The battle for America’s future starts with truth—and powerful voices to share it.
The John Birch Society’s Freedom’s Voices presentations bring dynamic speakers directly to your audience—exposing threats like the Deep State, foreign influence, and classroom indoctrination—while offering real, actionable solutions rooted in American principles.
Whether in person or online, these talks are designed to inform, inspire, and equip patriots to take meaningful action.
Scroll down to explore topics and request a speaker today. Freedom depends on it.
Author and Pastor
Matt Trewhella serves as Pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church, located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is the author of The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, which has sold over 140,000 copies. Pastor Matt founded Missionaries to the Preborn, which was instrumental in seeing abortions in Wisconsin drop by over 60 percent from 1990 to 2022. He has spoken to countless magistrates; conducted many video, radio, and podcast interviews; and has been invited to speak before legislators in 11 states. He and his wife, Clara, have 11 children and 35 grandchildren, including one great-grandchild.
The doctrine of the lesser magistrates provides proven guidelines for proper and legitimate resistance to tyranny, often without causing any major upheaval in society. In this presentation, Pastor Matt Trewhella explains how we can rein in lawless acts by government and restore justice in our nation, and he provides multiple examples of officials doing just that.
Book this TopicSenior Editor & Contributor for The New American magazine
Rebecca Terrell is a contributor and senior editor for The New American magazine. She is a licensed practical nurse and holds a Master of Business Administration. A former staff member for then-Congressman Ron Paul, she wrote his American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 1146) to end the United States’ membership in the United Nations. The bill was introduced each year from the 105th through the 112th Congress. Rebecca lives in Memphis, Tennessee.
With the dawn of the Great Reset made possible by the Covid debacle, the conspiratorial wolf is finally beginning to emerge from its sheep’s clothing. In fact, the more Deep State operators openly promote their true agenda, the less we should call it “hidden” or even refer to it as a “conspiracy.” Yet it is the same scheme — couched in new trappings — that has been at work for centuries under other names throughout history, and always with the same goal of overthrowing both church and state and implementing tyranny. It is the reason Robert Welch founded The John Birch Society in 1958. Rebecca Terrell traces the diabolic origins of the Great Reset and reveals what we can do to combat it.
Book this TopicGovernments around the world are taking dangerous steps to drive farmers out of business. Farmers will have their cattle herds cut, their land seized, and be forcibly removed from their farms. Sound too fantastic to be true? It’s already happened in Sri Lanka and the Netherlands — and it’s beginning in Ireland, Canada, and other countries. How long before it happens here?
Listen as Rebecca Terrell details the attacks and reveals the motives and players behind this insidious plan. Learn how you can help protect those who feed you and your family.
Book this TopicConstitutional Law Scholar
Dr. Joe Wolverton II, J.D. is the constitutional law scholar of The John Birch Society, a former constitutional attorney, and a nationally renowned constitutional scholar and educator, celebrated for his passionate defense of liberty and the principles of the Founding Fathers. As a prolific writer and speaker, Joe has captivated audiences across the country with his deep understanding of the Constitution, federalism, and state sovereignty. A dynamic speaker, Joe has a unique ability to make complex legal concepts accessible and engaging. He is the author of several books, including The Real James Madison, The Founders Recipe, What Degree of Madness, and his latest Article V Guide for Citizens and Citizen-Legislators, all of which are highly regarded by constitutionalists and patriots alike. His presentations are not just lectures, but a call to action for all who value freedom. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn from one of today’s most influential voices on liberty!
For far too long, the federal government has expanded its grasp, encroaching upon the powers and prerogatives reserved to the states and the people. This centralization of authority is not only a betrayal of the constitutional system our Founders crafted, but a clear and present danger to the liberties we hold dear. The solution to this overreach does not lie in hoping for a shift in Washington, D.C., but rather in the states, the originally intended guardians of sovereignty. As James Madison wisely counseled, the states “have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil” of any unconstitutional acts of the federal government.
The Make America STATES Again action project is designed to inspire, educate, and mobilize patriots across the country to restore the balance of power between the federal government and the states. Here, you will find the resources needed to engage in this vital effort — whether by working to pass legislation in your state, educating others about state sovereignty, or becoming a champion of the Constitution’s vision of a limited federal government. Together, we can reclaim the freedoms that federal overreach has eroded, and we can do this by making America STATES again!
