It is imperative that JBS members and supporters work together to stop and roll back Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. This challenge is vast and therefore needs dedicated and perseverant activism. Ultimately, we must achieve full United States withdrawal from the United Nations and all its associated entities, but there are many other actions you can take. Here is what you can do right away:
- If you haven’t already, join The John Birch Society and become part of a local chapter to learn more about the problem and coordinate effective action with other members.
- Organize an ad hoc committee to rollback Agenda 2030 initiatives in your state or community (Formation Report).
- Schedule a speaking event featuring Alex Newman and/or Bill Hahn, our experts on the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, and the War on Farmers.
- Distribute and share the materials listed below — including the products, articles, videos, and legislative alerts — with your fellow citizens to create awareness.
You can take immediate action on the following federal-level actions:
- Contact your U.S. representative and senators and urge them to get the U.S. out of the United Nations by passing the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. This is the single most important action for stopping Agenda 2030 (a UN program) and the Great Reset from being implemented in the U.S. To easily contact Congress, use JBS’s legislative alert supporting U.S. withdrawal from the UN.
- Also urge Congress to prevent any implementation of ESG at the federal level. This includes administrative rules from agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Finally, you can take immediate action on the following actions on the state and local levels:
- Stop your local government from implementing Agenda 2030. Check whether your county, city, town, or village is a member of “ICLEI — Local Governments for Sustainability,” an organization working to implement Agenda 2030 at the local level. If it is listed, work with your chapter leader and JBS field coordinator to ramp up education efforts to officially withdraw your local government’s membership in ICLEI. Even if your local government isn’t an official member, it may still have in place an active sustainable development plan or sustainability coordinator, and be working with other redevelopment agencies advancing the 2030 Agenda. Finding this out is crucial, and then stopping it is imperative.
- Contact your state legislators and urge them to enact legislation blocking the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. They can do this by 1) enacting legislation similar to Alabama’s SB 477 (2012) or Tennessee’s SB 1147 (2023) expressly prohibiting governmental involvement in any Great Reset or UN Agenda 21/2030 schemes; 2) nullifying unconstitutional federal actions that advance these diabolical schemes, including in the agriculture and energy spheres; and 3) enacting legislation preventing foreigners and out-of-state elites from purchasing vast amounts of farmland. Our “Contact Elected Officials” tool is an easy way to find out who your representatives are and how to contact them. Our alerts include talking points for phone calls.
- Urge both your state and local governments to 1) boycott any businesses or organizations that have implemented ESG standards, as West Virginia and other states have already done, 2) protect single-family and low-density zoning rules (e.g. prevent the abolition of such zoning rules, and prevent BlackRock and other globalist investors from purchasing single-family homes), and 3) fully protect individuals’ property rights, especially from eminent domain.
- Attend meetings where legislators and local officials will be available and make your voice heard. When possible, distribute our Agenda 2030 and Great Reset materials (listed below) to them.
Learn More
Agenda 21/2030 Resources
- “Exposing the 2030 Agenda” Booklet PDF
- “Agenda 21 and You” Booklet PDF
- Model State Legislation Nullifying the UN and Other International Orgs (Tennessee, HB 1264, 2025)
- Model Anti-Agenda 21/2030 Legislation: SB 1147 (Tennessee, 2023)
- Model Anti-Agenda 21/2030 Legislation: SB 477 (Alabama, 2012)
- Legislation to Enforce Anti-Agenda 2030 Law: SB 2743 (Tennessee, 2024)
- Freedom to Farm Act (Missouri, SB 84, 2023)
- Abolish Agenda 2030-inspired Environmental Program (Wisconsin, AB 1059, 2024)
TNA Articles
Tell Others
Take Action
Agenda 2030 Legislative Alerts
- Stop Pro-carbon-capture West Virginia Bill SB 627
- Support HB 1052 and HCR 6004 to Stop Carbon-capture Pipelines in South Dakota
- Support HB 1210, HB 1295, and HB 1574 to Stop Carbon-capture Pipelines in North Dakota
- Support SF 92 to “Make Carbon Dioxide Great Again” in Wyoming
- Support HB 1089 to Ban Agenda 2030 in North Dakota
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Oklahoma With SB 762
- End State Involvement in Federal “Climate Change” Scheme
- Outlaw Subversive Agenda 2030 Schemes