
The Founders Recipe

The Founders Recipe

by Dr. Joe Wolverton (Author)

330 pages, 8.5x11x0.78, Paperback – August 18, 2020

Paperback and Kindle available on Amazon

PDF download available on ShopJBS

Our country stands at a crossroads, and the path to restoring our Republic lies in rediscovering the wisdom that guided our Founding Fathers. They weren’t just statesmen; they were scholars, steeped in the timeless lessons of history’s greatest thinkers. Imagine if we could cultivate a new generation of leaders with the same intellectual rigor and moral fortitude as James Madison. The secret? It’s in the books they read, the ideas they debated, and the virtues they practiced. In "The Founders Recipe," we reveal the blueprint they followed—an accessible treasure trove of knowledge that’s literally at our fingertips today. These books didn’t just inspire the Founders; they armed them with the insights needed to confront and overcome the very challenges we face now. By diving into these lectures, you’re not just learning history; you’re equipping yourself to be part of the .008 percent—the small but powerful force that can reignite the flame of liberty in America. Join us, and let’s ensure our Republic doesn’t fall victim to the same political diseases that destroyed so many before us. The future of our nation depends on it.
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Introduction, Part 1

What if there was a recipe that turned ordinary men into the architects of liberty? The Founders didn’t just stumble upon greatness; they followed a precise formula—mixing the right ideas, at the right time, in the right way. This series isn’t about dusty old books; it’s about discovering the intellectual ingredients that fueled their courage to defy the world’s mightiest empire. Join us as we uncover the writings that inspired a revolution and forged a nation. Ready to learn the recipe for liberty?

Introduction, Part 2

The Founding Fathers didn’t just study history—they lived by it. They knew that the key to safeguarding America from the fate of fallen republics lay in the wisdom of ancient Greece and Rome. Immersed in the classics from a young age, they learned directly from the likes of Cicero and Plutarch, drawing lessons that helped them build a nation like no other. Their rigorous education wasn’t just academic; it was a preparation for leadership and a safeguard against tyranny. By understanding what they studied, we can protect the fragile liberty they fought to secure and ensure our Republic endures.