Park the Motor Voter Act

The federal government is unconstitutionally involved in the election business.

Many voter-registration problems were caused by the Motor Voter Act, which forced states to implement automatic voter registration simultaneously with applying for driver’s licenses or public assistance. The Motor Voter Act enacted other provisions that have led to explosive growth in inaccurate voter registrations.

Citizens must demand that Congress repeal the Motor Voter Act.

Demand that Congress repeal the Motor Voter Act.

Abolish HAVA & Go Back To Paper

There needs to be a paper trail that can be referenced anytime there are questions of fraud.

Much of the paperless computerized voting equipment was bought thanks to the dictates of Congress in the unconstitutional Help America Vote Act law that forced states to buy HAVA-compliant voting equipment. Much of the electronic voting equipment the states were forced to buy in panic-buying mode lacked a paper trail and had technical problems. Furthermore, some of our voting equipment and software comes from foreign countries.

Congress should repeal the erroneously-named Help America Vote Act. Election results should be printed on paper, posted at the precincts, and made public immediately to prevent tampering with vote totals by insiders as well as external hackers.

If electronics must be used, for whatever reason, optical scan voting equipment is almost as good as paper ballots, as long as the process is open to the public and there are some representative recounts to be sure the equipment ran properly.

Increase Voting Transparency

Americans have been conned into thinking encrypting precinct election results is the best way to prevent tampering. It isn’t. The proper solution is to open the process and let the voters monitor their elections.
Many states use encryption and other forms of secrecy. This needs to change. To secure election results from tampering, vote counting should be done in public and the results should be made public immediately.

In the 2020 election, many election observers — representing Republican candidates and non-partisan volunteers — were kept from viewing vote counts altogether, as online videos document. Fraud would be prevented if many sets of eyes kept track of proceedings. Anyone should be able to observe election processes without need of prior application, though limits may need to be set on numbers of observers.

States should reinstate the openness of our electoral process by once again making every aspect of elections, except the marking of the secret ballot, open to the public with no requirement to pre-register as an official observer.

Another security measure that would help in this respect would be mandating that election processes be recorded with video and audio equipment. This includes repealing all laws that forbid audio or video recording in or near voting or vote-counting places. The only part of the election process that should not be recorded is how someone actually votes.

Thousands of affidavits alleging fraud in the 2020 election have been ignored. There simply is not enough time between when a vote takes place and the time when the votes are certified to prove fraud, owing to the fact that gathering evidence is presently so difficult.

Extensive monitoring is a must.

Push For In-Person Voting On Election Day With Voter IDs

Other election degradations include early voting, same-day registration, mail-in only balloting, ballot harvesting, non-citizen voting, and universal mail-in voting.

Early voting is an open invitation for electoral fraud both by repeater voting, and the temptation to alter vote totals sitting in unattended computer databases for days, even weeks, depending on how long the early voting period is.

Early voting and same-day registration should be abolished.

Studies should be done showing the cost difference between paying local people to count the paper ballots compared to the high cost of high-tech computerized voting equipment.

Internet voting, as well as internet voter registration, should be abolished.

Again, paper ballots should be reinstated, and the public should be allowed to watch the vote counts, including absentee ballots.

“Ballot harvesting” must be abolished. Ballot harvesting refers to state laws that allow “third parties — like campaign workers — to collect absentee ballots from voters and deliver them to election officials. Legal in twenty-seven states including California, ballot harvesting is particularly susceptible to fraud, whether by intimidating and coercing voters or by stealing or manufacturing ballots. Illegal schemes involving ballot harvesting have already been discovered in Minnesota and North Carolina.

Non-citizen voting is another threat to election integrity. Multiple examples exist of non-citizen voter fraud, often because of laws giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens and other lax driver registration policies. In Texas, no citizenship checks exist when registering to vote.

A voter ID will take care of this, as well as other problems. As long as they take privacy concerns into account, states need strong voter ID laws.

Congress has the authority to require states that use mail-in-only balloting to reinstate precinct voting when electing congressmen and U.S. senators. They have that authority under Article I, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution and as explained in The Federalist Papers, No. 59.

When it comes to universal mail-in ballots, they do not require an application or much authentication from the voter. So there’s no way to tell where the ballots go or who is filling them out.

Universal mail-in ballots need to be abolished wherever allowed.

Repeal Laws Allowing For No-Excuse Absentee Balloting

Again, in the states where most fraud purportedly took place, absentee ballots are too easy to obtain. Absentee ballots should be limited to those who can prove they will be out of town on election day or are physically incapable of making it to a polling place.

