La presentación mas popular y ampliamente distribuida de The John Birch Society. “Resumen” ofrece una explicación sencilla sobre diferentes sistemas gubernamentales, economía básica y principios morales eternos. Gracias a estos principios, los Estados Unidos fue capaz de desarrollarse como el país mas prospero en la historia.

The John Birch Society’s most impactful and widely seen video about the American form of government is now available in Spanish. Why Spanish? Those that come from Spanish speaking countries appreciate the quality education they receive about the American form of government, because they do not get it anywhere else!

Over the years, immigrants from countries under communist rule have been some of the most patriotic Americans we know. They know the dangers of losing America and do the best they can to protect Americanism.

Our English version is located here:

Enjoy either version, but learn about Americanism and work to protect it by joining The John Birch Society.