
Legislative Action Alerts

legislative action alerts

Below is a list of legislative action alerts. Each alert includes a pre-written message that you can email to your representatives.

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Our Legislative Alert widget will provide a few talking points when creating a video or calling your lawmakers. Once you are all done, share this page with others in order to create greater pressure on legislature to do the right thing.

Support Rescinding Washington’s Con-Con Applications — Enact SJM 8008

Members of the Washington State Legislature are attempting to pass SJM 8008, which would rescind every live application to Congress calling for a convention to propose amendments, under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Kentucky Bill HB 141

Members of the Kentucky General Assembly are seeking to enact HB 141, to nullify unconstitutional federal deployments of the Kentucky National Guard.

Restore Sound Money in Wyoming With SF 96

Members of the Wyoming Legislature are seeking to enact SF 96, which would help restore sound money and enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions.

Restore Sound Money in Florida With SB 132

Members of the Florida Legislature are seeking to enact SB 132, which would help restore sound money and enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions.

Support North Dakota Con-Con Rescission Resolution SCR 4003

Members of the North Dakota Legislative Assembly are attempting to pass SCR 4003, which would rescind every live application to Congress calling for a convention to propose amendments, under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With New Hampshire Bill HB 104

Members of the New Hampshire General Court are seeking to enact HB 104, which would nullify unconstitutional federal deployments of the New Hampshire National Guard.

Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Oklahoma Bill SB 188

Members of the Oklahoma Legislature are seeking to SB 188 to nullify unconstitutional federal deployments of the Oklahoma National Guard.

Oppose Oregon Pro-ranked-choice Voting Bill HB 3166

Members of the Oregon Legislative Assembly are considering HB 3166, which would help implement ranked-choice voting (RCV) in the state. The Legislative Assembly must reject RCV and the detrimental effects it would have on election integrity.

Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With Texas Bill HB 930

Members of the Texas Legislature are seeking to enact HB 930, which would nullify unconstitutional federal deployments of the Texas National Guard.

Stop Federal Constitutional Convention Resolutions in Kansas

Members of the Kansas Legislature are seeking to pass HCR 5001, which would apply to Congress to “call a Convention for proposing Amendments,” under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a federal constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Nullify Unconstitutional Wars With South Carolina Bill H.3308

Members of the South Carolina General Assembly are seeking to enact H.3308, which would to nullify unconstitutional federal deployments of the South Carolina National Guard.

Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in Texas With HB 1281

HB 1281 has been introduced in the Texas Legislature to nullify the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and World Economic Forum (WEF). It is imperative that legislators enact this bill and protect our God-given freedoms!

Stop HJ 1 — Protect the Right to Life in Virginia

Virginia has proposed amending to the Constitution of Virginia to establish a “fundamental right to reproductive freedom,” that would guaranteeing taxpayer-funded abortions, transgender procedures, and in vitro fertilization treatment.

Support H.R. 24 to Audit the Federal Reserve

Members of Congress are seeking to enact H.R. 24, which would mandate a full audit of the unconstitutional and unaccountable Federal Reserve.

Support Rescinding New Hampshire’s Con-Con Applications — Enact HCR 5

Members of the New Hampshire General Court are attempting to pass HCR 5, which would rescind every live application to Congress calling for a convention to propose amendments, under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Stop Indiana Federal Constitutional Convention Resolution SJR 21

Members of the Indiana General Assembly are seeking to introduce and pass SJR 21, which applies to Congress to call a convention to propose amendments, under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Support Kentucky Nullification Resolution SJR 19

Members of the Kentucky General Assembly are seeking to pass SJR 19, which affirms “the sovereign right of Kentucky to nullify unconstitutional acts of the federal government.” It is imperative that the General Assembly enacts this bill, along with strong, substantive legislation that nullifies unconstitutional federal actions.

Support Rescinding California’s Con-Con Applications — Enact SJR 1

Members of the California State Legislature are attempting to pass HJR 230, which would rescind every live application to Congress calling for a convention to propose amendments, under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Support South Carolina Con-Con Rescission Resolution H.3395

Members of the South Carolina General Assembly are attempting to pass H.3395, which would rescind every live application to Congress calling for a convention to propose amendments, under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Restore Sound Money in Missouri with SB 25, HB 433, SB 194, and HB 630

Members of the Missouri General Assembly are seeking to enact SB 25, HB 433, SB 194, and HB 630, which would help restore sound money and enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions.

Support the Texas Sovereignty Act, HB 796, HB 898, & SB 80

Members of the Texas Legislature are seeking to enact the Texas Sovereignty Act (HB 796, HB 898, & SB 80), which would be one of the strongest and most comprehensive nullification bills in the country.

Stop New Hampshire Federal Constitutional Convention Resolution HCR 3

Members of the New Hampshire General Court are seeking to pass HCR 3, which would apply to Congress to “call a Convention for proposing Amendments,” under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a federal constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Stop Maine Federal Constitutional Convention Resolution SP 10

Members of the Maine Legislature are seeking to pass SP 10, which would apply to Congress to call a convention to propose amendments under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Stop South Carolina Federal Constitutional Convention Resolutions

Members of the South Carolina General Assembly are seeking to pass H.3007, S.105, H.3008, and H.3558, which would apply to Congress to call “a convention for proposing amendments,” under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Stop Arkansas Federal Constitutional Convention Resolution HJR 1004

Members of the Arkansas General Assembly are seeking to pass HJR 1004, which would apply for an Article V constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Stop Wyoming Federal Constitutional Convention Resolution SJ0001

Members of the Wyoming Legislature are seeking to pass SJ0001, which would apply to Congress to “call a Convention for proposing Amendments,” under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con) or “convention of the states.”

