

Worst Trade Deal in History

After routinely blasting NAFTA as the “worst trade deal in the history of the world” during his 2016 campaign, President Trump was persuaded to renegotiate NAFTA instead of withdrawing. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), aka NAFTA 2.0, moves us closer to a North American Union. It was approved by the House by 385-41 on December 19, 2019, and by the Senate by 89-10 on January 16, 2020. The USMCA officially came into force on July 1, 2020.

NAFTA 2.0 is not free trade, it is heavily government-regulated trade which strips away American sovereignty, independence, and ultimately, our liberties. We must stop it!

From NAFTA to the NAU

As described by NAFTA supporters, NAFTA was “not a conventional trade agreement, but the architecture of a new international system“. Step-by-step, Canada, Mexico, and the United States are being pushed into an economic and political union known as the North American Union (NAU) that is modeled after the European Union (EU). This “international system” threatens our independence, our Constitution, our rights, and our way of life.

In 2005, the Council on Foreign Relations released a report co-authored by several officials involved in the original NAFTA negotiations, including USTR Carla Hills. The report, titled “Building a North American Community,” proposed a NAU-like organization to deepen the existing integration between the three countries. Globalists have not ceased their efforts at achieving an EU-like union.

This fight is not about jobs, workers, environmental protections, or trade. It’s about retaining our right to govern ourselves as Americans and not as “global citizens.”

Americanism vs. Globalism

Our Founding Fathers knew of the difficulty of keeping our constitutional Republic. They warned against entangling alliances and advised us to jealously guard sovereignty, independence, and liberty. Today globalists are maneuvering countries into regional partnerships and unions.

How do countries feel about losing their sovereignty? Look at what the United Kingdom did in 2016: It voted to get out of the European Union and throw off the shackles of globalism.

If we wish to protect Americanism, our freedom, and our personal rights, we must get out of these entangling alliances. Join with us to Get Us Out! of NAFTA 2.0 – the USMCA – and Stop the North American Union!