
What We Can Expect If Congress Passes TPP

The John Birch Society’s CEO Arthur Thompson discusses the ramifications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. While it has not yet been passed, it is in its final draft stage before it will be presented to Congress. Now is the time to contact your congressmen and encourage them to reject it:

This weekly address provides a much needed analysis behind the news. Want to learn more? Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter at or at our Facebook page.

Wall Street Journal Confirms JBS Analysis of EU

JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for July 6 – 12, 2015.

In this week’s Analysis Behind the News video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how an article in last Friday’s Wall Street Journal, “Europe’s Crowning Glory Imperils Postwar Project,” confirms what The John Birch Society has been saying about the European Union (EU) for decades; how this article confirms that the European Union project began back in the 1950s; how the crowning glory of the EU is the “euro”; how Greece has just voted against an austerity program; how the Federal Reserve has already been bailing Europe out with currency exchanges; how the EU will eventually be ruled from Moscow; and how patriots shouldn’t be disheartened over the events of the past week, but should simply say, “I’m going to do more,” and then get others to join them in “getting to work.”

Big Business Spreads Trade Confusion in Congress

JBS Director of Communications Bill Hahn with the JBS weekly news video, June 29 – July 5, 2015.

In this week’s analysis behind the news, JBS Director of Communications Bill Hahn details an example of a Republican Congressman spreading confusion about fast track amid the last couple weeks’ TPA votes. He also discusses who read the TPP before voting to fast track it, and how the JBS has derailed previous sovereignty-destroying trade initiatives and will continue the fight to do so.

Cumulative Freedom Index from The New American:

Conspiracy Against the Independence of the American People

JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for May 25 – 31, 2015.

In this week’s Analysis Behind the News video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how many prominent people, not just The John Birch Society, have believed that a conspiracy has played a leading role in destroying the independence and Constitution of the people of the United States as a way to build a one world government under the United Nations; and how “conservatives” can take a stand against abortion and gun control, but at the same time vote for steps towards a one world government.

Trading Away Your Freedom by Foreign Entanglements

Author of the book “International Merger by Foreign Entanglements,” JBS CEO Arthur R. Thompson offers an in-depth analysis of the sovereignty-destroying agenda behind so-called free trade agreements. His presentation includes discussion of Trade Promotion Authority and two free trade agreements currently being negotiated by the United States: the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Just as trade agreements were used to bring about the economic and political integration of 28 nations under the European Union, the TPP and TTIP trade partnerships would be used to bring about the economic and political integration of the United States with eleven (initially) Pacific Rim nations and the European Union, respectively.

President Obama is asking Congress for “fast-track” Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) so that he can complete negotiations and sign a “free trade” agreement with eleven Pacific Rim nations known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that threatens American jobs and, and more importantly, surrenders American independence to international authority.

A TPA bill, S. 995, was introduced in the Senate on April 16, 2015. A vote on the TPA bill is expected sometime in May or June.

Since nearly everyone agrees that the TPP and TTIP partnership agreements can’t be approved by Congress without a TPA bill in place to force Congress to vote these agreements up or down with no amendments allowed, we must stop the TPA bill.

That’s why you should contact your representative and senators in Congress in strong opposition to TPA immediately. Phone your representative at 202-225-3121 and your senators at 202-224-3121. Phone calls have the most impact.

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An Introduction to Trading Away Your Freedom

Author of the book “International Merger by Foreign Entanglements,” JBS CEO Arthur Thompson offers an overview of the agenda behind so-called free trade. His presentation includes discussion of Trade Promotion Authority and two free trade agreements currently being negotiated by the United States: the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

President Obama is asking Congress for “fast-track” Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) so that he can negotiate and sign a “free trade” agreement with eleven Pacific Rim nations known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that threatens American jobs and surrenders American sovereignty to international authority.

Congressional approval of TPA and TPP would hurt American business owners, Americans who work for a living, and even our ability to govern ourselves as an independent nation.

A vote on TPA could happen during the lame-duck session of Congress, which convened on November 12 and is expected to stay in session until mid-December or so. That’s why you should contact your representative and senators in Congress in strong opposition to TPA immediately.

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The IRS Will Be Stifling Free Speech in Churches

JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for August 04 – 10, 2014.

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how the IRS agreed on July 17 to monitor church sermons for political content as part of an agreement made with the Freedom From Religion Foundation; how tax collection in the United States has always been rife with corruption; how our original Constitution prevented the the imposition of the federal income tax; how our original Constitution provided for U.S. Senators to be chosen by state legislatures, not by a popular vote of the people; and how we need to get back to a truly independent Senate that represents the state legislatures, repeal the income tax, and thereby get back to our original system of financing the government.

Laying the Groundwork for Global Wealth Confiscation

JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for February 3 – 9, 2014.

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how the myRA program mentioned by President Obama in his State of the Union Address last week is reminiscent of the Social Security program introduced by another president in the 1930s; how the IMF is laying the groundwork for global wealth confiscation; how the voters must insist that their representatives uphold the Constitution rather than support changing the Constitution with a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA), which won’t solve the fiscal problems we have anyway; how anyone wanting to change the Constitution can’t do so without taking into account the vast numbers of treaties, trade agreements, partnerships, and other foreign entanglements our nation has committed to; and how come the people who want a convention to change the Constitution don’t talk about these issues — which points to a hidden agenda.

Obama’s State of the Union Will Propose Socialist Solutions

JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for February 11 – 17, 2013.

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses: how Obama’s State of the Union will propose standard socialist solutions for America’s economy; how California takes a lesson from the federal government by pushing debt on the grand kids; how voters are getting increasingly fed up with the Establishment party candidates and are more and more voting for others; and how to become more productive according to the New York Times.

Election Results – What Do We Do Now?

In this week’s video news update, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how the presidential election loss is being used to create dissension among liberty-loving voters; how voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil; how hundreds of thousands of military absentee ballots were not counted; how our government was almost brought down by agents of revolutionary France in the late 1790s; how there was a socialist/communist problem during the Lincoln years; and how the solution is for citizens to join The John Birch Society and “make more votes” by educating and organizing others.