
Activate America Podcast

Activate America by the John Birch Society

Activate America is a John Birch Society podcast hosted by JBS former CEO Art Thompson. Art, who has spent most of his life speaking and writing on the anti-American agenda, shares with listeners how they can stop the enemy from destroying America.

Art Thompson served as the CEO of JBS for 15 years. He is a frequent speaker and the author of several in-depth books that detail the threats to liberty, including China: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America, In the Shadow of the Deep State, and To the Victor Go the Myths & Monuments.

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Polish Pastor Faces Imprisonment for “Insulting Catholic Feelings”! | Activate America

May 26, 2021 Episode

Too many Americans take our Bill of Rights for granted. We see in the example of a Polish pastor, Pawel Chojecki, that freedom of speech does not exist even in countries which profess that they are no longer communist. Polish Pastor Paweł Chojecki is facing criminal charges by the Polish government for violating the country’s speech codes. The criminal trial is ongoing. Another hearing will be held on May 28. It will be the last one before sentencing. Pastor Chojecki faces 5 years in prison.

Property Rights Under Attack | Activate America

May 23, 2021 Episode

A Florida man had to take care of his mother’s estate out of state. He hired a guy to cut his lawn but that guy passed away and the lawn went uncut. That’s when the city stepped in and started to fine him per day for not mowing his lawn, eventually accumulating fines of $30,000!

This is nothing new. There has been a deterioration of property rights all across the country and as a result we see mob rule, anarchy, along with the destruction of property. This destruction has been taking place gradually. Art Thompson will discuss a bit of the history and where your property rights end and where your local government begins.