Inside the Council on Foreign Relations — Behind the Deep State

Our Constitution and national sovereignty are under assault. Attacking them are powerful, internationalist elites — the Deep State — who abhor the concepts of God-given rights, individual freedom, and national independence.

Here’s how William F. Jasper describes the main powerhouse organization behind the Deep State in the June 7, 2021 issue of The New American magazine, “CFR: Still the Power Behind the Throne”:

The CFR does indeed wield unparalleled influence in political, financial, business, media, and academic circles, and is regularly showered with accolades by “the great and the good.” It is the public face, the brain trust, and the central nervous system of what critics refer to as the Deep State — the unelected “permanent government” that has hijacked our country.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to prevent the Deep State, with its Marxist and globalist ideology, from poisoning and ultimately destroying America. With its large and deep influence, how could we possibly make a difference? However, when it comes to defeating the enemy, it’s important to attack the head of the beast, as opposed to its tentacles.

The Truth in Time | Robert Welch

JBS founder Robert Welch regularly emphasized the importance of exposing the Deep State — as opposed to fighting its legislative initiatives, etc. — as the necessary strategy to defeat it. As he noted in the November 1969 JBS Bulletin:

Amid all of this cunningly planned confusion and bestiality, which we see on every side today, we need to keep very level heads. But we also need to realize and to do our utmost to have all other good patriotic citizens realize — that the only thing which really counts in opposing these degrading and treasonous programs is to expose the Conspiracy behind them. Everything else is like constantly chopping off some leaves or strands of ivy, from a vine that is smothering a building, without ever attacking the roots of that vine. Which is just going through motions that the future renders futile.

Although it is important to fight the Deep State through supporting and opposing legislative initiatives on the federal, state, and local levels, it must not be our main strategy. Instead, our primary effort should be on exposing the conspiratorial roots behind the legislative initiatives, programs, and policies we seek to stop. Through this exposure of the Deep State’s role in destroying our freedom, we can more efficiently recruit sufficient members to rout the Deep State and prevent it from establishing what they call a New World Order.

Before we quote from Robert Welch again, please be aware that the terminology has changed a great deal over the past sixty years. During the 1960s and 1970s, Robert Welch often referred to the “Communist Conspiracy” as the enemy that was working to destroy our freedoms in America. In 1966, he began also referring to the Communist conspirators as Insiders. Since those days JBS writers have often used “Insiders,” “establishment elites,” “globalists,” “internationalists,” and “the Deep State” to refer to the same people that Mr. Welch was calling “Communists” in the 1960s. He was never referring only to members of the Communist Party, but was referring more broadly to the internationalist, establishment elites that we now refer to as the Deep State.

As Robert Welch noted in the June 1969 JBS Bulletin:

Our basic theme is that these [nefarious] programs are planned and conducted by Communists — usually behind the scenes — as a vital part of their strategy for destroying the resistance of the American people to the Communist advance. And that not even the programs themselves can really be stopped until enough people understand how completely they are directed and supported by the Conspiracy. While obviously the Conspiracy itself cannot be stopped until enough people are willing to face up to its existence, its pervasive reach, and its menace….

It is our opportunity, our duty, and our only hope of survival to talk more, not less, about the Conspiracy. And even in opposing its deceptively foul programs … we should do so quite largely on the very grounds that they are planned and directed by the Communist Conspiracy to serve Communist purposes. For that is the core of the problem, and the key to its solution.

Accordingly, our “Expose the Deep State” action project is designed to 1) give you resources and direction to effectively expose the Deep State and 2) help you educate others about the Deep State so that you can recruit them to help us in exposing it, thereby preserving our freedom.