Have you looked at the national public school report card lately? There is no academic category in which half of public-school students are proficient.
Only 24% of America’s 12th graders are proficient in math. A third are proficient in reading. And only 12% of those seniors have an understanding of American history. Is it any wonder our nation is in deep trouble?
Abysmal report cards are nothing new. Public schools have been failing America’s youth for decades. But they aren’t just dumbing down the next generation. Public schools are systematically brainwashing students with harmful ideologies. Public education has been instrumental in producing an increasing number of anti-America, amoral and socialist-minded adults.
Academic Failure

From the late 1970s, the decade responsible for the ominous, unnecessary, and unconstitutional creation of the federal Department of Education, to today, scholastic performance has bottomed out across disciplines. According to results from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the “Nation’s Report Card,” only about one-third of children in grades four, eight, and 12 are “proficient” in reading. Just six percent of 12th graders were “advanced.” And well over a third are “below basic,” which means they are functionally illiterate.
According to the results of ACT standardized tests, college-bound students are doing worse than they have ever done in the examination’s history. SAT scores have been declining ever since the test began, with the architects being forced to “re-center” it every few years to conceal the plunging scores. On every metric, America’s children are getting worse, and the trend is spiraling downward.
Taxpayer-funded Social Re-engineering
Recent polls show that one in three millennials favor communism and as many as 70 percent would likely vote for a socialist candidate. In 2020, thousands of young people were propagandized and weaponized against their own country as they burned, looted, and sought to tear down their cities. Make no mistake, public indoctrination played a major role in the mindsets of many of those restless youth, as President Donald Trump pointed out in his Independence Day speech at Mount Rushmore.
The federal government is now pushing schools to teach racism, ironically, under the pretext of anti-racism. With that, Critical Race Theory is set to transform the nation’s schools into sites of overt Marxist conflict, pitting whites against minorities, the wealthy against the poor, and the “heteronormative” against the “gay” and transgendered. President Joe Biden committed billions of dollars for public schools willing to create new ways of incorporating Critical Race Theory in their classrooms. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona is gathering support for overriding current curricular programs with Critical Race Theory initiatives.
Public education has also been instrumental in sexualizing and perverting students. While this has been happening for decades, the perverting has ramped up beyond normalizing homosexuality and gender confusion. Some public schools are now teaching “transgender” ideologies and supporting young children to be mutilated in the name of transitioning to the gender they “identify with.” Many American schools have put on Drag Queen Story Hour, during which men dressed up as women read to children.
This is what’s happening in public schools. And it’s about to get worse. The progressive resetting of American public schools is about to be unleashed with full force on drowsy, preoccupied, and COVID-weary families from coast to coast and from preschool through high school. New, transformative education mandates will also redirect the learning policies of the majority of private and so-called religious schools that take their pedagogical cues not from classical education or scriptural models, but from ideologically driven university departments of education, with their tenured armies of social justice-drunk educrats and administrators.
Is it Ineptness? Or Something Worse?
Many believe the disastrous results are unintended consequences of a public education system gone awry and if the broken parts are fixed everything will be OK. And because of that view, well-meaning concerned citizens have for years labored to repair public schools. They’ve served on school boards, attended school district meetings religiously, voiced their concerns to everyone in the school building down to the janitor, and even protested and petitioned against certain curricula. Multiple states have even moved to ban Critical Race Theory. Yet witnesses have said it’s still being taught.
Despite the good faith efforts to reform public education, it continues to worsen. Academic scores continue their downward descent while the social re-engineering aspect of “education” increases its radical ascent. Nationwide, the Department of Education has continuously increased its control of the curricula. Just a few years ago, federal control over education greatly intensified thanks to Common Core.
The truth is public education is working exactly as it was designed to do. Before universal, state-funded education existed in America, when Americans were among the most educated people in the world thanks to private and home schools, public education fathers Horace Mann and John Dewey envisioned a centralized, government-controlled, anti-Christian public education apparatus that would usher in universal social changes. Today, in school districts all across the country, teachers, administrators and superintendents all work toward the same mission as the founders of public education, as they help brainwash and raise un-American and amoral generations of adults, in the same manner as was done to them.
America has gone from being the best-educated society in all of human history — a moral and intellectual superpower — to being a dumbed-down, ignorant, and increasingly immoral nation on the brink of destruction. But it was not by accident. In fact, it was all a deliberate plan. This incredible transformation was brought about by seizing control of education and weaponizing it.
Public schools are doing what they were created to do: Destroy Americanism and the values the religious faith that built this nation. And if the United States has any chance of surviving, citizens must completely abandon any hope of “saving” the government’s indoctrination camps posing as educational institutions. There is no reforming public schools.
The education issue transcends all others. Neutralizing the disastrous consequences of public education is key to restoring and preserving a free and sovereign America.
This action project focuses on three major steps that would help reclaim America’s children and its future:
- Get our children out of public schools
- Encourage faith leaders to form a cohesive crusade against public education
- Defunding all state and local public-school programs and abolishing the federal Department of Education