
Legislative Action Alerts

legislative action alerts

Below is a list of legislative action alerts. Each alert includes a pre-written message that you can email to your representatives.

When you use the widget it will identify exactly who the alert needs to be sent to, based on your home address. Since personal visits, video, and phone calls are the most effective way to influence your congressmen, please follow up with a visit, call, or video message.

Our Legislative Alert widget will provide a few talking points when creating a video or calling your lawmakers. Once you are all done, share this page with others in order to create greater pressure on legislature to do the right thing.

Stop HB 2677 — Protect All Preborn Babies in Arizona

Members of the Arizona State Legislature are seeking pass HB 2677, which would repeal the state’s law banning the barbaric and egregious practice of abortion. It is imperative that state legislators reject this bill and instead stand uncompromisingly for all preborn human life — without exceptions!

Stop Pennsylvania Agenda 2030-inspired Housing Bill HB 1386

Members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly are seeking to pass HB 1386, which would promote the construction of multi-family housing and “mixed-use” development over single-family housing — a step toward implementing the UN’s Agenda 2030 via “15-minute cities.”

Stop SB 727 — Protect Homeschoolers in Missouri

Members of the Missouri General Assembly are seeking to pass SB 727, which would expand the state’s “Education Savings Account” (ESA) law, a slippery slope toward increased government control over homeschooling via government funding — and the various strings attached. Urge your state legislators to oppose this dangerous bill and to abolish all government involvement in education.

Restore Sound Money in Ohio With HB 481

Members of the Ohio General Assembly are seeking to enact HB 481, which would help restore sound money and enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions.

Restore Sound Money in Alabama With SB 297

Members of the Alabama Legislature are seeking to enact SB 297, which would help restore sound money and enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions.

Stop Colorado Federal Constitutional Convention Resolution HJR 24-1024

Members of the Colorado General Assembly are seeking to pass HJR 24-1024, which would apply to Congress to “call a Convention for proposing Amendments,” under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con) or “convention of the states.”

Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Louisiana With SB 133

SB 133 has been introduced in the Louisiana State Legislature to nullify the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and World Economic Forum (WEF). It is imperative that legislators enact this bill and protect our God-given freedoms!

Restore Sound Money in Michigan With HB 5577

Members of the Michigan Legislature are seeking to enact HB 5577, which would help restore sound money and enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions.

Stop Digital Currency Tyranny — Enact H.R. 1122, H.R. 5403, and S. 3801

Members of Congress are seeking to enact H.R. 1122, H.R. 5403, and S. 3801. These bills would prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a digital currency, which would decimate personal privacy and implement a full-fledged surveillance state.

Get US Out! of the WHO — Support H.R. 79

H.R. 79 would withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO). This comes as the WHO works to implement a global pandemic treaty, as well as dangerous amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) — these will further enable Covid medical tyranny while amounting to yet another step toward a one-world government. It is imperative that Congress enact H.R. 79 and withdraw the United States from the WHO and UN.

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