Book this TopicOur country stands at a crossroads, and the path to restoring our Republic lies in rediscovering the wisdom that guided our Founding Fathers. They weren’t just statesmen; they were scholars, steeped in the timeless lessons of history’s greatest thinkers. Imagine if we could cultivate a new generation of leaders with the same intellectual rigor and moral fortitude as James Madison. The secret? It’s in the books they read, the ideas they debated, and the virtues they practiced. In “The Founders Recipe,” we reveal the blueprint they followed — an accessible treasure trove of knowledge that’s literally at our fingertips today. These books didn’t just inspire the Founders; they armed them with the insights needed to confront and overcome the very challenges we face now. By diving into these lectures, you’re not just learning history; you’re equipping yourself to be part of the .008 percent — the small but powerful force that can reignite the flame of liberty in America. Join us, and let’s ensure our Republic doesn’t fall victim to the same political diseases that destroyed so many before us. The future of our nation depends on it.
Book this TopicConvention of States (COS) and similar groups are irritated by stubborn facts: The clear and present danger to the Constitution caused by a convention for proposing amendments is unnecessary, and the safeguards these groups have contrived are unconstitutional. Article V does not provide any of the guarantees promised by those pushing and paying for a convention. Nothing that supports the scenarios, set-ups, and simulations that these groups put forward as facts — not a syllable of constitutional or historical support for their theatrical premises. However, there is irrefutable constitutional and historical support for the right, duty, power, and prerogative of the states to stand as sentinels on the watchtowers of liberty and the Constitution that protects it. States created the federal government, and states drafted the contract wherein the federal government’s “few and defined” powers are listed: the U.S. Constitution. We need not risk calling a convention that would be comprised of corrupt politicians and politically powerful elites slavering to get their hands on the Constitution, particularly the First and Second Amendments. Such a scheme is unnecessary, unproven, and unwise.
Book this TopicPublisher of The New American magazine
Dr. Steve Bonta is Executive Senior Editor of The New American, as well as a longtime contributor to the magazine. He has extensive experience living abroad, including in Argentina, Spain, India, Sri Lanka and, most recently, China. He holds a degree in literature from Penn State (BA), as well as degrees in linguistics from BYU (MA) and Cornell (PhD). He is the author of Inside the United Nations and hundreds of articles for The New American on a wide range of subjects over more than 25 years.
The United Nations is almost 80 years old, and has changed a lot over the decades. But the essential goals of the organization remain completely contrary to the interests of a free and independent United States. Today, the danger of a sudden and radical transformation of the UN into a true world government has never been more acute. In this presentation, Dr. Bonta examines what has been happening recently with the UN, and examines prospects for the near-term future — including the possibility that the United States will eventually withdraw from the organization.
Book this TopicWe use money every day and couldn’t run civilization without it. But what is money, and where does it come from? Why is money and modern finance so unstable? How does our banking and financial system work? And why have chronic debt and inflation become the norm? Join Dr. Steven Bonta, Executive Senior Editor of The New American, to learn the essence of money and our financial system — and what we can do to restore sound money.
Book this TopicSenior Editor for The New American magazine
Alex Newman is an educator, author, consultant, and award-winning international journalist. He is the author of Indoctrinating Our Children to Death and Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes and co-author of Crimes of the Educators. In addition to serving as president of the media and information consulting firm Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He serves as a senior editor for The New American magazine, as well as a contributor to WND (WorldNetDaily) and The Epoch Times.
In this presentation, Alex Newman explains how the Deep State helped bring the communists to power in China, and then built up their power until they now threaten the world economically and militarily. Ultimately, as Alex shows, the New World Order being promoted by the Deep State is incompatible with traditional American and Christian values. Instead, Beijing provides the model for the diabolical system that the CCP and Western globalists are building.
Book this TopicIn this presentation, Alex Newman explains how the Deep State helped bring the communists to power in China, and then built up their power until they now threaten the world economically and militarily. Ultimately, as Alex shows, the New World Order being promoted by the Deep State is incompatible with traditional American and Christian values. Instead, Beijing provides the model for the diabolical system that the CCP and Western globalists are building.
Book this TopicIn this talk, Alex Newman breaks down the lies behind the “climate change” movement and exposes its real agenda: ending Western civilization and your freedom. Drawing on his years of experience covering UN climate summits and interviewing all the key players, Alex has unique insights you won’t find anywhere else.
Book this TopicCentral Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are coming at humanity like a freight train under the guise of “security” and convenience, but lurking behind CBDCs is a global plot to eliminate privacy and liberty. In this explosive talk, Alex Newman explains who is behind CBDCs, and why. More importantly, he explains how you can fight back.
