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Stop a Constitutional Convention

Since 1787, America has chosen to avoid the risk of a new convention that could rewrite our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We must make sure that this doesn’t happen by understanding that a Constitutional Convention is an urgent threat to our rights.

Join us in watching these videos above to stay educated on a Constitutional Convention and help others realize the dangers on a Con-Con.

Rep. Hageman: Article V Con-Con is Dangerous!

Congresswoman Harriet Hageman (R-Wyo.), a strict constructionist and constitutionalist, is asked about her position on a constitutional convention, under Article V, to propose...

Don’t Be Conned into an Article V Convention

Constitutionalists in all levels of government agree, the solution is not a “convention of states” or constitutional convention, it’s constitutional enforcement. Join the...

Reasons for a Convention are No Reasons at All

Please help us avoid Big Tech censorship by subscribing to:The JBS Rumble Channel: JBS YouMaker Channel: week two more states were...

State Rep. Josiah Magnuson: Says to Enforce the U.S. Constitution!

South Carolina Representative Josiah Magnuson tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this...

City Commissioner Tim Marden: Hold Congress Accountable!

Newberry, FL City Commissioner Tim Marden tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to...

Congressman Thomas Massie: They Don’t Follow the Constitution!

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: your voice to this playlist...

The Balanced Budget Amendment is Fraudulent! | Thomas Massie

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie reveals several problems with a balanced budget amendment.▶️ Watch Thomas Massie’s Full Presentation:🚫 Stop A ConCon: #BBA #StopConCon ...

Can We Drain The Swamp?

Drain it? We can end it! Not by rewriting the Constitution, but by enforcing it. If you value American liberty, don’t fall for...

JBS Scores Big Wins in Con-Con Battle

Already in 2018 The John Birch Society and others have either defeated or stopped the call for Article V convention applications in 8...

Electoral College in the Crosshairs

The Left wants a Con-Con too and they have more to gain. They will try to influence elections by abolishing the Electoral College...

Tricked Into Gun Control

When a COS supporter asked on Facebook why couldn’t the Second Amendment be updated at a COS Article V convention, Convention of States...

Article VI Not V Is the Solution #Article6not5

Learn how nullification can be used to rein in our out-of-control government by watching Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention (4 min.) at ...

Is the Constitution Outdated?

Learn how the Constitution can still be used to rein in our out-of-control government by watching Change It or Obey It? – Why...

What Will Balance the Budget?

With an unprecedented national debt of $20 trillion and the likelihood of continued unbalanced budgets, we’re only a handful of states away from...

What Is a Constitutional Convention?

What Is a Constitutional Convention?One of a series of nine short videos featuring Charlie Meadows, Founder of OC-PAC, answering common questions about constitutional...

What is a Runaway Convention?

What is a Runaway Convention?One of a series of nine short videos featuring Charlie Meadows, Founder of OC-PAC, answering common questions about constitutional...