
‘Support Your Local Police’: Now More Than Ever

December 22, 2014

JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for Dec. 22 – 28, 2014.

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how in the light of the recent violence against policemen we need to aware of how The John Birch Society has had a campaign to “Support Your Local Police – And Keep Them Independent!” since the 1960s; how the main purpose of this campaign has been to prevent the federalization of our local police forces and thereby to keep them under the control of locally elected officials; how the international communist movement was behind the worldwide demonstrations against police in the 1960s and still is today; how Al Sharpton has recently called for the federalization of our police; how local police forces need to be persuaded that they need to stay under local control and not accept federal funding and equipment; and much more.