
Activate America

Activate America is a John Birch Society podcast hosted by JBS former CEO Art Thompson. Art, who has spent most of his life speaking and writing on the anti-American agenda, shares with listeners how they can stop the enemy from destroying America.

Art Thompson served as the CEO of JBS for 15 years. He is a frequent speaker and the author of several in-depth books that detail the threats to liberty, including China: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America, In the Shadow of the Deep State, and To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments.

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Compromise Is No Solution | Activate America

October 12, 2021 Episode

Our Founding Fathers were worried about two political parties. Their concern was that party members would work harder for their party than the country. Today that’s what we see.

Parties introduce outrageous bills that deadlock both sides. Then someone will suggest a compromise that isn’t a solution at all, merely something to pass so everyone looks good.

Learn more about this process and how educating yourself and others is the true solution.


Sign up for Legislative Action Alerts to find out about proposed legislation. 

Contact your Elected Officials and let the know what you think.

with the Constitution Is The Solution Videos and Lecture Materials

Get involved and Join The John Birch Society. 

Strength Through Education | Activate America

October 6, 2021 Episode

President John Adams had the same desire to defeat what today we call Marxism. He witnessed the radical changes in the principles, opinion, sentiments, and affections of the people. Through education he was able to change the hearts and minds of many. Find out how The John Birch Society continues that fight today. Learn what tools are available to help change the hearts and minds of today’s patriots.


Start by going “Back to Basics”. 

Learn how it all started by reading the Declaration of Independence

Watch the Constitution video series online.

Add to your knowledge by reading the Constitution

Buy a ­­­“Constitution is the Solution” Lecture series with Lecture Guide with Lecture Materials. 

Get involved and Join The John Birch Society.

How Globalists Utilize the Pandemic

September 29, 2021 Episode

Pandemics, universal healthcare, and travel restrictions… a savory recipe for globalists. In the past 2 years, we’ve faced a variety of government initiatives. These initiatives are designed to control our lives more and more by big government and towards a one-world government they call the New World Order.

Don’t just take our word for it, it’s all laid out on the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset page (see link below). The Great Reset goes hand-in-hand with the United Nation’s calling for universal healthcare back in 2019. It’s interesting how this is all being justified and widely promoted due to the pandemic.

In China: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America, Arthur shows that the pandemic and its edicts have been planned over an eleven year period (see link to the book below). Find out more details about how we may be fooled by fear tactics on this week’s Activate America.

Action Items!
1.) The startling globalist agenda is laid out right here in the open

2.) Learn how the pandemic and its edicts have been planned over an eleven year period by reading Art’s book

3.) You can help make a difference by getting involved & joining the John Birch Society

Biden’s NWO Agenda | Activate America

September 21, 2021 Episode

Joe Biden has been an advocate of the New World Order for decades.  He wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal in 1992 titled “How I Learned to Love the New World Order”.  He also published a booklet of his three speeches to the Senate called, “On the Threshold of the New World Order”.

Find out why Biden wants more treaties that would give the United Nations more power over the U.S.  Treaties such as Agenda 2030, Great Reset, NATO, and an expanded Security Council.

Learn what President Biden’s plan to “Build Back Better” really means.  Join Arthur R. Thompson in this Episode of Activate America


Read Arthur R. Thompson’s books:

To the Victors Go the Myths and Monuments

In the Shadows of the Deep State

Read about “The Great Reset” in The New American magazine.

Read Joe Biden’s speeches about the New World Order to the Senate from the 1992 Congressional record.

June 29 (pages 16591-16595)

June 30 (pages 16901-16907)

July 1 (pages 17467-17473)

Get involved and Join The John Birch Society

The Left Demonizes the Right! | Activate America

September 15, 2021 Episode

The Left keeps pushing, hoping to get Conservatives to react verbally in the media or even worse, physically.  When they do react, the media demonizes them as extremists.  Remember the McCloskeys from St. Louis, who waved guns at protestors who were on their property?

Watch Activate America to learn how education and organization, instead of reaction, is the way to go.


Watch the Activate America “False Flags & Militancy?” episode about how not to play into the hands of the enemy. 

Contact a local coordinator in your area. 

Watch the Activate America “How the Communists Neutralize” episode about how the use of false flags works at destroying the oppositions credibility.

