The New American magazine

Know the Constitution with the Constitution is the Solution series

Learn about the Convention of States threat

Support your local police and keep them independent

Be part of the campaign to save our children from public schools

Know who your representatives really are with the Congressional Scorecard

Join the JBS in our epic undertaking to restore liberty

America’s Schools are Being Infiltrated… | Activate America

Parents are losing their 1st Amendment rights in opposition to what is happening to our schools, and in certain cases, being arrested at school board meetings. So what is being taught you may ask? Unfortunately, it’s not the real history. Instead, it’s Critical Race Theory and the globalist ideologies being pushed by the United Nations. Tune in to find out more on this episode of Activate America!

1.) Consider enrollment to Freedom Project Academy. Visit their website here
2.) Distribute The New American Magazine’s, “Save Our Children” Issue
3.) Apply for JBS membership and get involved

Public Schools Are Destroying America | Freedom Is the Cure

Alex Newman joins Paul, Wayne and Peter to discuss how public schools are indoctrinating young minds with socialist and amoral beliefs and dumbing them down academically. Furthermore, decades of anti-American curricula have contributed to today’s rising national demoralization. The group also discuss schooling alternatives for parents who want to pull their children out of public schools but don’t know where to start.

Resources & Citations

The New American magazine’s Save Our Children and Rescuing Our Children issues

Learn more about Public School Alternatives

Learn More about Joining The John Birch Society

Check out the abysmal Nation’s Report Card

Save Our Children from Public Schools | JBS News Analysis

In a viral video last week, Xi Van Fleet spoke at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia. Her remarks called out the school district for teaching Critical Race Theory and equated it as the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Ms. Van Fleet immigrated from China. She said she was taught Critical Theory as a young student growing up in China’s schools. Except instead of using race to divide people, the indoctrination focused on class.

We’ll look at critical race theory and public education and suggest ways you can help protect your children in today’s episode of Analysis Behind the News, where we provide the perspective and the plan to help restore American liberty and independence.

Action Items:
1) Distribute Save Our Children
2) Enroll your children into FreedomProject Academy