
Supreme Court’s Views on Vax Mandates Threaten Liberty

While many conservatives celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion blocking Biden’s mandate that forced private employers to require their employees to be vaccinated, the justices’ reason for their decision is downright scary. In this episode, Paul talks with Christian Gomez and Peter Rykowski of The John Birch Society’s research department about the justices’ unconstitutional views on liberty, the need for people to support healthcare workers who are forced to take the vaccine, kicking the federal government completely out of healthcare, and the campaign to get rid of OSHA. 

Resouces & Action Items

Read SCOTUS Slaps Down OSHA Vax Mandate, but Mandate for Health Workers Is OK

Watch Overview of America

Learn about Nullification, the answer to Big Government

Support abolishing OSHA

Watch The Constitution is the Solution

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