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Constitutional Enforcement

Don’t Be Conned into an Article V Convention

Constitutionalists in all levels of government agree, the solution is not a “convention of states” or constitutional convention, it’s constitutional enforcement. Join the...

State Rep. Josiah Magnuson: Says to Enforce the U.S. Constitution!

South Carolina Representative Josiah Magnuson tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this...

City Commissioner Tim Marden: Hold Congress Accountable!

Newberry, FL City Commissioner Tim Marden tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to...

State Rep. Matt Shea: Why Not Enforce Current Constitution?

Washington State Representative Matt Shea tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this...

Congressman Thomas Massie: They Don’t Follow the Constitution!

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this playlist...

State Rep. Dorothy Moon: We Need to Adhere to the Constitution!

Idaho State Representative Dorothy Moon tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this...

State Rep. Christy Zito: The problem isn’t the Constitution!

Idaho State Representative Christy Zito tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this...

State Rep. Ron Nate: A Constitutional Convention has Dangers!

Idaho State Representative Ron Nate tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this...

State Rep. Karey Hanks: We should Follow the Constitution we Have!

Idaho State Representative Karey Hanks tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this...

Why the Electoral College?

In the aftermath of every presidential election, the Electoral College comes under scrutiny, even attack. Many Americans have no clue of its important...

Experience the Surge 1 of 3

Art Thompson, CEO of The John Birch Society, explains the surge that JBS is experiencing during its 50th year with highlights of some...