Book this TopicIt sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. Transhumanism is the globalists’ attempt to destroy what it means to be human using technology and genetic manipulation. This transhumanist campaign against God’s design for humanity is already underway. Learn more about this insane yet dangerously real plot, who’s behind it, and how to stop it.
Book this TopicWelcome to The Great Reset, where globalists say you will own nothing, and like it. The Deep State is using COVID-19 hysteria as an excuse to fundamentally change us and how we live – and not for the better. Alex Newman explains what you can do to resist this globalist agenda.
Book this TopicMore than 85% of American children are being indoctrinated by radicalized government schools. Alex Newman exposes the insanity that has taken over the public school system. From the sexualization of children and the reshaping of values to deliberate dumbing down, Newman shows how dangerous this threat is and what you can do about it.
Book this TopicSpeaker and Entrepreneur
Kris Jurski is an entrepreneur specializing in scaling organizations by troubleshooting security, financial, and operational issues and developing tailored solutions. His work includes creating systems to address these challenges effectively. During the 2020 election, Kris made a startling discovery: Individuals who had sold their homes and moved out of state were still voting from their Florida residences. In response, he founded The People’s Audit, a platform designed to empower Florida citizens to verify voter registrations. This initiative has since expanded to monitor millions of voters in multiple states, identifying anomalies on a monthly basis. In September 2022, Kris was appointed to the Statewide Committee for Voter Integrity at the Florida Republican Assembly.
In this presentation, Kris Jurski shares how a startling discovery he made while monitoring mail-in ballots revolutionized his perspective on voter rolls. With decades of experience in verifying mailing addresses and detecting fraud and inefficiencies within companies, Kris outlines how to effectively secure voter rolls and ensure election integrity.
Book this TopicReverend and Speaker
Reverend Steven Louis Craft holds degrees from Harvard Divinity School and Central Bible College. He has worked as a Correctional Chaplain, authored Morality and Freedom: America’s Dynamic Duo, and serves as a Chaplain with Camp Constitution Inc., focusing on race, class, and gender issues from a Biblical/Conservative perspective. He ministers in Lexington, Massachusetts, and has preached abroad. Reverend Craft has been married to Edith Mae Craft since 1978 and has four children and eight grandchildren.
In this presentation, Rev. Stevie Craft exposes the worship of skin color and contrasts it with true worship — such as what Christ commands in the Gospel of John, Chapter 4, where He instructs His Church to worship in Spirit and in Truth. Rev. Craft addresses the fallacy of the current moral decline in America and offers Biblical solutions for standing strong against the heresy of race worship.
Book this TopicIn this presentation, Rev. Stevie Craft explains what makes America the “Land of the Free,” and emphasizes that unless we elect leaders who will uphold biblical and constitutional principles, we will surely become the “home of the slave.” He calls on Americans to embrace the JBS mission of “less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world.
Book this TopicPresident of the American Policy Center
Tom DeWeese passionately believes in the rights of the individual over a powerful, tyrannical, and collectivist society. He is the author of three books: Now Tell Me I Was Wrong, ERASE, and Sustainable: The War on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals. He travels extensively across the nation speaking out as an advocate of private property rights, personal privacy protection, and opposition to government education policy. He is founder and president of the American Policy Center.
The names change, but the threat is real. “Sustainable Development” is the common term for federal, state, and local policies that are destroying private-property rights and values as local rule is diminished.
Book this TopicConstitutional Expert
Robert Brown is a constitutional scholar who created the popular six-part lecture series, “The Constitution Is the Solution.” A former field coordinator for The John Birch Society, Robert is an in-demand speaker who travels throughout the United States to help people better understand America’s preeminent governing document and issues related to it. He believes the key to American restoration is citizens who know the U.S. Constitution and hold elected officials accountable to it.
Robert Brown shows what Mark Meckler of Convention of States (COS) says about an Article V convention, thoroughly debunks his false statements by examining the historical evidence, and offers a $10,000 challenge to Meckler and COS. Brown concludes examining what a convention would look like if it were held today.
Book this TopicMany people are clamoring for an Article V convention to rein in big government. However, such a convention would result in changing the Constitution and risk removing many of its limitations on government power. But is our problem with big government due to a flaw in the Constitution — or a flaw in the politicians? Nullification, the constitutionally-prescribed practice of ignoring unconstitutional “laws,” is the key to reining in big government, not an Article V convention.
