
2:11 – Rightful Remedy To Federal Overreach: “Escrow Bill”

As we have previously covered, nullification is an effective tool to enforce the Constitution and rein in the federal government. But how can we stop federal spending?

States can use nullification to stop unconstitutional federal spending, just as they can use it to stop other federal usurpations.

One key way they can accomplish this is by enacting a “State Sovereignty and Federal Tax Funds Act,” also referred to as an “escrow bill.” Under it, federal taxes would first be sent to the state government. The state would then calculate the percentage of constitutional federal spending and send only that percentage of the funds to the federal government.

Since an estimated 80% of federal spending is unconstitutional, this bill would save taxpayers a significant amount of their hard-earned income, put heavy pressure on the federal government to cut its spending, and protect the states from financial federal retaliation.

This bill has been introduced in multiple states in previous years, including Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Washington. To get serious about countering federal usurpations, state legislators must enact this bill into law.

States can also nullify the Federal Reserve and its monopoly on monetary policy. The Federal Reserve’s ability to create money has encouraged Congress to engage in reckless spending.

Already, multiple states have enacted legislation doing so.

For example, multiple states have abolished taxes on precious metals such as gold and silver. While three have affirmed gold and silver as legal tender, thus encouraging their use in competition with Federal Reserve Notes, which are really nothing more than elastic fiat currency.

Meanwhile, Texas has taken the step of creating a state precious-metals depository, further reducing state dependence on the Fed.

However, state governments must go all the way by enforcing the Constitution’s Gold and Silver Clause (Article I, Section 10). If states can nullify the Fed, it will rein in federal spending. It will also stop rampant inflation.

As we’ve previously stated, it will not be easy to enact these measures; state governments will come under significant opposition, including from the federal government, the judiciary, media, big business, and others.

But for these nullification measures to succeed, state and local officials need to be bold and courageous. And if voters are both informed about nullification and made familiar with the Constitution, many will support nullification efforts.

Learn more about Article V and the amendment process by visiting

New Mexico Follows Illinois’ Lead: Nullifies Gun Ban | JBS News Analysis

Last month we told you about how nullification was being utilized to save the Second Amendment in Illinois. Now, it’s New Mexico’s turn. Find out what happened and how their win can be your win in today’s Analysis Behind the News.

If you’re concerned about American independence and freedom, then please watch and take the recommended actions. Also, be sure to like, share, and subscribe, so we can break through Big Tech censorship and reach many others.

Take Action:

1.) Download and read “The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government: Article VI”

2.) Purchase and distribute physical booklets to educate county and state officials:

3.) Contact your local JBS Coordinator to explore local opportunities:

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New Mexico Follows Illinois’ Lead: Nullifies Gun Ban | JBS News Analysis

Last month we told you about how nullification was being utilized to save the Second Amendment in Illinois. Now, it’s New Mexico’s turn. Find out what happened and how their win can be your win in today’s Analysis Behind the News.

If you’re concerned about American independence and freedom, then please watch and take the recommended actions. Also, be sure to like, share, and subscribe, so we can break through Big Tech censorship and reach many others.

Take Action:

1.) Download and read “The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government: Article VI”

2.) Purchase and distribute physical booklets to educate county and state officials:

3.) Contact your local JBS Coordinator to explore local opportunities:

4.) Join The John Birch Society:

Patriots to the Rescue

In this presentation at The John Birch Society’s 2023 Leadership Conference, JBS CEO Bill Hahn emphasizes the importance of getting involved in the fight to save and restore our constitutional Republic. He emphasizes the danger of out-of-control government, and highlights solutions, including nullification, local organization, and creating an informed electorate. To help restore our Republic, join The John Birch Society by going to

County Officials Nullify Anti-Gun Illinois Supreme Court Ruling | JBS News Analysis

When a state’s supreme court rules against the Second Amendment, depriving citizens of their God-given right to self-defense and self-preservation in the face of government tyranny, what does one do? We’ll give you a real-life example from the state of Illinois from county officials who know how to constitutionally handle verdicts that the state’s supreme court gets wrong.

If you’re concerned about American independence and freedom, then please watch and take the recommended actions. Also, be sure to like, share, and subscribe, so we can break through Big Tech censorship and reach many others.


View, download, and share The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government (free).

Purchase physical copies to distribute.

Related nullification and Stop a Constitutional Convention literature.

Contact your local JBS Coordinator to explore local opportunities.

Join The John Birch Society.

County Officials Nullify Anti-Gun Illinois Supreme Court Ruling | JBS News Analysis

When a state’s supreme court rules against the Second Amendment, depriving citizens of their God-given right to self-defense and self-preservation in the face of government tyranny, what does one do? We’ll give you a real-life example from the state of Illinois from county officials who know how to constitutionally handle verdicts that the state’s supreme court gets wrong.

If you’re concerned about American independence and freedom, then please watch and take the recommended actions. Also, be sure to like, share, and subscribe, so we can break through Big Tech censorship and reach many others.


View, download, and share The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government (free).

Purchase physical copies to distribute.

Related nullification and Stop a Constitutional Convention literature.

Contact your local JBS Coordinator to explore local opportunities.

Join The John Birch Society.

Robert Brown

Robert Brown has served as a field coordinator and regional field director for The John Birch Society, and today is a national spokesman on constitutional issues. He is best known for his lectures on the Constitution. He has produced six of his lectures as a video series known as “The Constitution Is the Solution“, which has gained popularity nationwide.

After viewing just two of these lectures, a constitutional attorney from New Jersey said:

“I studied Constitutional law under one of the most outstanding Constitutional lawyers/law professors in America, and I have learned more from the two DVD’s that I saw than I did from the professor.”

Mr. Brown lives in Utah with his wife and children. A popular constitutional speaker, he has lectured for many liberty-minded organizations throughout the country, testified as an expert witness on constitutional issues before numerous state legislatures, and has been a guest on many radio and television programs.

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