It’s long past time to restore America’s election integrity. Without fair elections, we do not have a free country.
The security of the United States’ election system has been incrementally deteriorating for years. State governments have implemented an increasing number of measures over time in the name of making voting more accessible and “fair.” These measures, including a slew of mail-in options and secretive counting processes, have made elections more vulnerable to fraud than they’ve ever been.
The John Birch Society has been sounding the alarm on election integrity for decades. For example, JBS founder Robert Welch warned about election fraud in 1976, while The New American was the first publication to advocate for a paper trail in voting equipment.
The Restore Election Integrity action project aims to restore the election process as well as public trust in it. Our goal is to help educate citizens about the problems with our elections and then mobilize everyone to push legislators toward real reform. The ultimate goal is to have every legal vote count and every illegitimate one tossed out. In essence, satisfactory election reform would result in a simple and secure system in which citizens with a Voter ID would vote in-person on Election Day at their local precinct, where anyone can watch the ballot count.
Not only does the JBS identify the problems, but it offers well-thought-out solutions. Join with us today to help restore election integrity.
Act Now
It is immensely important that JBS members and supporters work together to create the pressure needed to restore American’s election process. This challenge is vast and therefore needs dedicated and perseverant activism.
A majority of the steps needed to restore election integrity in America can be accomplished in your state; you can have a vital impact on election reform no matter who controls Congress or the presidency. Here’s what you can do right away:
- If you haven’t already, join The John Birch Society and become part of a local chapter to learn more about the problem and coordinate effective action with other members.
- Call & email your state and federal legislators and urge them to reform our existing election laws. Our Contact Elected Officials system is an easy way to find out who your representatives are and how to contact them. Our alerts include talking points for phone calls.
- Organize an ad hoc committee to Restore Election Integrity (Formation Report and Reporting Form).
- Attend meetings where legislators and local officials will be available and make your voice heard.
- Distribute election integrity information. Email and share on social media the Restore Election Integrity page and articles from The New American. Pass out pamphlets and slim jims that JBS provides.
Voting Problems and Solutions
- Park the Motor Voter Act
- Abolish HAVA & Go Back To Paper
- Increase Voting Transparency
- Push For In-Person Voting On Election Day With Voter IDs
- Repeal Laws Allowing For No-Excuse Absentee Balloting
- Reinstate Precincts
- Clean Up Voter Registration Lists
- Protect Evidence & Punish Fraud
- Require An Absolute Chain Of Custody For Ballots
- Repeal Laws That Allow For Unattended Drop Boxes For Ballots.
- Ballots Should Have Verifying Features
- Make It Easier To Recruit Election Clerks
- Don’t Allow Government Employees Or Political Hacks To Run The Polls
- Require Paper Voter Sign-In Sheets