Book a speaker from The John Birch Society at your next event! 

Get involved and Join The John Birch Society. 

Who Are the Real Experts? | Activate America

September 7, 2021 Episode

As Art Thompson puts it, “Those who don’t know their past are condemned to repeat it.” At the John Birch Society, we stress the importance of education. It is crucial to discern whether the history that’s being taught is from credible sources, and that’s the tricky part for the average American. As much as we’d like to trust conservative media, it’s been shown that even they bend the truth. Find out on this week’s Activate about certain Republicans, as well as major Republican organizations, misleading others in the media.

Action Items:
1.) Learn more about the Deep State by reading, “In the Shadows of the Deep State”

2.) To learn more about the first 100 years of this country and how it impacts us today read,
“To the Victor Go the Myths and the Monuments”

Education Spreads Truth

September 1, 2021 Episode

Over the years The John Birch Society has been spreading the truth by writing and printing books on many subjects.  Two of these books are “In the Shadows of the Deep State” and “To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments”. 

A common thread that runs through these books is the Council on Foreign Relations and how they are steadily working towards a one world government.  A one world government will slowly dissolve the Republic form of government and with it, America’s sovereignty.

To really understand what’s going on, you need to read these two books.  Our country needs well-informed, well-read leaders.  Arm yourself with knowledge and you can be that leader starting today.

Action Items:

Reading adds to your education, so start reading, get educated and then tell others.  Read Arthur R. Thompson’s books:

In the Shadows of the Deep State

To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments 

Tell your U.S. Representatives and Senators to eliminate CFR members from Appointments

Read the reprint: CFR: Still the Power Behind the Throne

Learn More about the Council on Foreign Relations on

Get involved and Join The John Birch Society. 

The Afghanistan War: Who’s Responsible?

August 24, 2021 Episode

There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to the recent withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. For example, did you know that the Afghan War was led by Council on Foreign Relations members, including Gen Patraeus?

For those unaware, he was the head of the CIA and was forced to resign after being caught in a sex scandal. He went from there to heading up the plan of the CFR for uniting North America, the United States, Canada, and Mexico, into a single country which would abrogate the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its Bill of Rights.

Now we have witnessed the fall of the Afghan government and the rapid sweeping advancement of the Taliban across all of Afghanistan. In addition, we have left behind millions and millions of dollars of military equipment now in the hands of the Taliban, including some of the latest technology in military equipment. Much of this is already on its way to Pakistan and then the China according to interviews on FOX television of Afghani experts.

The people in charge of the current Afghan situation are members of the CFR. Let us remind you that the CFR’s mission is a one-world government, not an independent United States.

Action Items:
1.) Learn more about how the Council on Foreign Relations pulls government strings in Art’s book, Shadows of the Deep State.

2) Get involved & help stop a North American Union by using our action page.

Take Action That Works

August 11, 2021 Episode

With the current political situation, more and more people are realizing that our country is in peril of remaining a free Republic. Now is not the time to get discouraged, it is time to act.

Art Thompson discusses how JBS took effective action to counter the Marxist agenda in the 60’s and 70’s. Find out how you can join in the same type of concerted action that, once created, creates a synergy that the Marxists will find to be unstoppable.

Take Action:

1. Learn more about starting a SYLP Committee
2. Tell your governors and state legislatures to stop the tyranny!
3. Join the Concerted Action of JBS

Battling the Marxist Agenda

August 4, 2021 Episode

Since its founding, The John Birch Society has been battling to defeat the Marxist conspiracy. Learn what the five biggest challenges they face.

Find out how JBS is combatting those within the Deep State and supporting Action Projects around issues like “Nullification”, “Stopping Mass Migration” and “Support Your Local Police”. Learn more about two of our newest Action Projects, “Save our Children from Public Schools” and “Restore Election Integrity”.

The Debate Over Women Registering for the Draft

July 28, 2021 Episode

The Senate Armed Services Committee, in its fiscal 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, includes the requirement for women to register for the draft. The House and Senate have debated this for the last six years. But the John Birch Society warned about women, the draft and Equal Rights Amendment back in 1972. Now those issues are back. Learn what’s happening now with Arthur R. Thompson.

