
Dr. Duke Pesta

Dr. Duke Pesta
Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy
National Speaker


CRT, Trans-Tyranny, and the Crisis in Public School Education

How did we get here? Recent educational overreaches have finally awakened parents across the country to the ongoing transformation of education that has occurred right under our noses. Dr. Duke explains how we've moved from emphasizing knowledge-based mastery of subject matter to a politicized approach that diminishes academic achievement in favor of social justice indoctrination. From Critical Race Theory, to Social Emotional Learning, to LGTBQ propaganda, public schools are usurping the rights of parents while forcing leftist and socialistic dogma on America’s children. The talk also explains how parents can take control of their kids’ education and reject public school indoctrination.

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Dr. Duke Pesta received his M.A. in Renaissance literature from John Carroll University and his Ph.D. in Shakespeare and Renaissance literature from Purdue University. He has taught at major research institutions and small liberal arts colleges, on a wide variety of subjects at the graduate and undergraduate level, including courses on Shakespeare, Renaissance literature, the Bible, Russian literature, Christian Apologetics, and C.S. Lewis. He has been active in educational reform and was instrumental in developing and implementing an elective Bible course that is currently available for public high school students in Texas.

Dr. Pesta is the Academic Director of FreedomProject Academy, the American Opinion Foundation’s Online Classical school. He is also a nationally-recognized critic of Common Core, having delivered over 400 talks in 40 states, and has done more than 2500 radio and television interviews on the subject. He speaks at home school conventions and educational conferences across the nation on topics including the necessity of homeschooling, the decline of morality and critical thinking in the public schools, and the myriad ways that colleges and universities indoctrinate students.