History & More Information
The first SYLP committees were formed in 1963, when the John Birch Society launched its “Support Your Local Police” campaign. At that time, anti-war demonstrations, riots, and drugs were causing many cities to form Police Review Boards, and the federal government to enact the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA).
These boards were often run by radical Leftists and anti-cop agitators and installed regulations that made police work very difficult, in effect calling for more federal control.
ACLU & Antifa

This is where the SYLP committees stepped in. Using videos, literature, and speakers, JBS members spread the truth that Police Review Boards were just a tool for the Insiders to gain control. If the Insiders made it look like the police couldn’t do their job, the people would ask for help, aka federal intervention. SYLP committees all over the country educated citizens of the dangers of a national police force, bringing Review Boards to a grinding halt and diminishing the LEAA.
In today’s tumultuous political atmosphere, our police officers are still in danger. Groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa have made it their goal to rid our nation of police. Unfortunately, many people only see what the Leftist-controlled media shows them, and don’t understand the controlling factors hidden in the shadows.
Starting or Join a Committee
An SYLP committee’s job is to uncover the hidden truths, expose the fake news, and show people why locally-controlled police are vital to a free and sovereign nation. How this is done is up to the committee. Some enjoy hosting booths at gun shows and fairs. Some prefer mass mailings to elected officials. Others have more luck with speaking directly to their city council or holding fundraisers for their local K9 unit. Our goal is to educate the masses. How you do it is up to you.
Please consider joining or forming an SYLP committee today. Here are helpful resources to learn more, including the SYLP committee manual and the committee formation form. Help to keep your local police independent by forming a committee today!