The Federal Reserve is a significant danger to liberty, one that is simultaneously degrading people’s livelihoods and our nation’s prosperity.
According to the Constitution, Congress only has the power to “coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin,” and furthermore, “No state shall … coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts….” This means that it is unconstitutional for the Federal Reserve, a creation of Congress, to issue fiat money such as the Federal Reserve Note. Moreover, the only constitutional money is gold and silver coin.
This Restore Constitutional Money action page provides resources for learning about the nature of money, then offers actions that can be taken to restore constitutional money.
Take Action
It is imperative that JBS members and supporters work together to abolish the Federal Reserve. This is a big challenge and therefore needs dedicated and perseverant activism. Here is what you can do right away:
- If you haven’t already, join The John Birch Society and become part of a local chapter. Our efforts will be far more effective when done in a concerted manner through a national, Constitution-based organization.
- Distribute and share the materials listed below — including the products, articles, videos, and legislative alerts — with your fellow citizens to create awareness.
- Schedule a speaking event featuring Alex Newman and/or Steve Bonta, our experts on sound money and the dangers of a Central Bank Digital Currency.
You can also take immediate action on the following actions on the federal and state levels:
- Ultimately, the Federal Reserve must be abolished. Contact your U.S. representative and senators, along with their staff, urging them to introduce and support legislation doing just that.
- Additionally, urge your U.S. representative and senators to enact legislation mandating a full audit of the Federal Reserve and restoring the gold standard. These actions will shed much-needed light on the central bank’s activities and are good first steps toward abolishing the Fed.
- Contact your state legislators in favor of legislation to nullify the Federal Reserve, ending its monopoly on currency and thus enforcing the Constitution. These include, but are not limited to, robustly enforcing the Constitution’s Gold and Silver Clause (Article I, Section 10), expressly recognizing and treating gold and silver as legal tender, ending all taxes on gold and silver, requiring the state to hold some of its financial reserves in gold and silver, and creating a state gold depository. In addition to calling your legislators, schedule in-person meetings to educate them on this topic.
- Urge Congress and state legislators to stop, or nullify, the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). A potential CBDC poses a major threat to freedom, and it would be yet another step away from sound, constitutional money. Both Congress and state legislatures can take strong action to stop a CBDC.
Learn More
Model Legislation
- Model State Sound Money Legislation (Missouri)
- Wyoming Legal Tender Act
- Arkansas Legal Tender Act
- Recognizing Gold and Silver as Legal Tender (Iowa)
- Recognizing Gold and Silver as Legal Tender (Idaho)
- State Bill Recognizing Gold/Silver for Paying Taxes (Wyoming)
- Authorizing Employers to Pay Employees in Gold or Silver (New Hampshire)
- State Gold Depository Bill (Texas)
- Creating Gold/Silver Transactional Currency (Iowa)
- Eliminating Sales Tax on Gold and Silver (Wisconsin)
TNA Articles
- Federal, State Legislation Against the Fed
- Sound Money Movement Scores 2022 Wins
- Fed’s Legalized Counterfeiting Is Spiking Prices
- Nixon’s Ending of Gold: Nothing to Celebrate
- Bankers for the New World Order
- Fed Still Going Wrong at 100
- The Fed Shows No Reserve
- Our Monetary Mayhem Began With the Fed
- A Crisis of Dollars and Sense
Tell Others
Take Action
Federal Reserve Legislative Alerts
- Restore Sound Money in Texas
- Restore Sound Money in West Virginia With HB 2463
- END THE FED with the Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (H.R. 1846 and S. 869)
- Restore Sound Money in Alabama With SB 130
- Restore Sound Money in Michigan With HB 4086
- Restore Sound Money in Idaho With H177
- Restore Sound Money in Utah With HB 306
- Restore Sound Money in Indiana With HB 1614
- Restore Sound Money in Montana With HB 382
- Restore Sound Money in Arizona With SB 1096
- Restore Sound Money in Iowa
- Restore Sound Money in Oklahoma
- Restore Sound Money in New Hampshire With HB 721
- Restore Sound Money in Kansas With SB 39 and SB 115
- Restore Sound Money in Tennessee
- Restore Sound Money in North Dakota With HB 1183
- Ban a Central Bank Digital Currency in Arkansas — Support SB 47 and SB 133
- Restore Sound Money in Virginia With HB 2336
- Restore Sound Money in Alaska With HB 1
- Ban a Central Bank Digital Currency in South Carolina — Support H.3304, H.3442, and S.163
- Restore Sound Money in Wyoming With SF 96
- Restore Sound Money in Florida With SB 132 and HB 999
- Support H.R. 24 to Audit the Federal Reserve
- Restore Sound Money in Missouri with SB 25, HB 433, SB 194, and HB 630
- Restore Sound Money in New Jersey with S721