
SYLP: Action Tools

SYLP Tools at the Ready

Local police not only have to endure the difficulty of maintaining law and order, but also the pressure of the gradual federalization of police forces. Because police dependent upon the federal government have much less accountability to the local communities they serve, allegiances become blurred and a national police force emerges. This war on local police is directly related to other dangerous trends like the COVID-19 government overreach and the advance of globalism, as our “Directing the Disorder” reprint points out.

That is why The John Birch Society has consistently supported local police and worked to keep them independent of federal control. Work with us to “Support Your Local Police and Keep Them Independent” in order to have a free society. We have everything you need to get started.

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Model Legislation

Educational PDFs

TNA Articles

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JBS Agenda

The John Birch Society Agenda

The JBS Agenda details our entire agenda and serves as a reference manual for members. It is our game plan for securing our God-given freedoms and rights by stopping the globalists’ drive towards a UN world government. In addition, our monthly JBS Bulletin fosters concerted action by our national network of chapters by providing direction to members regarding the latest priorities and specific action requests for the various Agenda items.

Click here for a PDF of the JBS Agenda booklet.


  1. Why Join JBS
  2. JBS Membership Options
  3. Start a Chapter
  4. Materials (Books, Videos, Podcasts)
  5. Speakers Bureau & Webinars

Defeat the Conspiracy

  1. Expose the Deep State
  2. Stop the Great Reset
  3. Freedom Is the Cure

Stop the New World Order

  1. Get US Out! of the United Nations
  2. Stop Agenda 2030
  3. Get US Out! of the USMCA
  4. Stop the Globalists’ Trade Agenda

Obey the Constitution

  1. Stop a Con-Con
  2. Rein In Big Government With Nullification
  3. End the Fed
  4. Stop Mass Migration
  5. Restore Election Integrity

Save Our Children

  1. Save Our Children From Public Schools
  2. Enroll in FreedomProject Academy
  3. Promote the American Opinion Foundation

Support Your Local Police — and Keep Them Independent!

  1. Support the Law Enforcement Charitable Foundation

Reach Out With The New American

  1. Magazine
  2. TNA Online
  3. Distribute the Freedom Index
  4. Distribute Congressional & State Scorecards

Pending Legislation

  1. Sign-up for Email Action Alerts
  2. Federal Legislative Action Alerts
  3. State Legislative Action Alerts
  4. Contact Elected Officials

Temporary Agenda

  1. From time to time we include information or recommendations that need temporary attention.

Surrendering the Second Amendment

Last week’s knee-jerk reaction by the NRA and some in the GOP perfectly demonstrate why our Constitution must be jealously guarded. We discuss this surrendering of the Second Amendment in this episode of Analysis Behind the News.

Please be sure to follow-up with action, as well as to share this with all your friends and family!

Course of Action

  1. Read “Las Vegas Reaction Shows Risk of Con-Con to Second Amendment” by The New American.
  2. Share the article on social media.
  3. Print out the article to share with state legislators, along with a dual feature DVD.
  4. Visit state legislators in teams of two and ask them to read and view the materials.
  5. Follow-up with subsequent visits.
  6. Be sure to contact your local JBS Coordinator for further guidance (visit

Helpful links:

Las Vegas Reaction Shows Risk of Con-Con to Second Amendment

Dual feature DVD of “Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention” and “A Crash Course on a Constitutional Convention”

Choose Freedom—Stop a Constitutional Convention Action Project Page

Contact Your Local JBS Coordinator

Reining in the Fed With the States

We recently celebrated Constitution Day, so it’s the perfect time to understand how the states can help rein in the federal government. Learn the proper relationship of state vs. fed and what you can do to help in this episode of Straight Talk.

Helpful Links:

The Constitution’s Supremacy Clause Does Not Trump Nullification

Constitution Quiz

Constitution Corner

Pocket-sized Constitution

Restoring the Rights of the States and the People booklet

Principles of ’98

What is the role of the state in nullification of federal law and the principles behind it? Find out from Representative Derek Skees as he discusses the answers to these questions along with the current successes and what state sovereignty really means. Speech given June 25, 2011