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Identify Insider Treason | Activate America

In the 60’s, a documented a pattern of events led to a book called “None Dare Call It Treason”.  It sold millions of copies.  Looking at the events of today, we see a similar pattern with government insiders pushing for an American collapse under the United Nations. 

Action Items:

  1. Like and share this video with others.
  2. Learn more about Joe Biden in the book, “Benedict Biden“.
  3. To learn more about the organizations and people who are moving this agenda forward read “In the Shadows of the Deep State”. 

In the 60’s, a documented a pattern of events led to a book called “None Dare Call It Treason”.  It sold millions of copies.  Looking at the events of today, we see a similar pattern with government insiders pushing for an American collapse under the United Nations. 

Action Items:

  1. Like and share this video with others.
  2. Learn more about Joe Biden in the book, “Benedict Biden“.
  3. To learn more about the organizations and people who are moving this agenda forward read “In the Shadows of the Deep State”.