In the case of requested absentee ballots, photographic identification should be required to even request an absentee ballot, and a ballot should be delivered to the recipient via certified mail. A random check of those who ask for absentee ballots should be done every election to cut back on fraud. Limiting the number of absentee ballots would have the added benefit of making vote-counting much quicker.

Opponents to this suggestion will claim that poor people and those without proper IDs would be disenfranchised by such a system. But if the opportunity for fraud is allowed to happen, the votes of millions of Americans would be rendered null and void (which would be a worse problem). The federal government already essentially requires that poor people have official IDs so that they can do such things as apply for Medicare and Medicaid or get certain medications at pharmacies.

Reinstate Precincts

In major metropolitan areas, ballots are often counted in large counting facilities, as is the case in locations where vote disputes happened in the 2020 election: Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit, etc.
The purported reasons for the centers is to centralize and to speed counting. But these counting centers usually finish their counts last, not first. Logic and many close-call races that usually end up going to Democrats tell astute watchers that the main reason large counting centers are used is to assure that there is enough vote fraud to swing important elections — hence the late-arriving vote counts.

Not only do large voting centers often use optical scan vote counting machines, which are susceptible to rigging, the fact that the ballots have to be transported to the counting location provides plenty of opportunity to add fake ballots for one candidate or another, throw out ballots, or alter ballots en route. Also, at a large counting center, a small staff trained to commit fraud could repeatedly be used, limiting the likelihood of getting caught cheating. Whereas, counting ballots at the precinct level would require a much greater number of conspirators to commit widespread fraud.

Without large counting centers, local precincts could hand-count paper ballots in an hour or two if enough pairs of vote counters (usually one Democrat and one Republican) are brought in to count ballots after the polls close. The vote counting must start promptly after the polls close and should not be interrupted. No slow counts or delayed counts should be allowed.

This type of law should be enacted at the state level, but where necessary, a federal law could be narrowly applied, and it would be constitutional. To require states to reinstate voting in precincts for U.S. House and U.S. Senate elections in places that have abandoned precincts in favor of all-mail balloting, Article I, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution should be used.

Once votes are cast, precinct results should be printed on paper and posted publicly at the precinct voting location for at least seven days. They should also be posted on a website immediately and be kept up on the website for at least seven days.

Hand in hand with this would be abolishing the practice of using encryption to keep precinct results secret, supposedly as a strategy to protect precinct results from tampering. Public disclosure and public access are the best way to prevent tampering with election results.

Moreover, spoiled-ballot totals should be published, and spoiled ballots should be made available for citizens to inspect for at least six months after the election.

Clean Up Voter Registration Lists

In the 2020 November election, it is undisputed that tens of thousands of dead people voted, and similar numbers of people who had moved out of state either voted illegally or saw someone else vote using their names. And many thousands of people requested ballots for the same address and thousands of others had ballots sent to Post Office boxes or listed their addresses, which is illegal.

Citizens need to mandate the cleaning up of all voter registration lists.

At least two months before each federal election, voter registration lists should be updated. And since many states give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, states should be required to take steps to prove that voters are actually eligible to vote in this country.

Protect Evidence & Punish Fraud

In the 2020 election, not only has it been reported that suspected fake ballots were destroyed in large batches to avoid fraud detection, a main computer server that was set to be checked for vote fraud was spirited away to parts unknown.

Candidates should not have to win a court case to protect evidence. The default position should be that all evidence needs to be kept either for a specific period of time — say two years — or until all challenges are dealt with in the courts.

And access to this evidence should be easy to get for candidates and their representatives. Those people who try to destroy ballots or other possible evidence of vote fraud should be punished harshly. Again, video monitoring of election processes and ballots would make this feasible.

After an election, appoint a committee to seek out fraud, including voter intimidation, illegal ballot harvesting, buying votes, and more, and bring charges against culprits.

The lax enforcement of vote fraud means that unless someone confesses to having committed vote fraud and there is video and audio evidence to prove it happened, the person will face no charges. Multiple people have been caught on camera by the investigative entity Project Veritas admitting to massive vote fraud, but the admissions led to no charges. This is an open invitation to commit fraud.

Require An Absolute Chain Of Custody For Ballots

In many states, under the present system, there is no way to tell who voted via absentee ballot and who didn’t. And even if a ballot seems to make it through the mail stream unscathed, there is no way of knowing whether the vote was altered along the way. Supposedly, signatures were checked to see if a ballot was proper, but many reports indicate that signatures were ignored out of hand by ballot checkers. (Likewise, many people believe fingerprint verification would solve identity issues, but once fingerprints are uploaded into a system, it would be only too easy to alter the system to retrieve the fingerprints in order for others to have use of them or to have the machine simply ignore the fingerprints.)

Even certified mail won’t work to stop the problem because certified mail only assures that a ballot reaches the correct destination, not that the ballot wasn’t altered on the return.

