Many see the United Nations as a global organization working toward the noble goals of world peace and global justice. Yet, the UN’s own actions demonstrate loud and clear the true purpose of the organization: to build a world government at the expense of the liberty and independence of its sovereign nation members.

The timeline below offers some of the proof of the deliberate abuse member countries have had to suffer because of United Nations intervention. Whistleblower reports point to UN peacekeeping troops raping and murdering women and children throughout the history of the UN.

March 2020

WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic

The China-controlled World Health Organization belatedly declares COVID-19 a pandemic after enabling the People’s Republic of China to cover up the virus and condemning countries like the U.S. that attempted to keep out the virus through border controls. Because of the WHO’s corruption and denial, the coronavirus is allowed to spread worldwide.

March 2011

U.S. Forces Deployed to Libya

President Obama deploys U.S. forces in the NATO air war against Libya that was authorized by a UN Security Council resolution.

October 2002

Military Force Against Iraq

The 107th U.S. Congress passes the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution (H.J.Res.114), a join resolution authorizing President George W. Bush to “enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions regarding Iraq.”

September 1994

Thousands of US Troops to Haiti

President Bill Clinton sends tens of thousands of American troops to Haiti to enforce another UN SCR 940.

July 1994

SC Resolution 940 Passes

Security Council Resolution 940 passes, authorizing military intervention in Haiti under the guise of humanitarianism.

April 1994

UN Orders US to Attack Bosnia

A British UN troop commander, along with a UN diplomat from Japan, orders U.S. fighter planes from NATO to attack targets in Bosnia.

December 1992

30,000 U.S. Troops Into Somalia

Security Council Resolution 794 passes, which President George H. W. Bush cites as authorization to send 30,000 U.S. troops into Somalia.

April 1991

SC Resolution 687 Passes

Security Council Resolution 687 passes setting the terms following Iraq’s defeat in the Gulf War. Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush would later cite SCR 687 as a justification for bombing Iraq in 1996, 1998, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

November 1990

SC Resolution 687 Passes

Security Council Resolution 687 passes, authorizing UN member states to use “all necessary means” to force Iraq out of Kuwait. President George H. W. Bush subsequently sent U.S. forces to invade Iraq in what became known as the Gulf War.

July 1980

Zimbabwe Admitted to UN

The Security Council votes to grant admission to Zimbabwe as a UN member state.

April 1980

Rhodesia Officially Becomes Zimbabwe

Rhodesia officially becomes Zimbabwe, and communist terrorist Robert Mugabe is elected president as a result of immense pressure from the “international community” and over a decade of UN sanctions.

January 1972

Nazi Kurt Waldheim Joins UN

Kurt Waldheim, a former Nazi and German intelligence officer during World War II, becomes the 4th Secretary-General of the UN.

October 1971

Assembly Resolution 2758 Passes

UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 passes, officially recognizing the communist People’s Republic of China as “the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations” and expels the anti-communist Republic of China – a founding member of the United Nations.

December 1966

Mandatory Sanctions on Rhodesia

The Security Council votes to impose mandatory sanctions on the anti-communist country of Rhodesia.

November 1965

SC Resolution 217 Passes

Security Council Resolution 217 passes and calls upon the government of the United Kingdom to “quell” the “rebellion” in Rhodesia, further urging the U.K. to “take all other appropriate measures which would prove effective in eliminating the authority […] and bringing the minority régime in Southern Rhodesia to an immediate end.” The resolution further calls upon all UN member states to “break off all economic relations with Southern Rhodesia, including an embargo on oil and petroleum products.”

November 1965

SC Resolution 216 Passes

Security Council Resolution 216 passes and condemns the newly independent and anti-communist country of Rhodesia as “racist,” and called upon all UN member states to not recognize or render any assistance to the “illegal régime.”

September 1961

3 Stage “Disarmament” Program

President John F. Kennedy presents the UN General Assembly with a three-stage “disarmament” program that would abolish “all armies and all weapons except those needed for internal order and a new United Nations Peace Force.” Kennedy’s proposal is published with more detail by the State Department in a publication entitled Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World (State Department Publication 7277).

February 1961

SC Resolution 161 Passes

Security Council Resolution 161 passes to “prevent the occurrence of civil war in the Congo,” by authorizing the “use of force” against the newly independent, anticommunist breakaway Republic of Katanga.

July 1960

SC Resolution 143 Passes

Security Council Resolution 143 passes, calling upon Belgium to withdraw its military forces from its former colony in the Congo and for UN member states to provide “military assistance” to the Soviet and communist-backed Congolese forces and government.

June 1950

Call to Admit Communized China

Secretary-General Lie begins campaign for the Soviet goal of admitting the then-recently communized mainland China into the UN.

October 1945

UN Formally Established

The United Nations is formally established and Norwegian socialist Trygve Lie becomes the UN’s first elected Secretary-General.

June 1945

Creation of the UN Charter

The United Nations Conference on International Organization meets in San Francisco with Soviet spy Alger Hiss acting as secretary-general and results in the creation of the UN Charter.