MT State Rep. Brad Tschida sponsored a Con-Con application resolution in 2017, but after reflecting on “some new information that came to my attention” he testified in committee against his own resolution on Feb 15, 2017! He said, “I guess we can always do one of two things in these situations. We can staunchly defend why we took the position we did even though we know it’s wrong… Or we can admit that we were wrong…”

Rep. Tschida not only did the honorable thing, he tried to persuade other legislators to reject a Con-Con! He correctly stated “that there are more effective ways to curb a problem in Washington, DC than using this measure.” Please share his testimony with your legislators. States that have already passed a Con-Con application can do the honorable thing and help stop a reckless Con-Con by rescinding their application.

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For the full committee hearing: