
Anarchy in America: Abolishing Police

In addition to “Abolish ICE,” a new proposal to “Abolish the Police” is gaining momentum from socialist politicians, the mainstream media, and academic journals. However, could this radical proposal simply be a subterfuge to make radical calls for nationalizing local police sound more “moderate” in comparison?

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Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation

Mission of the Charitable Foundation

Our mission is to protect the bond that exists between community and local law enforcement through education, programs, and briefings, while offering charitable support for families of police officers killed in the line of duty, and grants to law enforcement agencies for protective equipment, education training, and memorials. Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation (LECF) has provided grants & certificates of Valor for several families of officers killed in the line of duty. Please consider donating or continuing to donate to LECF. We are a 501(c)3 foundation which means your gifts are tax deductible. Won’t you help us in this most worthy mission?

LECF Accomplishments

LECF has also provided a grant for a special training seminar for the Mid-Atlantic Association of Women in Law Enforcement. We have had the opportunity to attend several law enforcement conferences, including the 2018 Western Conservative Summit. We have a publication, the Intelligence Brief, which goes to over 16,000 law enforcement offices in the United States.

This publication looks into the heart of what is behind the deadly attack on our law enforcement officials, along with articles from the officers themselves and more. This is produced twice a year. We are continually striving to bring communities and local law enforcement together. We believe together this can be accomplished.

Why Donations Are So Important

It is your generous gifts that allow us to maintain aid to our law enforcement officials and their families. They put their lives on the line each and every day in order to help keep our communities a safer place for our families. We are honored to be part of a foundation that offers support to these brave men and women.

With your gifts we can continue to offer grants to those families who have lost their loved ones while protecting our families and communities. We will continue to provide updated protective equipment to help ensure the safety of our law enforcement officials. We will continue to be part of and offer law enforcement outreach & educational programs; but we need your assistance.

Support Your Local Police

Keep Them Local & Independent

One of the hallmarks of a free society is local law enforcement. The 1828 Webster Dictionary defines a police officer as "an officer entrusted with the execution of the laws of a city." This clearly indicates the officer is responsible to the city. Today's sheriffs are accountable to the local voters who elected them, and police chiefs are accountable to those locally elected officials who appointed the chiefs.

When law enforcement agencies become entangled with the federal government (through grants, funding or other programs), this accountability shifts.

Militarization of Police

The federal government has a long history of creating entangling alliances with local law enforcement to gain more control over them. In fact, throughout world history national or federal police have been used to carry out the tyrannical dictates of oppressive rulers.

In recent years, local law enforcement has become much more militarized. The federal government uses the war on terror and the war on drugs as excuses to unconstitutionally equip local law enforcement with gear, training, and grants. No doubt you’ve noticed officers with tactical gear, weapons, and military-grade vehicles. Yesteryear’s hometown cop is quickly becoming replaced with today’s military soldier.

There are seven steps that must occur to flip local police to a nationalized force.

Take Back Control, We Need Your Help

In 1963, we started the “Support Your Local Police and Keep Them Independent” project partly based on a plot against police as uncovered by the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee in 1961. We urged members to create ad hoc SYLP committees to pull together members and supportive non-members to protect local police and the communities they serve. That plot included using crowd manipulation, “spontaneous” riot creation, and false “police brutality” campaigns.

Sound familiar?

Please consider joining or forming an SYLP committee today. Here are helpful resources to learn more, including the SYLP committee manual and the committee formation manual. Help to keep your local police independent by forming a committee today!

JBS Agenda

The John Birch Society Agenda

The JBS Agenda details our entire agenda and serves as a reference manual for members. It is our game plan for securing our God-given freedoms and rights by stopping the globalists’ drive towards a UN world government. In addition, our monthly JBS Bulletin fosters concerted action by our national network of chapters by providing direction to members regarding the latest priorities and specific action requests for the various Agenda items.

Click here for a PDF of the JBS Agenda booklet.


  1. Why Join JBS
  2. JBS Membership Options
  3. Start a Chapter
  4. Materials (Books, Videos, Podcasts)
  5. Speakers Bureau & Webinars

Defeat the Conspiracy

  1. Expose the Deep State
  2. Stop the Great Reset
  3. Freedom Is the Cure

Stop the New World Order

  1. Get US Out! of the United Nations
  2. Stop Agenda 2030
  3. Get US Out! of the USMCA
  4. Stop the Globalists’ Trade Agenda

Obey the Constitution

  1. Stop a Con-Con
  2. Rein In Big Government With Nullification
  3. End the Fed
  4. Stop Mass Migration
  5. Restore Election Integrity

Save Our Children

  1. Save Our Children From Public Schools
  2. Enroll in FreedomProject Academy
  3. Promote the American Opinion Foundation

Support Your Local Police — and Keep Them Independent!

  1. Support the Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation

Reach Out With The New American

  1. Magazine
  2. TNA Online
  3. Distribute the Freedom Index
  4. Distribute Congressional & State Scorecards

Pending Legislation

  1. Sign-up for Email Action Alerts
  2. Federal Legislative Action Alerts
  3. State Legislative Action Alerts
  4. Contact Elected Officials

Temporary Agenda

  1. From time to time we include information or recommendations that need temporary attention.

DOJ Secretly Nationalizing Local Police?

Is the federal Department of Justice secretly nationalizing your local police to spy on you?

Read Mike Maharrey’s article from the TAC:

Visit our JBS “Support Your Local Police” page for more information:

Download report to start an SYLP Committee:

“Support Your Local Police” for National Police Week

In honor of National Police Week, take the time to thank an officer in your community!

Not only do policemen put their lives on the line, but they are also coming under more and more scrutiny thanks to the Black Lives Matter movement and those that fund them.

Take action today by starting a Support Your Local Police committee in your area to raise awareness of what is happening to our police.

Celebrate National Police Week by going to our SYLP action project page on

Share this with all your friends and family and get them involved in the JBS today!

Helpful links:

Support Your Local Police Action Page:

Are Local Police to Blame?

Officer down: Police deaths hit a 5-year high:

Hacked Documents: Soros Funded Black Lives Matter:

Soros Exposed Plotting to Nationalize American Police:

What Congressional Conservatives Think About Ted Cruz & Donald Trump

JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for May 2 – 8, 2016.

In this week’s Analysis Behind the News video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses a recent trip he took to Washington, D.C. to meet with members of Congress relative to informing them about what is on the agenda of The John Birch Society with regard to the Support Your Local Police (SYLP) campaign. While there, these 30 congressmen volunteered their thoughts about Ted Cruz and Donald Trump as the Republican presidential candidate. To know what their thoughts were and more watch the video to find out!