
Stop S4894 — Protect Local New York Police Departments From the UN

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Members of the New York State Legislature are seeking to enact S4894, which would impose globalist UN guidelines on local police departments in the state.

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URGENT: Members of the New York State Legislature are seeking to enact legislation that would impose globalist UN guidelines on local police departments in the state.

Senate Bill S4894 (S4894) is sponsored by Senators Cordell Cleare (D-Manhattan) and Julia Salazar (D-Kings). If enacted, this bill would expand the state’s use-of-force regulations for law enforcement. Most significantly, the bill would add the following requirement:

Such model law enforcement use of force policy shall be consistent with the United Nations basic principles on the use of force and firearms by law enforcement officials and the United Nations code of conduct for law enforcement officials, except that the council may impose further and additional restrictions on the use of force.

This requirement represents a major attack on both local-police autonomy and U.S. sovereignty. The United Nations is one of the greatest threats to American freedom and independence, and it regularly tries to intervene in U.S. domestic policies, including law enforcement.

As The New American reported, a 2023 UN report on “systemic racism” in the American criminal-justice system recommended multiple radical changes that would unconstitutionally expand federal control over local police, surrender U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations, and implement Marxist cultural and social policies.

It is unacceptable for the New York State Legislature to undermine local police and strengthen international influence over local police. Locally controlled police are integral to a free society. When local control is diluted, accountability to local voters is also diluted, and big-government power is increased.

Furthermore, local police and county sheriffs are key to protecting citizens against tyranny — they were at the forefront of nullifying state and federal Covid/vaccine mandates, and they also have protected against state and federal gun-control measures. In countries where police operate under centralized control — such as Canada, China, and the socialist-run European countries — nothing is stopping the central government from violating people’s God-given rights.

National police are the hallmark of dictatorships and oppression around the world. The autonomy of our local police — including from international organizations such as the UN — is paramount to the survival of our Republic. Please contact your state legislators, and urge them to oppose S4894.

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Please help stop S4894 by contacting your state legislators. Inform them of the importance of independent and locally controlled police and urge them to oppose all measures that centralize and unduly restrict law enforcement.

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