
Stop Anti-Election-Integrity Michigan Bill SB 603

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Members of the Michigan Legislature are seeking to pass SB 603, which further erode and undermine election integrity.

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URGENT: The Michigan Senate passed SB 603 by a 20-18 vote. This dangerous, anti-integrity bill now heads to the state House of Representatives for consideration. Please contact your state representative, and urge him or her to oppose SB 603.

Members of the Michigan Legislature are seeking to pass legislation that would further erode and undermine election integrity.

Senate Bill No. 603 (SB 603) was introduced by Senator Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit). If enacted, this bill would add roadblocks to ensuring election integrity in Michigan. Among other actions, the bill would:

  • Remove authority from county boards of canvassers to investigate election wrongdoing, including fraud and ballot tampering.
  • Allow county clerks to recount ballots, even if the ballot-container seals are broken.
  • Make it significantly harder to initiate a recount (e.g., suspected fraud would not be a valid reason) and opens up the process to lawfare.
  • Prohibits recounts from evaluating whether ballots were cast by eligible voters, meaning it would be impossible to determine whether illegals, dead people, or out-of-state individuals voted.

There is much evidence of fraud in the 2020 election in Michigan, and state officials have refused to ensure election integrity. SB 603 would make it even harder to protect Michigan elections.

Rather than enact destructive legislation such as SB 603, Michigan legislators would be wise to enact legislation that — following The John Birch Society’s recommendations — strengthens and restores election integrity. Please contact your state representative, and urge him or her to oppose SB 603.

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Please help stop SB 603 by contacting your state legislators. Inform them about how this bill undermines election integrity, and urge them to boldly fight for fully-secure and trustworthy election policies.

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