JBS Director of Communications Bill Hahn with the JBS weekly news video, September 7 – 13, 2015.

In this week’s Analysis Behind the News video, JBS Director of Communications Bill Hahn discusses how the recent execution of a Texas sheriff’s deputy has focused national attention on an ongoing war on police; how the John Birch Society produced a 1966 documentary, “Anarchy, USA,” which exposed a 5-step plan by far-left and communist groups to create a semblance of revolution in our streets; how the 4th step was “precipitate mob violence,” which involved creating violent confrontations between demonstrators and local police forces; how this deliberate war on police is now being used as part of a pressure from above/pressure from below strategy to nationalize our local police forces; how a national police force is the hallmark of tyranny; how sheriffs and local police help protect citizens from a tyrannical federal government; how the John Birch Society has sponsored “Support Your Local Police & Keep Them Independent! committees for 50 years now; how we encourage you to start a local Support Your Local Police committee in your area; and how the entire next issue of The New American magazine will consist of articles on the war on police and what you can do about it (watch for the articles on http://www.TheNewAmerican.com).