Book this TopicEconomist
Mary-Mark Haggard was born in Chicago. At the age of seven, her family landed in L.A. and she was raised in the Hollywood/Los Feliz area. In High School, she attended Free Enterprise seminars and classes on Saturdays and in the evening. She went on to earn a degree in Economics from UCLA.
After college, she was a professional model and dancer until she started having children. Once her oldest was three, she began educating him. Then she proceeded to home school her six children all the way through high school. She homeschooled for 30 years. They have all gone to Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, California; the first five have graduated and the youngest is a sophomore.
During her years of homeschooling she often taught classes to other homeschooled students – sometimes art, sometimes sciences, sometimes dance, and of course economics. She also produced and directed plays. She still fixes the hair for the actors in a Shakespearean group at a small private school.
In 1913, a group of very rich, very powerful men met in secret on an island off the coast of the state of Georgia. Their plan: Create a national bank that not only produced the nation’s money, but controlled its interest rate. It would be sold to the public as the solution to stock market crashes and depressions. In reality, it was an inflationary mechanism designed to make them even richer, which we have been the victims of ever since. Join economics scholar Mary-Mark Haggard for an in-depth examination of the Federal Reserve and its detrimental effects on our economy, and what we can do to end the Fed.
Book this TopicFounder and Chairman of The Constitution Commemoration Foundation
As an executive at AT&T for 13 years, he was in charge of secure communications for the Department of Defense North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). He also was the Director of the Telecommunications Department at Utah State University for 16 years.
Mr. Bradley ran unsuccessfully against U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch in 2006. He campaign platform was “The Plain English Words of the United States Constitution.” His other political activities include several positions within the Utah Republican Party: County Central Committee Member, Precinct Chair, County Delegate, State Delegate, and State Central Committee Member.
He has also testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on behalf of Eagle Forum with concerns about the Patriot Act of 2001.
Did you know that every elected official – police officers, sheriffs, mayors, judges, governors, representatives, and senators – upon entering office, swears an oath to uphold the Constitution? Are you aware that many of our elected officials either support unconstitutional legislation or act in ways that are unconstitutional? Did you know that we the people have the ability – the responsibility – to enforce the Constitution? The problem is that many people today are not familiar enough with our Constitution to recognize when someone is breaking the rules – and there’s a LOT of rule-breaking going on right now, especially in Washington D.C.
Book this TopicAuthor and Filmmaker
Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker and public speaker from Christchurch, New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical-left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics. He believes that these forces must be exposed and countered, as America’s continued role as a bastion of freedom is pivotal for the future of western civilization.
Marxists have infiltrated the evangelical Church in an effort to destroy it. In this riveting presentation, renowned documentarian and researcher Trevor Loudon reveals how the vile anti-Christian ideology is working to destroy the Christian Church — and, more importantly, what can be done about it.
Book this TopicHave you ever wondered why our country seems to suffer, no matter what party is in office? For more than 30 years, Trevor Loudon has researched radical-left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics. What is the hidden agenda of the radical Left? Are we headed toward another Civil War? And how can we, as concerned Americans, make a concerted effort to get our country back on track?
Book this TopicHistorian Author
Frank de Varona is a historian, author, journalist, and expert on Hispanic contributions, with degrees in political science, economics, and social studies, and certificates in Latin American Studies and Educational Administration and Supervision. Born in Cuba, he fought in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and endured two years in a communist prison as a POW. He now resides in Miami with his wife.
Mr. de Varona was a child in Cuba when it was plunged into poverty and despotism under Castro. At 17, he fought in the Bay of Pigs Invasion and endured two years in prison. In this compelling presentation, he will tell you how the “cure” for capitalism is really the method by which Marxists take control, and what we need to do to stop it.
Book this TopicJBS Field Coordinator
Leah Southwell was an eyewitness to this event and the seven years leading up to this. As an American having lived in Holland for 10 years and now 7 years in Chile she has some interesting cultural observations as possible reasons and explanations. As a JBS staff member, she has a deep understanding of the enemy we are facing and the solutions.
Through a military coup in Chile in 1973, a Socialist/Communist president was removed and Marxism was successfully suppressed. Free market economics were introduced and Chile became the world’s “Economic Miracle” and considered the best in Latin America. Then last October society suddenly erupted in violent protest, burning, looting and fighting with the police and even triggering a state of emergency, bringing out the military to the streets of Santiago, and lasting months. We recently saw something similar happening here. What are the commonalities? Although the spark was different the underlying causes are the same. What is happening in the world today and why?
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