An Article V convention is like a gun, it is neither good nor bad. It is just an extremely powerful tool.

A gun in the right hands can be used for good. In the wrong hands, it can do terrible destruction.

An Article V convention in the wrong hands can destroy what we have left of our liberty, hastening our demise.

Whose are the wrong hands?

People who are ignorant of what the Constitution already says. People who do not understand the principles upon which our constitution was formed, nor the world history which gave the Framers the wisdom to form it. People who are driven by partisan agendas or the influence of lobbyists. People who are trying to make their mark in the history books.

In other words, the vast majority of people involved in politics today.

No wonder the late Supreme Court Justice Scalia warned, “This is not a good century to write a constitution.”

I can identify with Madison, who “trembled” at the thought of a convention “in the present temper of America” and “in the present ferment of parties”.

Only a fool would place such a powerful weapon into such hands.

Learn more about Article V and the amendment process by visiting