State legislatures must take every possible step to get rid of election vulnerabilities.
Americans must work together to pressure states to reassert their constitutional authority over congressional and presidential elections. State legislatures must reassert their control over federal elections in their respective states, investigate and audit their voting records, and reject any illegal votes made contrary to legislatively-enacted law.
The situation is not hopeless. Patriots can and must act. The integrity of our republic and public faith in our electoral system is at stake.
Sign up for our state and federal election legislative alerts and keep up with critical election integrity issues. Educate yourself and then pass that knowledge to others. Create local ad hoc committees (formation report and reporting form). Work with legislators and appropriate committees toward reform.
And if you haven’t already, sign up as a JBS member and become part of a chapter. When part of a group, you can organize and put pressure on federal and state legislators. Join The John Birch Society today.
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Voting Problems, Solutions, and Resources
Model Bills
Recent TNA Articles
Keep up with the election chaos with The New American’s Election Chaos.
- Texas Purges 1.1 Million Ineligible Voters
- Free and Fair Elections? Democrat Accuses Other Democrats of Vote Fraud in Mississippi
- Activists Use New Tool to Take Voter-fraud Hunt Into Their Own Hands
- GOP Officials in Arizona County Shoot Down Hand-counting Ballots
- SCOTUS Opinion in Redistricting Case: Unconstitutional and Unnecessary
- Missouri Bill Would Restore State Control Over Elections
- Ranked-choice Voting: Leftist Attack on Election Integrity
- U.S. Voting Machines Vulnerable After All
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Take Action
Election Chaos Legislative Alerts
- Support H.R. 55 to Repeal the National Voter Registration Act
- Oppose Illinois Ranked-choice Voting Bills
- Support SB 63 to Ban Ranked-choice Voting in Ohio
- Oppose Washington Pro-ranked-choice Voting Bill HB 1448
- Support HB 209 & SB 106: Protect State Sovereignty in Texas Elections
- Oppose Oregon Pro-ranked-choice Voting Bill HB 3166
- Restore Federal Election Integrity
- Stop Ranked-choice Voting: Threat to Election Integrity
- Restore Election Integrity in the States