Stop South Dakota Federal Constitutional Convention Resolutions

Members of the South Dakota Legislature are seeking to pass SJR 502 and HJR 5002, which would apply for an Article V constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Stop Montana Federal Constitutional Convention Resolution SJ 4

Members of the Montana Legislature are seeking to pass SJ 4, which would apply to Congress to “call a Convention for proposing Amendments,” under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con) or “convention of the states,” as some erroneously refer to it.

Get US Out! of the UN

The United Nations is one of the greatest threats to U.S. national sovereignty and the God-given freedoms of Americans. It is imperative that Congress reintroduce and enact legislation to Get US Out! of the UN and all its associated entities.

Restore Federal Election Integrity

Congress must repeal every unconstitutional federal election law, prevent the passage of laws that encourage voter fraud, and — working within its constitutional limitations — enact legislation that builds confidence in our Republic’s elections.

Stop Radical Mass-migration Policies

The United States is facing an existential crisis in the form of mass migration. By importing significant numbers of individuals from cultures with no knowledge or understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the Founding Fathers’ philosophical principles, the Left is able to reshape the nation to its liking — importing the very type of socialist and corrupt governments that many migrants arrived from.

Slash Unconstitutional Federal Spending

Federal spending is out of control — and the vast majority of it is blatantly unconstitutional. If not stopped, this fiscal recklessness will destroy our Republic. Congress must act immediately to drastically reduce its bloated, unconstitutional spending spree.

Eliminate CFR Members From Appointments!

Tell your U.S. representative and senators to eliminate CFR members from appointments! Urge them not to support or confirm any members of the Council on Foreign Relations into the federal government.

Stop Tyrannical UN Gun Control Treaty

The Biden administration wants to join and ratify the UN Arms Trade Treaty, which would severely infringe upon the Second Amendment.

Prevent Unconstitutional Wars: Get US Out! of NATO

NATO is a UN-subservient alliance that threatens U.S. national sovereignty. It is imperative that Congress follow the advice of the Founding Fathers and withdraw the U.S. from this entangling alliance.

Defund & Abolish Unconstitutional Federal Law Enforcement

The federal government is increasingly meddling in and taking control over local law enforcement, threatening the autonomy of local police and leading to a federalized police force. Congress must defund and abolish every federal agency that threatens the independence of local police.

STOP Forced mRNA Jabs, “Vaccine Passport” schemes, and Mask Mandates!

Globalists, leftists, Big Pharma, and the Deep State are pushing for forced vaccinations, whether through “vaccine passports” or outright government mandates. It is imperative that our leaders put an end to these schemes.

Nullify the UN, WHO, & WEF in New Jersey With A4453

A4453 has been introduced in the New Jersey Legislature to nullify the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and World Economic Forum (WEF). It is imperative that legislators enact this bill and protect our God-given freedoms!

End State Involvement in Federal “Climate Change” Scheme

Nearly every state has joined a Biden-EPA scheme to that would help implement the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 in the name of stopping supposed “climate change.” Urge your state legislators to withdraw your state from this unconstitutional, collectivist scheme.

Restore Sound Money in New Jersey with S721

Members of the New Jersey Legislature are seeking to enact S721, which would help to restore sound money.

Divest From BlackRock — Reject Leftist Ideology

Malicious actors, including BlackRock, have been pushing woke, leftist nonsense — using taxpayer money! State legislators must divest from BlackRock and other leftism-promoting corporations.

Oppose New Jersey Federal Constitutional Convention Resolutions

Members of the New Jersey Legislature are seeking to pass ACR 31, SCR 15, SCR 35, and AJR 207, which would apply to Congress to call a convention to propose amendments under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con).

Outlaw Subversive Agenda 2030 Schemes

Agenda 2030 is a major threat to liberty and is being implemented across the country — maybe even in your town or county. Contact your state legislators and urge them to enact strong legislation banning all governmental involvement in Agenda 2030 or “sustainable development” schemes.

Stop Agenda 2030 in Indiana — Oppose the LEAP Project

Indiana authorities are developing a World Economic Forum-inspired 15-minute city near Lebanon, Indiana. State legislators must stand against the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and the WEF’s Great Reset by opposing such dangerous schemes!

Ban Gain-of-Function Research in Colorado

Colorado State University is constructing a facility to conduct dangerous research on bat-borne diseases. The Colorado General Assembly must enact legislation preventing this and other gain-of-function research in the state.

Stop Article V Constitutional Convention Resolutions

Whether your state has previously passed and has a “live” application to Congress to call a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA) or not, your state is likely still the target of other organizations advocating for an Article V convention to propose different amendments.

Support Nullification to Enforce the Constitution

Nullification, rooted in Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, is a powerful tool for protecting our liberties and limiting the federal government. State legislators must use it to counter the far-left and unconstitutional policies currently emanating from the federal government.

Restore Sound Money in North Carolina With H721

Members of the North Carolina General Assembly are seeking to enact H721, which would help restore sound money and enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions.

Stop State ESAs and Vouchers — Don’t Shackle Parents With Government Subsidies

State legislatures are increasingly considering and enacting school vouchers and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). Although these proposals might sound good, they severely threaten individual freedom and parental rights and with the government funds come various onerous strings. It is imperative that state legislators oppose vouchers and ESAs, and instead protect educational freedom!

Stop North Carolina Federal Constitutional Convention Resolutions

Members of the North Carolina General Assembly are seeking to pass HJR 235 and HB 648, which would apply to Congress to “call a Convention for proposing Amendments,” under Article V of the Constitution, otherwise known as a constitutional convention (Con-Con) or “convention of the states,” as some erroneously refer to it.

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