Ballots should be treated like physical evidence in court cases. They should be accounted for at all times.
Most absentee ballots should be delivered directly to a voting place by a trusted proxy on election day — a proxy who should both sign for the ballot when picking it up and sign it into the voting station — greatly eliminating the ability to add fake ballots to the count. States should require that absentee ballots arrive by election day and be delivered to the precincts to be counted in public on election day. Moreover, the ballot envelope should contain adequate safeguards against fraud, such as photographic and signature proof of identification put inside by the voter and a seal against tampering.

Also, the number of absentee ballots one can submit should be severely limited. In the case of military ballots from overseas, ballots should be transferred in tamperproof bags to their intended destinations, and soldiers should be able to track their ballots through a commercial shipping system to their intended destination, where the ballots should be signed in and stored unopened under video surveillance.

Internet voting and alternative forms of electronic voting such as voting via telephones, should also be abolished.

Repeal Laws That Allow For Unattended Drop Boxes For Ballots.

Unattended drop boxes allow for large numbers of absentee ballots to magically appear with no record of how or when they were cast.

Unattended drop boxes are vulnerable to having someone, ostensibly a voter casting a ballot, depositing an explosive device or an incendiary device in the drop box. Such an act could destroy untold numbers of ballots with no official record of how many ballots were destroyed or whose ballots they were.

Ballots Should Have Verifying Features

Affidavits and video have documented the claims that numerous ballots in the 2020 election were not real, but were likely made on commercial copiers or printers. As in the manner America puts certain features in paper currency to prove it’s real — watermarks, colored thread, and holographic images — similar features should be built into ballots to limit fraud. After all, our votes are at least as valuable as our currency.

After an election, all ballots that were printed should be accounted for, including absentee ballots and those ballots that were not used in the election. This is to ensure that ballots are not simply handed out illegally or filled in illegally and then added to the vote-count process.

Make It Easier To Recruit Election Clerks

To ensure adequate participation in the voting process, the basic standard day for an election worker should include the option of working a half-day, usually about seven hours, rather than the 14-hour work days as it is currently in many locations. The election judges and alternate election judges should be able to take time off during the day provided at least one is on duty at all times on election day.

Don’t Allow Government Employees Or Political Hacks To Run The Polls

Most election fraud is committed by election insiders, not by outside hackers.

If there aren’t enough ordinary citizens to work at the polls, use something like a jury call to get the additional poll workers. Like a jury pool, the people selected can be interviewed to assess their skills.

Require Paper Voter Sign-In Sheets

Voter sign-ins should be on paper, and voters should sign in consecutively voters’ names and signatures in the sequence in which they appear at the polls.

The election judges’ and election clerks’ names should be affixed on the completed sheets to reduce the chance of adding fake voters.

Electronic signatures should be eliminated. Even the supposed benefits to electronic signatures are faulty. Modern technologies that display voters’ signatures for election clerks to use for comparison don’t really work because electronic signatures are often poor facsimiles of the real thing. Plus, electronic signatures could enable fraud. A computer system that can retrieve a signature from voter registration database and display it on a screen can also be adapted to retrieve that same signature and apply it to an electronic signature block as if that voter had appeared at the polls to vote. This type of technology could lead to computerized ballot box stuffing the likes of which have never been seen before.

Allow Comprehensive Audit Recounts

In every election of substantial size, such as a race for state representative or larger, candidates ought to be able to choose to audit a certain number of votes to detect suspected fraud. The audit should use a procedure known as a Comprehensive Audit Recount (also called a “full forensic audit”), where candidates, especially losing candidates, would select small segments of the election, usually one or more precincts, to be counted manually in public. Along with a recount, voters who are listed as having voted in an election would be contacted to ensure that they exist and that they voted in the election, rather than someone else using their names. (Methodologies to correct the totals should be put in place, too.)

As well, if fraud is found, candidates should be able to ask for a larger audit.

End Ranked-choice Voting

Ranked-choice voting (RCV) is a complicated system that requires voters to assign a rank to each candidate on the ballot, regardless of whether they support that candidate. If no candidate is ranked first by a majority of voters, the lowest-performing candidate is eliminated. Voters who gave their highest ranking to the eliminated candidate then have their second choice counted instead. This process repeats until one candidate receives a majority.

As implied above, RCV can lead to candidates with little genuine support winning elections. The system confuses voters, distracts from policy issues, and forces voters to vote for candidates they otherwise would not support. With any voting system, the more complicated it is, the greater the risk of manipulation strategies or fraud. Additionally, RCV would make hand counts much more difficult, creating an excuse for computerized vote counting. By contrast, genuine election integrity must involve hand-counted paper ballots.