Below are the tools you can use to go on offense against out-of-control big government without resorting to the very risky and inappropriate Article V convention procedure.
Basically, Making America STATES Again consists of creating an informed electorate that will hold its state and federal representatives responsible for enforcing the Constitution, and in particular for living up to Article VI, Clause 2 (only laws made in pursuance of the Constitution are constitutional) and Clause 3 (all state and federal representatives should obey their oath to support the Constitution).
Learn More
- Nullification: The Founders’ Solution
- Missouri Nullifies Federal Gun Control
- Louisiana Legislature Affirms “Sovereign Right”
- AZ, MT Bills Protect Local Control Over Law Enforcement
- Texas Sovereignty Act Creates Nullification Process
- Missouri Bill Protects Farmers From Overreach
- Missouri Bill Restores State Control Over Elections
- Iowa Bill Nullifies Federal “Respect for Marriage Act”
Learn more about how we can Make America STATES Again: Click here to download and read the October 14, 2024 (“Make America STATES Again”) issue of The New American magazine.
Learn more about how state & local authorities can nullify unconstitutional laws, orders, and regulations: Click here to download and read, The Founders’ Brilliant Solution to Big Government: Article VI, 25 pp.
Model Nullification Legislation
- State Sovereignty Act (South Dakota)
- State Sovereignty Act (Texas)
- State Sovereignty and Federal Tax Funds Act
- Second Amendment Preservation Act
- Intrastate Firearms Protection Act
- Roe v. Wade is Unconstitutional Act
- Vaccine Mandate Nullification Bill (Wyoming)
- Vaccine Mandate Nullification Bill (South Carolina)
- Defend the Guard Act
- Model Pro-nullification Resolution
- Arkansas Legal Tender Act
- Alaska Legal Tender Act
- Restoring State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act
- Nullifying Federal Police Regulations (Arizona)
- Sheriffs First Bill (Montana)
- Freedom to Farm Act (MIssouri)
- Elections Sovereignty Act (Missouri)
- Separating Federal & State Elections (Texas)
- Nullifying the Federal “Respect for Marriage Act”
- WHO Nullification Bill (South Carolina)
- WHO Nullification Bill (Wyoming)
- Repealing Implementation of REAL ID Act (Alaska)
- Nullification Resolution (Louisiana, 2023)
- Enforcing Constitutional Money (Missouri)
Tell Others
Take Action
Article VI Not V Legislative Alerts
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in West Virginia With SB 689
- Nullify the UN and WHO in Arkansas With HB 1791
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Kansas With HB 2204
- NOSHA: Abolish OSHA with H.R. 86
- Nullify the EPA in West Virginia With SB 271
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars with Michigan Bills HB 4163 and HB 4164
- Restore Sound Money in West Virginia With HB 2463
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Vermont Bill H.355
- Support Utah State Sovereignty Bill HB 380
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Georgia With HB 570
- Support West Virginia Nullification Resolution HCR 66
- Support Montana “Sheriffs First” Bill HB 439
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Montana With HB 350
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Tennessee With HB 1264 and SB 1231
- Nullify Federal Gun Control in Iowa With HF 428
- Support Wyoming Nullification Bill HB 177
- Support HB 1481 to Nullify Federal Gun Control in Arkansas
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With West Virginia Bills HB 2591 and SB 468
- Support SB 1014 and HCR 2037 to Nullify Federal Gun Control in Arizona
- Support New Hampshire “Sheriffs First” Bill HB 102
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Virginia Bill HB 2193
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Oregon Bill SB 667
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Montana Bill HB 404
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Rhode Island Bill H 5378
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Tennessee Bills HB 129 and SB 156
- Restore Sound Money in Utah With HB 306
- Restore Sound Money in Indiana With HB 1614
- Restore Sound Money in Montana With HB 382
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in South Dakota With HB 1152
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Minnesota Bill SF 764
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Georgia Bill SB 62
- Restore Sound Money in Oklahoma
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Maine Bill HP 168
- Support HB 121 to Nullify Federal Gun Control in Georgia
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With South Dakota Bill SB 82
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Nebraska Bill LB 508
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With North Dakota Bill HB 1315
- Restore Tennessee Sovereignty With Nullification Bill HB 441 and SB 479
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Wyoming Bill HB 265
- Restore Sound Money in New Hampshire With HB 721
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Maryland Bill HB 548
- Support SB 282 to Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Spending in Oklahoma
- Restore Sound Money in Kansas With SB 39 and SB 115
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Kansas Bills SB 38 and HB 2188
- Restore Sound Money in Tennessee
- Ban a Central Bank Digital Currency in Arizona — Support SB 1095
- Support HB 1089 to Ban Agenda 2030 in North Dakota
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in New Hampshire With HB 584
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Oklahoma With SB 762
- Nullify the WHO & CDC in Wyoming With HB 141
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Arizona Bills HB 2188 and SB 1495
- Nullify Federal Gun Control in Kentucky With HB 82
- Support HB 209 & SB 106: Protect State Sovereignty in Texas Elections
- Nullify the EPA in Arizona with HB 2059
- Restore Sound Money in Alaska With HB 1
- Restore Missouri Sovereignty With Nullification Bill SB 198
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Kentucky Bill HB 141
- Restore Sound Money in Wyoming With SF 96
- Restore Sound Money in Florida With SB 132 and HB 999
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With New Hampshire Bill HB 104
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Oklahoma Bill SB 188
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Texas Bill HB 930
- Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With South Carolina Bill H.3308
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Texas With HB 1281
- Support Kentucky Nullification Resolution SJR 19
- Restore Sound Money in Missouri with SB 25, HB 433, SB 194, and HB 630
- Support the Texas Sovereignty Act, HB 796, HB 898, & SB 80
- Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in New Jersey With A4453
- Urge STATES to Use Nullification to Enforce the Constitution
- Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Spending
- Nullify Federal Pro-abortion Edicts in Idaho