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The Danger of Absolute Power | Activate America

The United Nations has been accumulating power since its founding in 1945. Its goal is one-world government. In this week’s episode of Activate America, Arthur Thompson discusses the dangers of absolute power, the UN, and why it’s so important to Get US out of the UN.  

Take Action:

  1. Get US Out of the UN
  2. Like and Share this video with others.
  3. Apply for Membership with The John Birch Society and get involved. 

The United Nations has been accumulating power since its founding in 1945. Its goal is one-world government. In this week’s episode of Activate America, Arthur Thompson discusses the dangers of absolute power, the UN, and why it’s so important to Get US out of the UN.  

Take Action:

  1. Get US Out of the UN
  2. Like and Share this video with others.
  3. Apply for Membership with The John Birch Society and get involved.