Store Closings Skyrocket

July 21, 2021 Episode

As morality deteriorates in America, so does the lifespan of many retail stores. Major cities are experiencing the consequences of de-funding the police. Statistics now show an increase in open looting, arson, and shootings. The crime spikes have caused stores around the country to close down. What’s the reason behind this store-closing frenzy? Tune in to this week’s episode of Activate America to find out.

Why Communists Fake Collapse

July 14, 2021 Episode

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. Or did it? What better way to find out who leads the opposition? If Communism collapses, there will be a rush to fill the vacuum. That’s the opposition and now they know who to destroy.

Has this happened before? Countries such as Hungary, East Germany Czechoslovakia and Poland have already gone through this and Hong Kong and Cuba may be next.

Learn more with Arthur R. Thompson.

Honoring the 4th of July Wrong? | Activate America

July 7, 2021 Episode

We at The John Birch Society hope you enjoyed the recent holiday weekend… For there is an organized campaign to get us to forget Independence Day and even July 4th. Unfortunately, we celebrate the 4th of July and some tend to forget what day it is: Independence Day. The day we celebrate our independence.

The Declaration of Independence is no longer taught in our schools to the level it should be because it runs up against the agenda of the communist Marxists. Could Independence Day soon be abolished? Find out on this episode of Activate America.

America’s Schools are Being Infiltrated… | Activate America

June 30, 2021 Episode

Parents are losing their 1st Amendment rights in opposition to what is happening to our schools, and in certain cases, being arrested at school board meetings. So what is being taught you may ask? Unfortunately, it’s not the real history. Instead, it’s Critical Race Theory and the globalist ideologies being pushed by the United Nations. Tune in to find out more on this episode of Activate America!

1.) Consider enrollment to Freedom Project Academy. Visit their website here
2.) Distribute The New American Magazine’s, “Save Our Children” Issue
3.) Apply for JBS membership and get involved

Ensuring Your Vote Counts | Activate America

June 23, 2021 Episode

Ensuring that ever vote counts is vital to the survival of our Republic. Join Art Thompson as he discusses how voter fraud has been an issue in America for over 150 years and what you can do to ensure election integrity.


  1. Restore Election Integrity
  2. Contact Your Elected Officials
  3. Order and Distribute JBS Material
  4. Order and Distribute TNA Reprint

Globalist Deliberate Attack | Activate America

June 16, 2021 Episode

Globalists have been planning an attack for years.  Back in 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation issued a report illustrating a scenario where a dangerous flu epidemic struck.  It detailed government lockdowns, how businesses and supply chains would be affected and more.

Join Arthur R. Thompson as he discusses the “The Great Reset” and the UN’s Agenda 2030 plan to impose controls on every aspect of life.

Using Humor to Educate | Activate America

June 2, 2021 Episode

Our neighbor to the north, Canada, has even worse pandemic edicts than we do in the U.S. You can be fined thousands of dollars if you leave your metropolitan area. Businesses that are ordered shut, can be fined even more, if they are found open. With all these edicts, remember, Canada is a partner in the USMCA agreement with us! So, when you find yourself discussing these and other divisive issues, remember to use humor. You may find the other person laughing with you at how ridiculous some of these issues are.


CHINA: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America – by Arthur Thompson

Polish Pastor Faces Imprisonment for “Insulting Catholic Feelings”! | Activate America

May 26, 2021 Episode

Too many Americans take our Bill of Rights for granted. We see in the example of a Polish pastor, Pawel Chojecki, that freedom of speech does not exist even in countries which profess that they are no longer communist. Polish Pastor Paweł Chojecki is facing criminal charges by the Polish government for violating the country’s speech codes. The criminal trial is ongoing. Another hearing will be held on May 28. It will be the last one before sentencing. Pastor Chojecki faces 5 years in prison.

Property Rights Under Attack | Activate America

May 23, 2021 Episode

A Florida man had to take care of his mother’s estate out of state. He hired a guy to cut his lawn but that guy passed away and the lawn went uncut. That’s when the city stepped in and started to fine him per day for not mowing his lawn, eventually accumulating fines of $30,000!

This is nothing new. There has been a deterioration of property rights all across the country and as a result we see mob rule, anarchy, along with the destruction of property. This destruction has been taking place gradually. Art Thompson will discuss a bit of the history and where your property rights end and where your local government begins.